Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 875 Carefully study the small square box

Well, when he saw the small rectangular box that the man was holding in his hand at this moment, he couldn't help stretching his neck to take a closer look, and he realized what the box was.

There was another burst of dryness and heat on the face, and there was a kind of faintness that couldn't go down.

"Fu Jiyan!" Shouted sharply.

The man looked over with a half-smile:

"Huh? What?"

"What are you doing with that?" demanded.

Could it be that you think you didn't use enough last night?

A freshly opened box is almost used up, okay?

On the other hand, the man actually answered seriously:

"Research and study, I didn't expect that this gadget has quite a lot of tricks."

How many flowers?


Really out of rhythm.

"Come here." The man beckoned.

Although Su Zhixiao didn't want to go there rationally, he obediently stepped forward uncontrollably. When he arrived, he saw that there were one, two, three or four boxes of brand new unopened boxes of color, smell, The effects are all different.

Although what famous scenes at the police scene have you never seen before?

I've seen a lot more than that.

However, those times are really unnecessary.

But now, just looking at the packaging box, it's nothing more than that.

I really didn't see it, took half a step back, and took a few deep breaths again:

"What are you doing researching in your spare time?"

Rolling eyes and throwing money towards the man.

Unexpectedly, the corners of the man's lips hooked deeper and deeper, and his smile was very meaningful:

"If you don't study, how do you know which sense is the best?"


Fortunately, I didn't drink water at this time.

Otherwise, you have to spray!


The phone vibrated, and at first glance, the phone that I didn't know where to throw last night had already been picked up and placed on the sofa.

Su Zhixiao didn't intend to pay any more attention to the stinky hooligan in front of him, and walked over step by step, his legs were still weak and numb, finally sat on the sofa, breathed a long sigh of relief, and then took a look at the phone.

On the lock screen, there was a WeChat message from classmate Mo Ke:


Kota, do you have time to come out for a cup of afternoon tea?

Seeing the title 'Kotai', Su Zhixiao frowned.

After that, a series of unlocks, opened WeChat, and began to reply.


What time is it? Where to meet?

The reply over there is faster:——

Oh yo, are you awake? [evil smile/evil smile/evil smile]


Just this tone, plus that series of expressions.

Su Zhixiao had to poke the phone screen several times, and went back several times.

Fortunately, classmate Mo Ke didn't continue to joke, and directly sent the location and time:


At two o'clock in the afternoon, Starbucks on the fourth floor of the central square.

After writing it down, there was a knock on the door.

The man with a stomach full of bad water precisely threw the small square box in his hand into the trash can, and went to open the door.

Of course, the door wasn't fully opened, and the man directly blocked the door without leaving any gaps, and people outside would never be able to see anything inside.

That was necessary, how could it be possible for outsiders to see the aftermath of himself and his wife?

Moreover, one of the couple only had bath towels around their waists, while the other wore hotel bathrobes.

Although the room was simply cleaned up, nothing could be seen at first glance, but the smell has not completely dissipated yet.

Assistant Zheng Bingyang held a few bags from luxury stores and handed them over:

"Brother Yan!"

The man reached out to take it, and glanced at the situation in the corridor.

At this moment, besides the bodyguards, Manager Zhou and his assistants were present in the corridor, and the room had already been cleared.

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