Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 92 Five hundred thousand can't buy my little nephew's heart

However, for the heir of the Huo family and the current president of the Huo Group, 500,000 yuan is more than that, even if it comes out from between the fingers.

Not only Huo Yu, but the child's father and uncle are all the same, let alone hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, I'm afraid they won't even blink.

The 500,000 shopping card also happened suddenly, there were only so many, otherwise, at least a zero would have to be added after it.

It's not that Huo Yu doesn't have a check, but if he gives a check, the meaning is very different, and this half-sister will not accept it.

As for the shopping card, it can barely be justified.

Huo Yu glanced at Su Zhixiao, then rubbed his little nephew's hair:

"Uncle is gone. If you want to play with Uncle, you can just come to your home or company, you know?"

The kid nodded:

"Well, Porridge understands!"

As for whether to go play with Huo Yu, we will discuss it later, basically, it is impossible!

I'm not that familiar. Moreover, the children must be closer to their mothers. How can children like people that their mothers don't like?

Of course, the little flicker wouldn't show it on the face.

After Huo Yu and the secretary left, Niang and Niang went to the theater and got the tickets. There were still fifteen minutes before the movie started.

"Honey, do you want to go to the toilet?"

It's been hours, almost.

The kid was quite shy, and nodded his head lightly:

"Yes." He whispered.

Su Zhixiao looked at his son amusedly, did he know how shy he was at a young age?

When he got outside the bathroom, Su Zhixiao bent down and straightened his son's clothes:

"Can I do it myself?" asked.

Three-year-old children, of course, cannot follow their mothers into the women's restroom.

"Mom, porridge is okay, the teacher taught me in kindergarten."

"Good boy, remember to wash your hands when you come out."


"Go, mom is waiting for you here."

Only then did the kid turn around and enter the men's bathroom, with an imposing manner worthy of the young master of the Fu family, without any nervousness at all.

After entering, follow what the teacher taught in the kindergarten. The only shortcoming is that the children are still relatively short for the time being, and they have to use jiojio.

Fortunately, a big brother kindly helped the child to hug him when he saw it.

After peeing, the kid thanked the elder brother:

"Thank you brother!"

The young man also laughed:

"You're welcome, we are all men, and men don't care about trifles!"

Hey, have you watched too many martial arts movies?

Su Zhixiao was still worried, when he saw his son had washed his hands and came out:

"Mom, it's all right."

Su Zhixiao took his son to check up and down, but luckily, he didn't pee on his pants.

However, I soon heard from my son that a big brother helped to hold it.

"Did the baby say thank you to big brother?"

"It's been said, big brother said that we are all men, and men don't stick to trifles!"

Su Zhixiao was also amused:

"Big brother is right, we porridge are also little men!"

After going to the toilet, come back again, and the ticket check has already begun to enter.

The child's eyes were gurgling and he looked around. There were quite a lot of people in line, so Su Zhixiao dragged his son into his arms.

"Room No. 5."


After entering the theater, it was easier to find the place for Niang and Niang, just beside the aisle in the third row.

"Baby, you can't talk casually for a while, keep quiet, if you are thirsty and want to drink water, just tell mom in a low voice."

"Got it, Mom."

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