Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 886 Make him cry

It doesn't take much effort to make a phone call.

When Su Zhixiao came out, the bodyguards had already delivered breakfast.

The shower this morning took several times longer than before, and I stayed in it for more than 20 minutes.

His aching body feels better.

Just a little weak, no energy, and hungry.

After all, he was tossed and turned so many times last night that his chest was already on his back from hunger.

When the kid saw his mother coming out, he rushed forward.

"Mom, mom~"

Su Zhixiao didn't have time to react at all, so he could only catch the rushing son alive.

With a bang, the mother and child fell to the ground.

Throughout the whole process, the child was kept safe by his mother, without a single hair falling out.

But Su Zhixiao himself is not doing well at the moment.

Although he had tried his best to avoid the vital points before he fell down, the kid weighed more than 30 kilograms, so the force he threw was not small.

The man sitting on the sofa strode over immediately, but unfortunately, he still didn't have time.

At this moment, he pulled the little boy away:

"Where did you fall?" He asked nervously.

Su Zhixiao gasped:

"It's okay, it's okay, you help me up first hiss, hiss."

It hurts!

Did the butt fall into pieces?

Someone supported him, and with strength, he slowly stood up.

This is the process, it really hurts.

However, the most painful pain was less than the first two minutes, and then slowly eased over.

After standing and resting for a while, I reached out to rub it again.

It still hurts to touch.

"Fu Jiyan, I think we should still make a film."

It hurts, something is wrong.

Although, it is clear that there is no big problem.

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately made a call:

"Bring the car over here."

Three minutes later.

The family of three has gone downstairs to the gate of the family courtyard.

The bodyguard had already been waiting in the car, ran over, and was arranged before he could speak:

"Hold that pup."


Along the way, the car drove very fast.

Even, it wasn't until he got off the car that someone came back to his senses and was still wearing pajamas.

Well, the woman in the arms, Pidiandian followed, and the little boy who was still crying didn't even have time to change his clothes.

A family of three is well-organized.

Fortunately, there was no one in the hospital at this time.

The man rushed into the emergency room with the woman in his arms, and the little guy didn't want to be hugged by the bodyguard uncle, he ran and followed his father quickly.


In the hall, there were few people sparsely.

After hearing this movement, they all looked over.

The emergency doctor who was finally dozing off in the office was also woken up, and hurried out:

"What's the matter?" He was still muttering.


"Bring people in first."

After the family of three entered, the office door slammed shut.

And the few bodyguards who followed consciously guarded outside the office.

At this moment, in the emergency room, the doctor was checking quickly.

On the other hand, the little brat couldn't collapse any longer, and stood there collapsed and burst into tears.

"Wow wow wow"

For a while, there was chaos in the office.

The doctor who was free came over to coax the child. His mother pushed the man next to him several times, but unfortunately, the man was not moved at all.

"Fu Jiyan, don't you care if your son is crying?"

"Make him cry!"

Haven't settled with that brat yet.

If it weren't for him, would my father and daughter-in-law be able to fall?

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