Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 749 Found it

"After the taxi picked up the guests from here last night, it traveled half the city and sent them to the bus station. Now I'm adjusting the video surveillance around the train station."

Soon, the strange woman appeared in the video.

Entering the ticket hall of the bus station, it was almost six o'clock in the morning.

In other words, if it is confirmed that this woman is the murderer of the shooting, then, in fact, it will be more than an hour before the police arrived at the mutton soup shop?


It's so fast!

Is it a coincidence? Or was it already planned?

None of that matters either.

"Hey, she went into the bathroom."

"Wait, she went into the men's toilet!"

? ? ?

what's going on?

The morning bus at the bus station usually departs around 6:30, so there are already more passengers at this time.

Several figures came out of the men's room one after another, but the woman did not come out.

"Couldn't he be disguised as a man?"


Very likely!

Otherwise, why go into the men's bathroom?

Luo Yifan said in a deep voice:

"The surveillance video is reversed, starting from the first person who came out after she went in."


Soon, the screen returned to the first figure coming out of the men's toilet.

"Officer Su, from your professional point of view, is it him?"

Su Zhixiao originally stood at the back, but now he took two steps forward and observed carefully:

"No, that woman's height is about 175, while this person, judging from the height of the railing next to him, is only 172."

A total of three figures came out, and then began to identify the second one.

"No, this person's height is at most 170."

Until, the third figure appeared.

Su Zhixiao took a careful look and shouted:


The photo on the screen was enlarged and zoomed in quite a bit.

"it's him!"

Is it really a man disguised as a woman?

This would be a very popular attire, with a black T-shirt, overalls, a pair of Martin boots, a cropped cut, two ears, one with a single earring, and the other with a row of earrings.

As far as I saw, this person got on a long-distance bus, which was heading from Beijing North to the next city.

Just as Luo Yifan was about to give the order to chase after him, Su Zhixiao said again:

"Xiaoqian, move forward a little bit, that's when he gets into the car."

"Okay, Miss Su."

Soon, the picture zoomed in infinitely, and it was the picture of the man stepping into the car.

Next to him was a young man who got into the car side by side, carrying a big schoolbag. The schoolbag scraped off the person next to him, and by the way, even lifted up the clothes of the person next to him.

Although a corner is exposed, Su Zhixiao remembers the iconic tattoo clearly in his mind.

So, you can see it at a glance.

It was also Su Zhixiao who had sharp eyes, and the others didn't pay much attention to the scene just now.

At this moment, the picture is magnified countless times, and everyone is not blind, so they can't see the tattoo.

"It's really a tattoo!"

"So, how did Bai Shuo and the owner of the mutton soup shop get involved? And he got killed?"

"Hey, by the way, didn't you say that the two worked in country M at the same time ten years ago? What kind of work did they do abroad?"

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