Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 823 Teacher Ye, It's Really You

Until breakfast, the children had a depressed expression on their faces, rather than chattering endlessly like usual.

It is rare for his father to have clean ears, and he is quite satisfied.

"Fu Zhizhou, eat quickly!"


He responded, but did not move.

"Are you still skiing or not? Forget it if you don't go, buy a ticket and go back immediately."

When the children hear it, how can it be done?

The whole branch is up:

"Go!" He hummed.

The corners of his father's mouth hooked like nothing:

"Eat quickly if you want to go, any time wasted is yours."

The little guy's cooking speed increased a lot in an instant.

At the dining table, there were only father and son, and his mother had already left the house.

So, those who go to work and those who are on vacation are two different things, and the difference is even more obvious.

. . . . . .

The hotel's largest meeting room and the small meeting room next to it were requisitioned as a temporary office for the special investigation team.

Most of the comrades are in the big meeting room, with dozens of people, and many special machines and equipment that are only available in special units, all of which are in operation 24 hours a day.

When Su Zhixiao came over, he happened to meet Duan Xiaowei and the others who had just finished breakfast:

"Little Susu, good morning."


Jokes are an essential daily item, and they are all about the relationship between the couple.

Of course, it's not too much.

Usually at times like this, Su Zhixiao can only sigh, unable to open his mouth at all.

Fortunately, everyone did not continue:

"I heard that Li Tuan and the others are coming over today."

"real or fake?"

"What's wrong with this? Tuan Li is the commander-in-chief of this operation!"


At this moment, Cui Xingran also arrived:

"Then do you know what was found just under the previous temple?



What can be found under the temple?

Most likely, it was still a corpse!

Or, more corpses?

"Ancient tomb!"


I almost thought I heard it wrong, let alone Duan Xiaowei and the others, Su Zhixiao also enlarged his eyes at this moment.

Cui Xingran coughed and then continued:

"I heard that when Captain Pang and the others exploded, a tomb was blown out, and it is a very old tomb!"

I go!

This is, the plot in the novel appeared?

While chatting, I heard the call for a meeting.

Of course, the few people at the door didn't continue, they all went in.

. . . . . .

Right now, on the other side.

The father and son, who had finished their breakfast, went downstairs. Both A-Ban and Xiao Si carried a big backpack, which contained mostly children's clothes and personal items.

Although it has just entered autumn at this moment, the weather is still very hot, autumn tiger.

But after entering the ski resort for a while, it became cold.

Go downstairs and get in the car.

The children were very excited along the way, and began to chatter endlessly.

The father is long, and the father is short, which can annoy his father.

"Fu Zhizhou, will you be quiet?"


The car drove on the road for about twenty minutes and finally arrived.

I have to say that the number of people who come to ski is not ordinary, and there is no parking space on the outside, and both sides of the road are quite full.

Aban frowned:

"Second Young Master, you go in first, I'll find the parking lot, and I'll come in to find you after parking the car."

Otherwise, it is not sure how long it will be delayed.

In this regard, even the children have no objection.

Chapter 825

Of course, the kid can't wait to slide on it right now.


'click. ’ The door opened and the three got out of the car.

Xiao Si will now follow behind the father and son with two backpacks on his back.

Fortunately, the cars were full along the way, and people went in, and no one recognized them until they entered the ski resort.

After entering, the chance of being recognized is even smaller. After all, who can recognize it from head to toe?

What about X-rays?

The three people who have changed their equipment, the children are very excited:

"Dad, let's hurry up."

"Are you sure you can slip?"

The kid nodded fiercely:

"Yes, uncle teaches porridge."

When a certain person was a child, his brother taught him to ski, so he didn't suspect that the kid was lying.

"Okay, let's go."

When the kid heard this, he tilted his neck:

"Dad, don't you skate?"

The man snorted coldly:

"Let's watch you skate for a while."

Have to be sure, isn't it?

After all, I'm still worried.

The kid couldn't understand his father's hard work, so he walked in with a board:

"Father, Porridge Porridge is amazing! If you don't believe me, look at it!"

Small appearance is very arrogant.

In the end, of course there was no response. If you are not serious, you have to draw a line first!

As the saying goes, it's the mule or the horse's boss who pulls it out for a walk first.

The kid probably guessed something, puffed his cheeks angrily, and then started skating directly.

The movements are decent and formal, as expected of being taught by his uncle himself.

"Second young master, young master's technique is pretty good!"

Xiao Si stood beside his second young master and watched, and couldn't help admiring.

On the contrary, someone, the corner of his mouth seems to be grinning, but not much:

"Generally, that's it."

Anyway, there is absolutely no tone of praise.

On the other hand, the little guy who had already started skating inside had already forgotten his old father in excitement. After a while, he made friends inside and played with a group of younger brothers who were older than him.

In this regard, the old father said that he was a little bit stuck.

After skating for a full two hours, the little boy finally came out for an intermission.

As for his father, he had already sat down and chatted with the surrounding parents.

So, there are still benefits to bringing children, and it can expand social interaction!

Well, this group of parents probably never dreamed that Fu Daying, the best actor in the entertainment industry, would be sitting with him right now.

Those who talk about the mountains one by one are called amazing!

After the kid came out, he found Xiao Si and Aban with his skis in his arms:

"Uncle Xiaosi, Uncle Aban, where is my father?"

The two uncles pointed to something at the same time.

I saw the children running past thumpingly:


After the man catches it:

"Are you done skating?"

The little man shook his head:

"No, Porridge wants to pee."


Sure enough, lazy people poop a lot.

Moreover, this child has a habit. When his father wants to pee or something, he will never find anyone else.

The father and son stood up, the bathroom was a little far away, Xiao Si and A Ban also followed.

When they got to the bathroom, the kid didn't let Xiao Si and A Ban follow. He was really embarrassed to let too many people watch him pee.

On the contrary, when he came out, Xiaoluotou came out first. While washing his hands, he suddenly caught sight of the figure beside him:

"Ms. Ye!"


"Wow, Teacher Ye, is it really you?"

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