After entering the store, the salesperson is very enthusiastic, absolutely no rolling eyes or anything like that.

"Welcome to MKX!"

As soon as the children entered the door, they saw the treasured dress on the booth with sharp eyes:

"Wow, mommy has that dress too!"

Not to mention, Su Zhixiao himself doesn't know what dresses and skirts are available at home? And what kind of style.

The main dresses and skirts are all in the old house, and I seldom go back, and I don’t have time to wear them at all.

On the other hand, children, who have stayed in the old house for a long time, naturally know more about what is in the house than Su Zhixiao.

The salesperson probably heard what the kid said just now, and smiled:

"What would you like to choose today, ladies?" asked.

Mo Ke glanced at the money in the store, and then said:

"Is there any suitable for work?"

"Yes, this way please, ma'am."

Here, the mother and son sat down on a sofa, and the children flipped through the albums on the coffee table.

"Mom, buy a skirt, this looks good."

After looking at it, I was speechless for a moment:

"No, your mother is not a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl now, and she can't control the princess style."

On the contrary, children, it seems that no matter boys or girls, they like the princess style very much!

A clerk came over with juice, just in time to hear the conversation between mother and child:

"Women usually prefer casual or formal style?" asked.


"We have a new casual style here, do you want to see it, lady?"

Su Zhixiao shook his head:

"I'll forget it, porridge, go and see if there is anything you like."

The children happily followed the salesperson. Along the way, there were quite a lot of problems. Fortunately, the salespersons were very enthusiastic and did not make the children overwhelmed.

When we arrived at the children's clothing section, the children looked here and there, but they didn't seem to notice anything.

The small mouth was still deflated, and he shook his head from time to time.

The female salesperson was amused:

"Kid, don't you like it?"

"No, it's just that people can't pick them out."


I see.

"Then, do you want to try on the skirt over here?"



The kid stared wide-eyed and shook his head frantically:

"No, no, no, auntie, Congee Congee is a boy, how can he buy a skirt?"



The female salesperson also came back to her senses, and took a closer look:

"Well, the kid is a boy?" It's unbelievable.

I saw the children nodding their heads again and again:

"Yes, yes, this hair is fake, he is a boy!"

The female salesperson came back to her senses:

"Oh, okay, let's go over there then."

No wonder the kids shook their heads as soon as they came over. There are girls' clothes here.

When they arrived at the boy's clothing side, the children started shopping, and finally, they fell in love with a set of colorful shirts and shorts.

"Auntie, I want that!"

"Okay, Auntie will try it for you."

"Thank you, Auntie."

When trying on the clothes, the children were even more satisfied when they heard the aunt of the salesperson say that the clothes are still parent-child clothes.

No, after trying it out, he hurried to his mother's side:

"Mom, mom, look, does it look good?"

Turned around several times in a row.

This colorful clothes, it is really unacceptable to just look at it hanging there, but after wearing it on a child, it is actually quite lively and cute.

"Well, it looks good."

The kid smiled:

"Mom, you can buy this dress for Dad. It's a parent-child outfit! Let's buy a set for Dad too, okay?"

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