Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 500 Unfortunately, they left the moment before

Are you looking for Best Actor Fu?

"Well, it's unfortunate that Fu Yingdi and the others had already left a moment ago."


The man who had been silent all this time finally whispered two words from his mouth.

Hua Ziye couldn't help shaking his shoulders coldly:

"Yes, we just sent them off."

Sure enough, the man's face became more serious.

After receiving the signal, the bodyguard nodded to Hua Ziye, and then protected the feminine man and left.

The group of people in the thatched house were very confused:

Who is this person?

However, it can also be seen that the group is not easy to mess with, especially the one named 'Mr. Shen'.

. . . . . .

The father and son who had already gotten into the car and headed to the downtown hotel naturally didn't know.

The child was sleeping soundly in his father's arms, and a certain person was constantly harassing his wife's WeChat at this very moment.

"Honey, what are you doing?"

"miss you."

"Come back one."

"The plane at eight o'clock tomorrow morning will arrive at the airport at ten o'clock."


After bombarding several messages in succession, finally, they were typing over there, and after that, the message was sent.

"work overtime!"

A simple two-word answer.


Someone in the back seat showed a bit of helplessness on his face, and continued to type in the message:

"Well, I took my son back to the hotel."

The couple's conversation style always feels a bit weird.

By the way, it seems that people have reversed it!

Between most couples and lovers, girls are basically the ones who chatter like this, right?

Boys are so cold.

Now the couple is really reversed, his wife is much busier than Best Actor Fu himself.

The city bureau is also really busy.

Although the case has been solved, the murderer has also been arrested.

However, even if all kinds of biological samples and other samples are complete, there are confessions from the murderer, and the scene was identified during the day.

But this does not include some columns that need to be processed later.

For example, send for inspection.

Another example is to retrieve the appraisal conclusion and so on.

These times are often impossible to predict.

A colleague from the technical department just came here to report a new discovery.

Xu Song and Mrs. Xu are both related to a certain forum.

And that forum has nothing to do with the case where the daughter-in-law killed her parents-in-law and her husband.

However, the technical department had already tracked down the ip address of the forum.

It's a pity that there is a self-destruct command set up there.

Once breached, it will self-destruct directly!

The colleagues in the technical department were just short of the last step, and they were all aggrieved to death.

The only luck is that a small part of the list of group members was still intercepted.

On the list, Xu Song, Yuan Tao, and Bao Hong are all there.

There are four people left.

Only the name and no other information.

It is not easy to find out the real information of these four people.

Across the country, there are too many people with the same name and surname. Check them one by one. When did you have to check them?


Knowing that there are many difficulties, you can't give up!

Those are all living lives!

Therefore, the criminal police team, including colleagues from the technical department, are all working overtime tonight.

After Su Zhixiao replied to someone's message, he threw the phone back into the drawer and continued working.

Around nine o'clock, a few dusty figures appeared at the door of the office.

"Team Luo is back?"


Everyone looked over, it was really Luo Yifan and the others.

Everyone is unshaven, their hair is not as neat as before, they look very sloppy, and their faces are even more haggard and exhausted.

Oh yeah, chapter 500

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