Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 770: Climbing Mountains and Wading Waters Finally Arrived


It's all said and done, what the hell are you going to do?

The kid hummed and chirped twice, and turned his back arrogantly, as if he didn't plan to talk to his father anymore.

The man walked to the door and opened the locked door. Before going out, he said:

"Wipe the horse piss and come down quickly."


Are you not comforted?

The kid vented, except for a few dry tears hanging on his face, he hadn't cried for a long time.

Roughly wiped his face twice, and followed him out.

go downstairs.

Just halfway down, he saw his father standing there waiting in the living room.

Moreover, the TV screen was replaced with a game screen, and the game controllers were all ready one by one.


The man turned sideways upon hearing the sound:

"Come here quickly."

"Oh, here we come."

As soon as the kid arrived, his dad threw a controller over:

"Get ready, it's about to start."


The smile is very bright.

Obviously, in order to make up for his own son, his father allowed the little boy to play games for a while.

You know, these things were all put away before, and the children haven't touched the game controller for a long time, and they almost forgot.

After playing for nearly two hours, it was already eleven o'clock in the night.

"Fu Zhizhou, it's time to sleep."

Although the children still wanted to play, they obediently did not make trouble, and the small body was actually tired a long time ago.

After washing up, I still had to take a shower, and when I really lay down in bed, it was almost twelve o'clock.

The kid fell asleep right away as soon as he touched the bed, not forgetting that his two little paws were tightly clutching the straps of his father's pajamas.

People who wanted to go to the study to deal with some documents could only close their eyes and sleep.

And at this moment, on the other side.

It took three hours to fly to City C early in the morning, and then it took several hours to transfer to the train.

After getting off the train, I boarded the bus again.

After several hours of driving, the bus finally arrived at the small village at the destination.

But, who knew that even if they arrived at the village, it would not be over yet?

You have to climb up the mountain from the foot of the mountain!

That's the real target location!

It was already twelve o'clock in the morning, Su Zhixiao and Cui Xingran, led by the village guide, climbed the mountain with difficulty.

The road from the foot of the mountain to the halfway up the mountain is quite good. It is a paved stone road. Although many of them are rotten stones and rotten stone slabs, they can still be stepped on.

Starting from the halfway up the mountain, the rotten cobblestone roads are gone, and they are all muddy roads that have just been walked out in the past few days.

Very narrow, very slippery, every step is very careful.

"Master, how long is it?"

Cui Xingran asked out of breath.

The bottle of water I had with me was long gone, and I was very thirsty right now.

"Hurry up, hurry up, we'll be there soon, right ahead, look at the tent over there."

The two looked at it with flashlights, and they really saw the tent.

"It really is."

Su Zhixiao's voice is also a little hoarse:

"Xiao Cui, hold on."

Cui Xingran hummed:

"I'm fine."

Although it looked close, it took nearly five minutes to actually reach the tent.

There was more than one tent at the scene, many tents were set up, there were four or five big ones, and even more small ones. Several fires were set up in the open space to illuminate and keep warm.

Although it is summer, the temperature is very low in the morning and evening on this high mountain, so you can wear cotton clothes.

The two had just climbed the mountain, so they didn't feel cold.

Someone in the tent just came out, saw this side, and stepped forward:

"Are you comrades from the Beijing Municipal Bureau?"

"Yes leader!"


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