Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 919 Narcissus is dead

God has very little personal information, but there are quite a few 'glorious deeds' and the weapons he produced.

The police officers and comrades present couldn't help thinking: If this guy can become a scientific researcher in our country's weapons, I'm afraid, it won't be long before our country will be able to dominate the world, right?

Damn, I'm so excited.

After the captain's popularization, the more everyone understands God, the more heartbroken they are.

What hurts is: why did this person go abroad?

Fortunately, this guy didn't join any other country.

Otherwise, really

I thought that God was the focus of this emergency meeting, but who knows, there is actually a blockbuster at the end.

"This Phil, so to speak, is our old acquaintance, the current leader of the YD organization.

Nicknamed 'Lucifer', he has always advertised himself as 'the head of the seven demons,' and he is also a particularly crazy lunatic.

Everyone in the YD organization knows that burning, killing, looting and torture are all kinds of evil on the road.

According to news sent back by our special personnel, Phil, the current leader of the YD organization, has sneaked into our country some time ago. At present, only the back of this person is caught. Let's take a look first. "


The leader of YD also sneaked into our country?

Could it be, what's the baby?

Otherwise, why did these two bigwigs on the international road come here?

A leader of YD, a leader of W's military division!

Pulling out any one of these two will make the whole world tremble, right?

So, why come to country Z?

For the time being, I am afraid that no one can figure this out.

The meeting went on for a long time, a full three hours before it adjourned.

Everyone came out of the conference room, and it was time to get off work.

Su Zhixiao was at the end, and was about to go out when Shen Baiyan stopped him:

"Ah Xiao, wait."

"What's up?"

"Well, let me show you something."


Shen Baiyan handed over the document bag, closed his eyes, and said slowly:

"Information about Narcissus."

Hearing this, Su Zhixiao slammed from head to toe, shaking his body, and finally stabilized:



For Su Zhixiao and Shen Baiyan, Narcissus is undoubtedly the deepest thorn in their hearts!

If he is not caught, the thorn will never be pulled out.

After so many years, the two never gave up their pursuit.

It's a pity that there hasn't been any news about Narcissus in these years.

People can't help but wonder, this person must not have evaporated from the world, right?

"Calm down, let's see first."


With great efforts, Caizhong opened the file bag and took out the materials from it.

The content of the data report is very specific:

Narcissus, real name: Liao Ke.

Age: 36 years old.

A native of XX Town, H City, Country Z, graduated from XX University majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

Ten years ago, he killed eight people in a row with bad means. He was hunted down by the police of country Z, fled to country T, and then smuggled into Myanmar. Nine years ago, he went from Myanmar to country M.

Three months after arriving in country M, he was arrested for robbery with a relatively large amount of money and was sentenced to twelve years in prison.

He died of lung cancer in prison a month ago.

"Dead?" The voice trembled.

"Well, dead."

"Is the news confirmed?"

"I'm sure, Feng Xidu works in that prison, providing psychological counseling to prisoners in the prison for a long time."

Feng Xidu?

Is it the Mr. Feng I met on the stairs before?

This person, or the psychologist of the prison where Narcissus is?

"What a coincidence."

Shen Baiyan also had no way to refute:

"It's a bit too coincidental, but Narcissus did die, and he died in that prison. I have verified it."

Therefore, Feng Xidu's problem did not affect anything.

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