Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 464 I Can't Think Of It

Things that only exist on the black market are most likely still in the experimental stage, so there are no such things in normal channels.

And it won't be that easy to get them.

Money, relationships, etc. must be in place.

Su Zhixiao glanced sideways at Luo Sai:

"Have you checked the bank account information of the three victims and their family members?" asked.

Rose nodded:

"I've checked, all the seven aunts and eight aunts have checked, and there is no problem."

So, what's going on?

"Where is the entry and exit?"

"I also checked, and found nothing."

Very good, I have fallen into a dead end again!

Su Zhixiao frowned, Cui Xingran only saw the monitoring screen on the screen, and then suddenly said:

"Pause the picture of the swimming pool."


Su Zhixiao quickly tapped the keyboard a few times, the screen paused and zoomed in.

Cui Xingran stood up, approached the screen, lowered his head, and watched carefully for a while:

"Stand back a little."


The speed is very slow, and the movements and expressions of the characters on the screen are infinitely magnified several times.

"Back up a little more."


"Okay, here it is."


"Officer Cui, what's the problem?"

Cui Xingran also frowned, propped his chin with one hand, and unconsciously scratched the corner of his mouth with his fingers.

Scratched several times:

"Wait for me to figure it out, there is a key point, I haven't thought of it yet."

The monitoring screen has always been in a paused state. At this time, of course no one will move. In case of such a touch, Officer Cui finally finds something, and it may disappear in an instant.

Wait, wait, after a while, Cui Xingran slapped his head violently:

"I see, I know what happened to these people!"

At this moment, other people in the office also gathered around in an instant.

"Brother Cui, what did you find?"

"Tell me."

Because of this case, everyone is scratching their hair and getting bald.

Of course it would be nice to solve the case as soon as possible, and I can also go home after get off work and sleep or something.

Cui Xingran suddenly turned around:

"Wait a minute, I'll go back to the office first."

Although I already have an idea in my heart, I can't say it right away, and I have to do a small experiment.

Everyone watched Cui Xingran leave in a hurry, but they had no choice but to go back to the desk.

Su Zhixiao didn't touch the computer screen, and continued to watch other surveillance videos, otherwise, he couldn't just sit here in a daze, right?

However, all thoughts and attention stopped at the swimming pool.

What is the difference in this picture?

As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the art industry!

As a forensic doctor, Su Zhixiao is absolutely professional in anatomy and autopsy.

But in terms of trace inspection, I am not so proficient.

So much so, that I watched it so many times, I couldn't see anything.

Can't help but ask Rose who was also watching from the side:

"Did you find anything?"

Rose shook her head:


No matter how you look at it, there is no problem!

Very normal surveillance footage!

Some confused.

Su Zhixiao sighed:

"Forget it, wait for Officer Cui to come out and you will know the answer."

Now, even if the two of them are thinking about it here, they can't figure out why.

Rosey agrees:


In the trace inspection office.

Cui Xingran sat in front of the computer, quickly operating the mouse and keyboard.

On the computer screen, the animation clips of several victims in the swimming pool at the time of the crime were being simulated.

Several possibilities were envisioned.

But in the end there is only one kind of success!

He stood up:

"I know, I really know this time!"

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