Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 866 Don't be impulsive, it's dangerous

The man rolled up his sleeves easily:

"Officer Su check."


However, Su Zhixiao took a closer look and saw that all the scabs had fallen off, so he was completely relieved:

"No problem, hurry up, I'm working."

Tut tut.

The man stood up:

"There's a reception tonight, I'll be home later."

Actively reported the itinerary.

Su Zhixiao hummed, took the water and left without looking back.

A certain person stood there watching for a long time, until the figure of the woman was completely gone, then got into the car and left.

All afternoon, there were still no clues or news.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, I call it a day, get off work, and go home.

It took 20 minutes to take the subway on the way, and after walking a little bit, and climbing upstairs, it was already half an hour later.

The family had dinner alone tonight, and Su Zhixiao didn't plan to make things complicated. He boiled two bowls of porridge and fried a plate of fried pork, and didn't do anything else.

In this way, it also saves time.

After eating and washing the dishes, he took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom.

Before he finished washing, he heard the phone ringing on the coffee table in the living room. Fortunately, it wasn't the exclusive ringtone from the team, and it wasn't so urgent.

After taking a shower and washing my hair, my phone has long since stopped ringing.

However, I still picked it up and looked at it, and called back:


"Little Susu, it's me, me, me."

"I know, I just took a shower, classmate Mo Ke, is there anything urgent?" He was still wiping his hair with a dry towel.

On the phone, Mo Ke was very excited:

"Little Susu, do you know where I am now?"


"I came to a reception on behalf of our company. Now, at the reception, guess what I saw?"

Sorry, as a mortal, I don't have clairvoyance or clairvoyance, let alone the ability to see through.

"What can you see at the reception?" asked back.

"No, no, I saw a woman who looks very much like you!

At that time, I really thought it was you, and even yelled, but she didn't answer.

Later, it was discovered that the wrong person had been identified.

Little Susu, do you really not have twins in your family? "

In the world, although there are many people who look alike.

But this kind of appearance similarity is about 70%, unless they are related by blood, otherwise, it is impossible to have nothing to do with each other.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is: according to plastic surgery!

Su Zhixiao didn't think there was anything wrong with this:

"I'm sure, my mother gave birth to a daughter of mine. As for the girls at the reception you mentioned, maybe they just look alike. I saw one at the police scene last time!"

Mo Ke didn't quite believe it:

"With your looks, little Susu, is it possible that you can still be the face of the public?"


How can it be?

Is the public face so good-looking?

Come, give me one too!

"It's really a public face, okay, since you represent your company, it's fun, I'm going to blow my hair."

Just about to hang up the phone, suddenly, classmate Mo Ke yelled 'Damn it! '

"What's wrong?" asked.

"Fuck! Fuck! Little Susu, that woman is the one I mentioned just now who looks very similar to you, and she actually poured medicine into the wine bottle!"


"Yes, my current location is relatively hidden. She shouldn't have noticed me, no, no, I have to follow up and take a look."

Su Zhixiao also became nervous:

"Mo Ke, don't be impulsive. If there is more than one person on the other side, it will be dangerous for you to follow."

However, on the other side of the phone, Mo Ke is not worried about this:

"Little Susu, don't worry, my sister is not that weak, she has practiced taekwondo for so many years, so I will die first."

beep beep.

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