The plane landed after 40 minutes. After getting off the plane, Huo Yun sent a message to a few little sisters who had played together since they were young, asking about this incident.

The message came back quickly.

Little Sister No. 1:

"It's true. Anyway, there was a lot of commotion at the time, and the Nan family was exiled abroad for several years because of this."

Little Sister 2:

"Ayun, why are you asking this? Don't you have any thoughts about Fu Er?"

As soon as Huo Yun saw this question, his brows were wrinkled:

"Don't talk nonsense, I never have any idea about Fu Er, okay? Others don't know, you still don't know?"

Little Sister 2:

"Hey, I know, I know, Fu Er is not the type that Ah Yun likes!"

Little Sister No. 3:

"Ayun, don't you know that the Nan family was directly retreated to the second-rate circle because of this incident?

I heard that it was the old lady from the Nan family who went to Mr. Fu and the Huo family to kneel down and beg for mercy, and finally stopped here. "


"Madam Nan kneels down?"

Little Sister Number Three:

"Yes, who doesn't know about this? Mr. Fu and Mr. Nan had a good relationship in the early years. Mrs. Nan is kneeling in front of her. What else can Mr. Fu say?

As for your family, you should know why, right? "

That's right, Mrs. Nan and Mrs. Huo's family, that is, Huo Yun's own grandmother, are cousins.

Therefore, Huo Yun had to call Mrs. Nan Grandma Aunt.

Even Mr. Huo had to call Aunt Biao.

Co-author, what else is there?

No wonder the Fu family and Huo family didn't kill them all!

It's just that I'm still aggrieved.

Huo Yun is a woman as well as a mother, so of course he can empathize with Su Zhixiao's feelings at that time.

And these sisters Tao, none of them are married yet, so they can't understand it naturally.

The kid watched his aunt's face change very unpredictable, and his small body moved sideways tremblingly.

Only then did Huo Yun stuff the phone into his bag, and looked down at the child, feeling emotional for a moment.

Back then, if it wasn't for the timely treatment, wouldn't this little kid never have appeared?

Although this little kid is quite annoying, but after all, he still has the same blood relationship with himself. He stretched out his finger:

"Come here, hold me, I'm not responsible for getting lost!"

The child hurriedly took her, after all, this aunt will be needed in order to finally find his father!

A man can bend and stretch!

When my aunt and nephew got out of the airport, they hired a taxi, paid a high price, and asked the driver to take them to the entrance of the island where the show was being filmed.

Of course, the driver will not refuse.

The speed of the taxi was extremely fast, as if driving a speeding car, and the big and small ones behind were almost motion sick.

The advantage is that it took two hours to drive, but it was shortened to one hour and twenty minutes.

When we arrived at the pier, there happened to be a boat that the villagers on the island used to come and go, and the boat was already full of people.

"Master, wait a minute, we have to get on the boat too."

Originally, the people who were still guarding the program group at the pier were to stop the fans.

But after seeing the Huo family's bodyguards, they didn't dare to come forward.

Seven or eight bodyguards were all re-equipped by Mr. Huo. It is absolutely no problem to hit two or three bodyguards, not to mention one.

Moreover, if this kind of travel can be accompanied by seven or eight bodyguards, the family will definitely not be weak.

In today's society, isn't it just people who are used to watching dishes?


1k left!

So, did everyone vote?

Really going off the list!

ying ying ~

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