Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 914 Really Fragrant

This is not some street trickster, he can only speak sharply.

Who would believe that a person who can cause a bloodbath in the world with a single shot has nothing on his hands?

@藏蓝情感: If Boren is not killed, will fewer people die because of him? Don't talk privately, just talk about the war in the Middle East two years ago. What was the incentive?

You know, in the war abroad two years ago, the number of people killed was over 10,000.

Not to mention tragic.

And the reason, really has a lot to do with God, the strategist of 'W', because both countries want the product God's latest research produces!

@奥奶吧: Come on, what’s the use of arguing? Shouldn't it be those people abroad who should be worried the most?

Moreover, is the legendary "gun god" really here with us? What's the opinion above?

It has to be said that in the end this question was on point.

After all, that person is more dangerous than bombs!

In case that person wants to do something in China, don't you even dare to think about it?

In the tent, Su Zhixiao of course read the whole chat record and drank the yogurt in the bottle. It seemed that he didn't care much about what everyone just talked about.

Yes, these are all headaches for leaders.

As an ordinary policeman, just wait for the leader to arrange to issue an order.

You can't do something on your own, can you?

What if the above arrangement is disrupted?

After drinking the last sip of yogurt in the bottle, he climbed out of the tent.

The stove was set about two meters away from the tent, and half a chicken and a rabbit were being skewered on the fire at the moment.

The sizzling sound of sizzling oil keeps on making people swallow when they hear it.


Does anyone really swallow?

The person who made the sound was none other than the little guy who couldn't roll his eyes.

The chicken and rabbit have been roasted on the fire for more than ten minutes, and the scent is wafting around.

Su Zhixiao stepped forward and picked up his son from behind.


"Well, are you hungry?"

The kid snorted again:

"Mom, the roast chicken and the roast rabbit are so delicious."

I want to eat.

I have to say that someone's baking skills are really good, at least at the level of a chef.

The man glanced at the mother and the child several times before chuckling and saying:


The tone was full of humor.



As for the children, you can't even deny it.

The sound of swallowing and sucking just now was not made by someone else.

"Wait a little longer."

While talking, the man turned over the grilled chicken and rabbit on the fire, skillfully brushing them with another layer of oil.

Wait and wait.

When the children really couldn't bear it, the chicken and rabbit were finally baked.

The small table was set up before, as was the fruit platter of juice drinks, and they were just waiting for the two staple foods to be served.

You know, the kid has never looked at his dad so expectantly for such a long time.


Whole roasted chicken and whole roasted rabbit don’t need to be cut, it will taste better if you tear it with your hands and eat it directly.

After serving the table, the child held a chicken leg in one hand and a rabbit leg given by his mother in the other, and his mouth never stopped.

"It's delicious, it's so fragrant~"

The couple looked at each other helplessly and laughed again.

In the evening, the child who was full of food and drink was taken back to the hotel room by his parents and fell asleep directly after being washed.

I don't know when I took a shower and when I returned from the hotel room to the camping tent here.

On the contrary, his parents didn't go to bed so early. The couple sat in front of the stove. The temperature on the mountain was very low at night, but there was a stove, so it wasn't cold.

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