Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 773: Tragic

The people who were dozing off were shocked violently, and all of a sudden they rushed over.

This time the body was found in the forest behind the temple. It was buried deeper than the previous one, about two or three meters underground.

No wonder it took so long to dig.

The two carried the boxes over and waited for them to lift the body out.

It can be seen at a glance that the death time of this corpse is not long, within a week at most, it looks like a giant, and there are more insect repellents on the face and neck, and the time of death can be seen by the length of the insect repellent.

The worms are still very short in length and belong to the first batch of reproduction.

After a week, the bugs are not so short.

At this moment, someone shouted:

"I'll go, there's more down here!"

Under the fresh corpse, there was more than one corpse buried.

All of a sudden, everyone came here to help with the excavation.

Soon, the third, fourth, and fifth bodies tonight were carried out one after another.

So, in this pit alone, four were dug out at once?

Adding the previous one, there should be five corpses tonight?

Team Pang said that as of the first one dug up tonight, there are fourteen in total.


This number is really amazing!

Eighteen corpses, eighteen living lives, just gone?

At this moment, I really understand why the B team took over the scene, and why the previous forensic doctor couldn't bear to be sent away.

If the willpower is not strong enough, ordinary normal people really can't bear it for too long.

Too cruel!

It is inhumane!

"Sister Su, this." Cui Xingran took a deep breath, his eyes were red.

Even Su Zhixiao clenched his fists tightly at this time, feeling sore in his heart.

It wasn't until someone came to inform the two that the autopsy could begin, that they regained their senses and became more rational.

"Let's go."


Cui Xingran followed behind his sister Su, and before he passed, he did not forget to wipe his eyes and force back the tears.

The four corpses were lined up. Except for the one that was dragged out first and died less than a week ago, the other three corpses had been dead for more than a year.

The soft tissue of the corpse completely disappeared, completely mummified.

One man, two women.

Judging from the pelvic structure, the male is about 28-35 years old, with a height of about 170.

Two women, one is between 18-25, height 158; the other is between 25-30, height is about 163.

On these three corpses, basically only the intestines were found, and other organs were dug out.

Moreover, on the bones of the three people, there are obvious sharp weapon wounds, some deep and some shallow, with different marks.

If you look at it this way, it looks like you are doing an experiment.

In other words, these three people were specially used to practice their hands, which is why so many obvious traces of sharp weapons were found on the bones.

For a moment, his back felt a little chilly, and his hairs stood on end.

"Who built the temple here?"

This question has been bothering me for a long time, but I finally couldn't bear it and asked it out.

Old Pang pursed his lips:

"I don't know who built it, but according to the local villagers, this temple has been around for seven or eight years.

At first, it was donated by someone. When the temple was about to be completed, a mudslide and a landslide caused the project to be terminated and the temple was left vacant. "

Seven or eight years?

"Can you still find the donor of the temple?"

Team Pang shook his head:

"We are also looking for it, but unfortunately, there is no news."

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