Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 415 Don't make trouble, I'm sleepy

I just finished dissecting two corpses. Although they are armed from head to toe, if I don't take a bath to wash my head, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep no matter how sleepy I am!

If you want to say that there are those professions that love the most cleanliness and cleanliness.

Doctor, must come first!

Forensic medicine is also a medical word, not to mention, most of the doctors come into contact with living people, and forensic medicine dissects all corpses!

In terms of cleanliness, it's even worse.

Showering, shampooing, and drying the hair took a total of 20 minutes to complete.

In the end, he gulped and patted the lotion on his face.

In the room, someone didn't sleep first.

When Su Zhixiao came in, he saw someone sitting on the head of the bed, smoking a cigarette.


"Fu Jiyan, can't you go outside to smoke if you want to smoke? Didn't you see that your son is still there?"

Is it okay for children to inhale secondhand smoke?

In fact, I just lit it and took two puffs. At this moment, I can only extinguish the cigarette butt and throw it into the trash can.

Someone's addiction to smoking used to be quite strong when he was young, but now he rarely smokes.

Only when I really can't bear it, I will take two sips.

Who knows, he was caught by his wife.

Su Zhixiao rolled his eyes several times, then lifted the quilt and lay down on the bed, pinched his son's little cheek, and kissed again:

"Good Night, Darling."

I was still exhausted at first, but after seeing my son, it seemed that all fatigue was gone.

Lie on the pillow and close your eyes.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, I felt something strange.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw that the child who was sleeping beside him just now had been moved to the side, and a certain stinky man was lying beside him majestically.

Habitually, the big hand was going to wrap around the woman's waist.


Hands were slapped away.

"Fu Jiyan, what are you doing?"

"Hold my wife to bed!"

The law allows it, who wants to object?

Su Zhixiao tweeted:

"It's full of smoke, get out of the way, and bring my son back."

Getting out of the way is impossible.

It's even more impossible to put that unsightly brat back.

Forced to reach out and grab him, he scooped him up to the full, and even kissed him shamelessly.

"Don't make trouble, I'm sleepy."

"Well, just kiss for a while."

Wait, how long is the kiss?

"Fu Jiyan!"

"Okay, okay, don't move you, sleep, okay?"

Why is it so unbelievable?

He glanced suspiciously several times:

"you sure?"


"Not sure, do you want to try?"

"Shut up and sleep!

I was really sleepy and tired. "

All of a sudden, he spoke out what was in his heart.

A certain person behaved well, lying flat on the side, not forgetting to squeeze his wife's shoulders, arms and so on.

Su Zhixiao didn't refuse either, after all, it's quite comfortable to have someone pinch your shoulders.

"How's the strength?"

"Okay, and my waist is sore."

"Well, I'll press it for you."

Su Zhixiao didn't know how long someone pressed him for, it was very comfortable anyway, after that, he didn't know anything and fell asleep completely.

Until, hearing the voice of his son chirping, he opened his eyes with difficulty, but he didn't see anything clearly:

"Baby." called out.

The kid who had already dressed neatly ran to the bedside:

"Mom, Porridge is going to school!"

His sight was finally clear, and he could clearly see his son's chubby face:

"Okay, let Dad take you there, do you know how to be obedient at school?"

"Yeah, goodbye mom."



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