Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 787: Looking for Mom?

A threat that can be released is still a threat?

. . . . . .

On the way back to the hotel, the little boy may have been dependent on his father, so he never got out of his father's arms. If he was happy, he would jump up and down.

"Fu! Zhi! Chau!"

Sit down obediently for a second.

I don't know who followed this cleverness.

"What did your mother say when she called you just now?"


Just know that this problem will only be late and not absent!

"I didn't say anything!"

"According to the original words, every word and every word, understand?"

Hmph, it will scare your own son!

However, the children still narrated them one by one, and some things that could not be told to others were also said.

After all, this is my father, not an outsider!

"Your mother is on the mountain?"


"Did she say when to finish work?"

"Mom said it will take about half a month."

Another half a month?

It's been two or three days now.

Why so long?

"Do you know what case?"

The kid shook his head:

"have no idea."

His mother would definitely not talk about this, what can I say to a child?

Could it be that we are talking about corpses?

"What about the specific location?"

The kid shook his head again:

"I don't know, but my mother said that I will fly to C City in the west first, and then I have to take a long train ride. My head is dizzy. After getting off the train, I have to sit in a bus for a long time. It will take a whole day. In the end, you have to climb that very high mountain.”

How remote is it to be on the road for so long?

However, there are quite a few of these places in the country.

In fact, in recent years, things have been very good. In those remote places, the country paid for road repairs, electricity, and travel. It is much more convenient than before.

Is it Western City C?

"Fu Zhizhou, do you want to go to City C?"


The kid stared at his eyes, looking very surprised:

"Are you going to see your mother?" asked.

"You think you can find it?"


Mom just said that you need to take various vehicles, but didn't say where exactly, how could you find it?

The man smiled, and stroked the little boy's face with his big hand:

"I'll take you there in a few days!"

How many more days?

I thought I could go right away!

The little face was full of disappointment.

His father said again:

"I heard that there is a huge indoor ski resort in City C. Don't you really want to ski?"

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the kid laughed instantly:

"Really? Go, dad, let's go!"

I wanted to ski for a long time, but my mother didn't have time to take me there every time. I didn't expect my father to take me to ski. This made the children's impression of his father begin to change.

excited heart, trembling hands

Just thinking of waiting for a few days, I wish I could arrive in a few days immediately.

There is no way, his father still has filming work these days, and if he can come to Yangcheng, many people from the crew will come, so Director Bai directly gave the whole crew a two-day vacation.

When I go back tomorrow, I have to start filming the big night scene in the evening.

Fortunately, Mr. Fu is absolutely capable, and basically has one pass, and will never waste time.

Occasionally, NG situations happen, either because the other actor has a problem, or because Mr. Fu's acting skills are too good, and the other party is overwhelmed.

. . . . . .

The car drove on the road for about 20 minutes, but it was counted as arriving at the hotel where he was staying.

The kid was so excited that he didn't let his father hug him when he got off the car, and ran ahead quickly by himself.

Well, I just saw that a baby initiated a support!

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