Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 421 What Are You Pinching Her For?

"Let's do it, I'll go to the hospital to check the medical records of the three people."


Remnants of the body surface were only extracted from one victim, but were not found on the other two victims.

Therefore, there is reason to suspect that the two of them have problems with their own bodies, electrocuted to death, or just an inducement!

. . . . . .

The three victims lived in different communities, but they were all not far away, in several real estate buildings near the swimming pool.

Su Zhixiao, Guo Yishuo, and Luo Sai went to the old lady's house in a group of three.

Of course, there must have been more than three people in the past this time, and there were members of the SWAT team following them.

The same was true for the other two groups.

When they arrived, it was obvious that the old lady was going to play tricks again.

Su Zhixiao said very calmly:

"Old lady, if you continue to obstruct our handling of the case, we can take compulsory measures against you!"

While speaking, he gave Guo Yishuo a look.

"Search warrant, take a closer look."

Seeing that there was a search warrant, the crowd watching the excitement all backed away a few steps.

I was afraid of being labeled as obstructing the police from handling the case.

That is to be caught!

Although everyone is not so specific about the laws and regulations, but some simple ones are still clear in their hearts.

Even the old lady shut up when she saw that the other party was serious.

It's just that, although he no longer makes trouble with the police, he is extremely harsh on his daughter-in-law.

"Are you going to die? What are you still doing? Help me over there!"

"Okay, Mom."

When the daughter-in-law reached out to support her, the old lady deliberately pinched a few times, and the back of her daughter-in-law's hands turned red.

Seeing this scene, Su Zhixiao frowned slightly:

"What are you pinching her for?" He asked directly.

As women, I can't see this kind of thing.

Of course, as a policeman, it is impossible to watch people being bullied!

Although it is the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, in the eyes of the police, they are all equal.

The old lady didn't expect to be seen by the police, so she was a little embarrassed:

"You read it wrong. I didn't pinch her, but I was a little stronger."


Who would believe this?

There are more than one or two red marks on the back of your daughter-in-law's hand, and everyone is not blind.

Su Zhixiao could only remind her to stop it, it was impossible to really do anything to the old lady, so she beckoned to her daughter-in-law:

"Sister, come here, I have a few questions for you to answer."

"Good officer."

He made a look at Guo Yishuo and Luo Sai, and they entered the room.

Su Zhixiao stood at the door of the villa, waiting for the victim's wife to come forward.

As for the three victims this time, their family conditions are very good. Both of them live in small villas, and one of them lives in a large flat.

After the victim's wife came over, Su Zhixiao opened the notebook and began to ask questions.

"How is your relationship with your husband?"

"It can't be said to be bad, and it can't be said to be good, so let's make do with it."

"How old is the child?"

"One is in junior high school and the other is in high school. His father had an accident last night, and we didn't dare to notify them."

It's really not good to suddenly inform the child of this kind of thing.

Easy to go wrong!

"Your husband owns the company, right? How is the relationship between the company, employees and partners?"

"It's a private decoration company. There are dozens of workers under it. They all have a good relationship. Every Chinese New Year and holidays, my husband will give extra red envelopes to the workers."

This boss is not bad!

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