Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 79: My Heart Is Painful For My Wife

Su Zhixiao went downstairs much slower than before, just after she finished, she saw Aunt Feng smiling like an aunt:

"Young mistress is awake? Chicken soup has been stewed in the kitchen early in the morning. I'll serve it to young mistress."

Aunt Feng is an old man of the Fu family. She watched the two brothers Fu Feishen and Fu Jiyan grow up to get married and have children.

Regarding the relationship between the second young master and the second young mistress these years, everyone in the Fu family has seen it in their eyes and worried about it in their hearts.

However, apparently, the relationship between the young couple has gradually improved recently, and last night

At this moment, Aunt Feng looked at Su Zhixiao's belly, as if she would have a second child in ten months, not to mention how happy she was.

chicken soup?

Su Zhixiao was shocked violently, his face turned red up to his neck.

Co-author, does everyone in the family know what they did with some jerk last night?

By the way, the bureau should know almost everything it should know. Right?

For a moment, Su Zhixiao wanted to cry.

Why, why does everyone need to know about this stupid thing about me?

Su Zhixiao was feeling emotional, but he didn't notice when his son ran up to him, and was hugged by his legs all of a sudden:

"Mom hug!"


"Baby, Mom is so hungry, I don't have any strength~"

I really can't hold it, my legs are trembling, so I wore a French dress with a half-high collar, covering everything that should be covered.

Children, very naive, without any doubts.

"Mom, Porridge Porridge will take you to eat. If you are full, Mom will have strength."

Su Zhixiao scratched the tip of his son's nose:

"You're right, let's go."

Passing the living room, Su Zhixiao caught a glimpse of a whole new set of One Piece figurines on the coffee table, and asked the children aloud:

"Honey, is anyone here this morning?"

The kid nodded:

"Uncle Gu is here, and he brought a lot of toys for Congee Congee." She answered her mother's question honestly.

Gu Qingmo?

Those topical sources in the nightstand drawer seem to have been found.

Gu Qingmo brought not only medicine and toys, but also test results.

Fu Jiyan took Su Zhixiao away from Lan Ye last night, but the bodyguards didn't leave. They even found the half-filled wine bottle, and immediately sent it to Gu's Hospital for testing.

Although Fu Dayingdi made the antidote himself for one night, he will not be completely relieved.

The ingredients of the drugged wine must be clarified, otherwise, who knows what the sequelae will be?

This test really found the problem.

The medicine that 'Brother Chang' and the others put in the wine last night was called 'Ten Ye Xiang', which was a new product that was just developed abroad.

Except XX00, there is no medicine to solve it!

If you really want to fight hard, you will definitely suffer a loss physically.

Only 'Brother Chang' and the others were arrested last night, luckily!

As soon as Niang and Niang sat down, Aunt Feng came over with a cup of chicken soup.

"The second young master ordered it to be prepared early in the morning. The young mistress should drink more. It's made by an authentic old hen."

Su Zhixiao almost spit out:

"Aunt Feng, is this chicken soup made by Fu Jiyan?" asked.

"Yes, the young master loves the young mistress in his heart."

Otherwise, how can a big man order these things to be prepared?

Su Zhixiao didn't know what to say for a while, so his face was very hot and red.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

The kid couldn't understand these words, so he asked innocently.

Su Zhixiao covered his son's small mouth, thinking: Don't ask, if you ask again, your mother will be ashamed to death.

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