Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 661 Disappointment and Guilt


"Don't worry about me, Nan family, you can do whatever you want!"

The sender's signature is: Nan Zhou.

That is, the eldest young master of the Nan family, the elder brother of Nanwu's mother and compatriots!

Judging from the content of this message, the eldest young master of the Nan family didn't care about the various things of the Nan family at all, and even let him do whatever he wanted.

Literally, it means that Fu Er can deal with the Nan family in whatever way he wants.

Looking at the message he just sent, Fu Er frowned, and then called back directly.

When the phone was connected, the sound of geological hammers hitting the rocks came back clearly, tinkling.

Then came a clear male voice:

"Haven't slept yet?"

"Professor Nan didn't sleep either?"

There was a laugh on the phone:

"I just climbed halfway up the mountain, how can I sleep?"

Obviously, it is impossible to have a chance to sleep tonight, but you can take a little rest in the middle.

No, it was just a break, so I answered a text message when I was free.

The slender and thin figure is clinging to the rock wall that is almost perpendicular to the ground, holding the rock climbing angle with one hand, the geological hammer is hung on the waist, and the other hand is holding the mobile phone.

Going up is a cliff cut by an axe; going down is a bottomless valley.

Suddenly, at this moment, a stone rolled down the cliff.

Although he dodged at the first moment, the tail of the stone still brushed against his forehead, and the blood immediately flowed down, mixed with sweat.


"What's wrong?" Fu Er also paused on the phone.

Over there, after making a rough noise, he raised his hand and wiped it indifferently, and continued to laugh and say:

"It's okay, a small stone fell from the cliff and scratched a bit."

It's easy to say, but how does it actually feel, only he himself knows whether it was dangerous or not just now?

"be safe."


"It's empty to talk."


Nan Zhou, the young master of the Nan family, was born with the name of the golden spoon, but he did not grow up in the Nan family, but grew up in his grandfather's parents.

Nanzhou's grandparents are both old professors of geology in country Z. Therefore, Nanzhou was also deeply influenced by the two old people since he was a child. He directly applied to the Department of Geology for the college entrance examination. After graduating from university, he successfully entered the National Geological Survey Bureau.

Over the years, dragging a half-disabled leg, he traveled all over the world, up mountains and down rivers, and on the roof of the world.

In recent months, it has traveled from Qiangtang to the Himalayas, from Hoh Xil to the Altun Mountains, from Ngari Bangong Tso to the Brahmaputra Grand Canyon, and now it is on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Nan Zhou didn't have much affection for the Nan family.

In the past, she was only slightly friendly to Nan Wu, her own sister.

But since that incident four years ago, Nanzhou never cared about Nanwu again, and even didn't go back to the north of Beijing for four years, always running around in the wind and rain outside.

If you don't go home, you will be disappointed with the Nan family.

The most important thing is the guilt towards the brothers who grew up together.

Fu Er, Rong Xi, Chang Tingxiao, Hua Lai, they were all aware of this, so they were a little more lenient towards the Nan family.

It's just that, even though I let you off once, it's actually a second time?

There has never been a real Madonna in this world.

It was easy to forget that time four years ago, but this time, it is absolutely impossible!

So, after Fu Er received the news in the afternoon, he sent a message to Nanzhou after getting off the plane.

Now, Nanzhou has given an accurate answer, so there is no need to worry about anything.

In one word, just do it!


There are still 2k ha, the speed is a bit slow

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