Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 791 Can't afford to provoke, can't you still hide

Fu Feishen came out of the old man's room, and the children had already rushed up:


He caught the small bullet and hugged it in his arms:

"came back?"

"Yeah, uncle, I miss you so much."

Thinking of his uncle is definitely really thinking, it's not a compliment.

"Where's Dad?"

The kid hummed twice before pointing to the back:


As soon as he heard this tone, he knew that the father and son were at odds again, and Fu Da was very helpless:

"How did your father recruit you?" asked.

The kid complained loudly, anyway, he was as pitiful as he said he was. Sure enough, Fu Da frowned, and when he saw the figure coming in, he swished his sharp eyes and stared at him:

"Fu Er!"

His tone was full of questions and reprimands.

"Brother, that's what he said." He said helplessly.


"Don't tell me these big truths, what's the matter with you? Do you take care of children like this?"

The kid was brought up by Fu Da with a lot of shit and piss. How can a younger brother be compared?

There must be a difference in the treatment between the two, and the difference is not so big!

On the contrary, a certain kid saw his father being scolded by his uncle, and his face was full of sniggering, the kind that he couldn't hide, he was very blatant.

What he got, of course, was a few cold knives from his father and a light sneer.

"Brother, just pamper him, let's see how he can't do justice to you in the future!"

yo ho.

Fu Da sneered:

"Our congee porridge is much more sensible than yours. No matter how lawless we are, how can we compare to you?"

tut tut

It is enough to expose this old background.

Indeed, there is probably no one who can be more lawless than the dignified young master Fu when he was young and frivolous.

In such a comparison, as his own son, Xiao Congee is much more sensible and well-behaved.

The old background has been exposed, so someone can only shut up:

"Can't I stop talking?"

throw in the towel!

After all, he didn't want his uncle to list his father's past glorious deeds in front of his own son.

The little brat can act like a baby at most, and he is quite good at playing tricks, and then he will cry from time to time and sue the fine one.

Others, not really.

In general, his uncle summed it up very well!

As the saying goes, if you can't provoke it, can you still hide it?

However, just as Fu Er was about to sneak upstairs, he was stopped by his own brother again:

"Don't be in a hurry, go to the study and wait for me."

have to.


The child was put down, and the little head was ruaed a few times by the uncle again:

"Let's go play first, uncle, tell your father something."

"Good uncle."

. . . . . .

In the study.

The two brothers came in one by one and sat down facing each other.

"What's the matter?" It can be seen that our master is impatient.

But, it's not someone else in front of me, it's my own brother, so I can only endure it.

Fu Feishen took two sips from his teacup, and became much calmer:

"I heard from the secretary that you have handled the company's affairs very well during this time!"


"Ayan, it's time for you to take over the family." These words were very earnest, with a sense of powerlessness.

There is no way, I have said this no less than dozens of times.

But, people don't listen at all.

"I still prefer to be free and unrestrained every day. Isn't it enough to have a big brother in the company?

Why do you have to let me come back and take over? If you are really too busy, just find a few more helpers! "

Oh, it's easy to say.

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