Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 72 Master Fu Drinks and Gets Drunk

The acting manager's heart tightened suddenly:

"Hua Shao, um, those few people won't care about what happened tonight, right?" I was not so confident anymore.

Hualai's status is not low. After all, Hualai's family is also the upper-class family in Jingbei. It's just that Hualai is active and not in charge of the family. He eats, drinks and has fun all day long. In addition, he has known the acting manager for a long time. , very familiar, so the manager seems not so stiff and nervous.


Patted the manager on the shoulder:

"Don't worry, they don't have so much free time to worry about these trivial matters."

With this time, it is better to read a few more reports and sign two more contracts.

Millions of tens of millions of income in minutes.

The manager finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"That's good, that's good."

The booths have been packed, cigarettes, wine, drinks, snacks, and the tea table is full.

That dozen of aces of spades alone is enough to make most people in the bar jealous and envious.

One bottle is 8888, and there are twelve bottles on the coffee table.

By the way, that’s not counting the ones in the middle and the world (Zunshang).

You must know that a piece of He Tianxia Zunshang is more expensive than a bottle of Ace of Spades, starting at five figures.

This is really awesome!

Originally, everyone thought it would be a few middle-aged and elderly Mediterraneans with potbellies, but unexpectedly, they were actually some handsome, handsome, high-quality diamond kings and fives with an average height of 185!

In the bar, almost all the girls are ready to move.

Fu Jiyan was sitting in the corner, the light couldn't shine on him, and he was wearing a hat, so the main artillery fire was concentrated on the other three people.

However, there was no worry on the faces of the three involved.

Yes, the bodyguards are here.

No matter how eager to move, as long as you don't get close, no one can control anyone.

But once someone stupidly wants to cross the line, they can only be sorry.

"Huahua, tell me, call us all tonight? What's the matter?" Rong Xi sat on the sofa, looking at Hualai with a half-smile.

Even Chang Tingxiao looked at it like this.

"It's okay, really, I just want to get together with the big guys." Hualai explained.

Look at these two, why don't you trust your brother so much?

Rong Xi shook the wine glass in his hand:

"Are you sure you're all right?"

Hua Lai sighed angrily:

"No, no, no, no!"

Could it be that something must be fine if you ask everyone to drink?

"Come on, we'll have something to do later, we won't help, right, Ayan?"

Fu Jiyan has been drinking one cup at a time since he sat down. He has already drank several glasses of wine at the moment, when he suddenly heard Rong Xi mentioning himself, he paused for a moment, glanced around the three of them, and then said "hmm" It was a response.

After that, another glass of wine was poured down.

But Rong Xi and the three of them were stunned for a moment, and then realized that Chang Tingxiao was already the closest, and he reached out to stop someone from pouring wine:

"Ayan, don't drink like this, it will hurt your health."

Someone pushed Chang Tingxiao's wrist away:


The wine in the glass was swallowed in one gulp.


"What's wrong?" Hualai asked softly.

Rong Xi shrugged, and Chang Tingxiao naturally didn't say much.

If you want to vent, vent it.

Then let the bodyguards send the person home directly.

Inside the bar, loud music, strong drums, noisy crowd, enchanting and sexy women and young crazy men, even sitting in the corner is full of collisions of wine glasses and uncontrollable howling.

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