Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 743 You go back first, I will work overtime tonight

It was only at this time that I could roughly see the situation clearly. There was a figure falling on the stage, and a large pool of blood had already flowed out on the ground. On that person's body, chest, lower abdomen, and right between the eyebrows, there happened to be three pieces of blood. Traces of bullet holes.

People who are already dead cannot die again!

The body was still warm, after all, it hadn't been a few minutes.

Su Zhixiao threw the bag on his body to the man next to him, and then quickly went to the stage to check.

After confirming that the injured person has long been silent, he stood up:

"Everyone, don't mess around and destroy the scene of the crime at your original position. Calm down."

Now, everyone present is suspect, by the way, they are all eyewitness reporters, and they are going to be questioned by the police!

That is to say, standing behind Su Zhixiao is Fu Er, the prince of the Fu family. Of course, everyone has not forgotten that this is the daughter of the Huo family.

Even if there is any complaint in my heart, it is impossible to really say it.

According to the past, once something unexpected happened, everyone left immediately.

Now, all of them obediently stayed in their original positions, not daring to move.

Well, run if you have the guts, no one will stop you, but Fu Er's gaze at this moment is not easy to provoke.

Everyone is not stupid, thinking that even if they run away for a while, they will be found by the police, and the impact will definitely be deeper then!

Therefore, it is better to stay here and wait for the police to clear himself of the suspicion.

Fortunately, the police arrived quickly.

It's been less than five minutes since the police were called.

The policemen from the nearby police station arrived first, and the criminal police team was still behind.

No way, distance problem.

It's a little far away, and it will take some time to come here.

When the police from the police station arrived, Su Zhixiao wanted to show his ID, only to realize that he had just given the bag to someone.

"Ma'am, please stand back a little bit." A young policeman said to Su Zhixiao.


Hearing this, the old policemen nearby recognized Su Zhixiao at a glance:

"Officer Su? Why are you here?" At the same time, he introduced to the new comrades in the office:

"Xiao Ling, this is from the Criminal Police Brigade of the City Bureau."

Well, what an oolong.

The two nodded to each other, and naturally no one cared about it anymore.

Instead, someone got up and walked over step by step:

"Officer Su, your ID."

What a guy, he secretly went through his wife's bag!

Fortunately, there was nothing else in the bag.

Su Zhixiao took the documents, and at this time, the criminal police brigade also arrived, who else could be the leader if it wasn't Luo Yifan, Captain Luo?

Murder or shooting, this is no ordinary criminal case!

In just a short while, the city has already held an emergency meeting.

After Luo Yifan came over, he nodded to someone, and then gestured to the team members behind him:

"let's start!"

"Yes, Team Luo!"

. . . . . .

An hour later, the venue began to evacuate the crowd.

Everyone was wearing shoe covers, walking stiffly, or with the same hands and feet, and their faces were a little dull, and their pupils were dull.

At first glance, he was frightened.

Su Zhixiao has already changed into simple casual clothes, a short-sleeved T-shirt, a pair of jeans, sneakers, and her hair, which was originally beautifully done, is just casually tied up with rubber bands.

"Fu Jiyan, you go back first, I have to work overtime tonight."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you."

"No need, it must be all night, you go back and do your work first, and then go to bed early."

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