Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 796 Lin Yihan That Woman

Brother Ming?


Something is wrong!

The mother-in-law frowned, her eyeballs rolled around, and suddenly:

"Little Porridge, why do you call yourself Brother Feng Ming?"

Why is Feng Ming the elder brother?

And he is an uncle?

Obviously everyone has the same seniority, okay?

"That, that, Brother Ming asked me to call him that."

Really didn't throw the pot away.

Po Huan gritted her teeth a few times before continuing to smile all over her face, trying to make herself look amiable:

"Porridge, you have to call him uncle. If you don't believe me, ask your father?"



It seems that Dad didn't say anything before. Could it be that Brother Ming is really Uncle Ming?

Fu Er didn't care much about addressing these things, so he didn't correct them, but now, having come to this point, he still nodded:

"Well, your uncle Posuo is right. From now on, he will be called Uncle Feng Ming."

"Well, well, Brother Ming is a liar!"


After hearing this, Po Sua couldn't help laughing over there.

Fu Er put the little man down on the ground:

"Father has a chat with Uncle Po Sua, you can play on the sofa, or go out to play."

The child has long forgotten what he told his father to keep hugging. He has a good memory and a great forgetfulness.

"Father, porridge go out to play."

It's no fun here.

"Okay, be careful, don't fall again."


After the child's figure was completely out, on the computer screen, Po Whirling said:

"God, you still have today, so those people didn't see you just now, otherwise, wouldn't you be scared to death?"

The figure who made many countries fearful in the world in the early years, is now so down-to-earth?

I heard Feng Ming mentioned it before, but everyone didn't see it with their own eyes, so they didn't really believe it.

Looking at it this way, Feng Ming really didn't lie to deceive everyone before!

"Wait, what the hell are those on your clothes? Like, it's snot and saliva, right?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Po-suo laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten up.

It was someone who didn't change his face at all, and was extremely calm:

"Have you laughed enough?"

"Cough, enough is enough, continue."

"What is Lan Ye doing now? Still in Country D?"

"No, no, he just quit the mercenary world two years later than you. In these years, basically no one saw him, but he occasionally took orders. The president of country A was assassinated a while ago, which was related to him. .”

"anything else?"

These news were not of interest to Fu Er at all.

"Anything else? No, God, what do you want to know?"


Forehead. . . .

"What? He recruited you? He's not so blind, he dares to recruit you?"

"No! You know what to say quickly."

Po Su scratched her hair:

"Let's think about it, think about it, yes, I really heard a piece of news, but I can only listen to it as gossip. It seems that Lan Ye has been with a woman in the past few years. He and he are on missions together. People on the road They also gave her the nickname 'White Night Couple'."

"Is the news accurate?"

The mother-in-law blinked and blinked:

"I don't know, I've told you what I've heard."

"Success, trouble."

Hang up the call directly.

Combined with the investigation report given by my brother, and these legends on the Tao, the words that come out of the mother-in-law's mouth are basically indistinguishable, so it is true!

So, Lin Yihan is the woman who followed Lan Ye?

Still working with Lan Ye on missions?

So to say

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