Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 308: Wang's assistance

Yecheng! Zhoufu!

   Yang Qifeng sat cross-legged on the bed, he slowly awoke from the true understanding of the cultivation of black water,

  Heaven and earth drought, this is a difficult thing for the cultivation of water system exercises. Yang Qifeng clearly sees that his cultivation of Heishui is more difficult than in previous years.

   The power of water in heaven and earth is extremely lacking.

   But even though it is difficult to cultivate, his cultivation of Heishui true understanding is like a divine aid. In these three Yinshen realms, he successfully crossed a small realm once again, and successfully reached the last realm of Yinshen.

   The next practice began to continuously purify the yin god, and then began to search for pure yang things, and began to turn the yin **** from yin to yang, completing the transformation from yin **** to yang god.

  With this entry, Yang Qifeng knew that he had successfully fulfilled the Water Destiny.

   Those who practice water morality in the world will not make slow progress in this difficult environment, and when the catastrophe completely erupts in the coming year, the speed of water morality practitioners will be faster after this difficult period.

   After all, this time the big man is the virtue of fire, water overpowers fire, and the most harmful to fire is water virtue. Generally, the pioneers of kings are water virtues.

   is the anti-king among the world's troubles. Eight out of ten are water virtues. Of course, they are talking about these grass-headed kings and these gangsters. Their only role is to make trouble, and they continue to disrupt the stable situation.

   Then I can clear the way for the real dragon. The vernacular is that you are not alive in the deep and hot waters. How can you know how to eat a good meal every day?

   Everything needs to be foiled. If geniuses are not foiled by mediocrities, who knows they are geniuses.

   In the world of magical phones, even in the past 10,000 or 100,000 years, it would not have been possible to break through, but in this big world, Yang Qifeng had a hunch that he would break through to Yangshen and it would not take a few years.

  He is listed in the Ziji, this is the blessing of the Universe of Heaven, how can this cultivation be unpleasant when he responds to the Tianshi? This is the normal development. The period when the Ziji of the Heavenly Effect is best is when the strength is weak.

   Along with the increase in strength, it weakened step by step until it was completely useless to reach the fairy queen.

  The treasure of pure Yang, Yang Qifeng was on the bed and muttered silently, Zhou's family also didn't have the treasure of pure Yang. If there was one, it would have been used by Zhou Fangbo and Zhou Fangyu.

Both of them have reached the last stage of the three realms of Yin and God, and they lack the treasure of pure yang, so they are stuck in the **** of Yin. If they have the treasure of pure yang, their accumulation will be enough, and they can turn from yin to yang and condense. Yangshen.

   Zhaozhou, Wang Family!

   Wang Fangyuan was dressed in an official uniform and his face was slightly tired. He stepped down from the official sedan chair and returned to the main hall. He bowed to a young man whose **** was like a jade, and said, "Ancestor!"

   "This is the real Haoming," the boy introduced and preached to the three ancestors sitting side by side.

   In the big world, the Yin Shen can be called a real person, and the Yuan Shen can be titled. This is recognized by the court, officially filed, and possesses Qi luck accumulation.

"Meeting the real person Haoming," Wang Fangyuan did not dare to neglect, this is a strong soul, Dao Fa is present, strength is equal to status, even if he is an unknown person, but if he has the strength of a heavenly immortal, he is even a true monarch with real power in the heavens. , And dare not neglect.

Of course, if you have the power of a god, you can’t be an unknown person. Cultivation is not a closed door, and you can cultivate through retreat. You will definitely experience and gain opportunities, so that you will become grudges with others, and continue to be involved, as you strengthen your strength step by step. , The name will gradually become louder.

"Fang Yuan, you are the animal husbandry of Zhaozhou. You must get your approval to assist Wei Jun. What is your willingness?" The young man took a sip of tea, and he went straight to the subject. The stronger the stronger, the greater the exchange between them. For the sake of simplicity, those who are not strong, will talk and babble.

   "Aid!" Wang Fangyuan was only half hesitant. He didn't think about this issue for a day or two.

   "My Wang family and Zhou family have a marriage contract. They are family members. How can we not help if my family has problems?"

   "That's right, please don't worry, Madam Haoming, my Wang family still has some savings and will definitely help Wei Jun,"

   "Thank you Wang Taiwei and Wang Zhaozhou, the Zhou family will not stand idly by about Jinfengtai," the three ancestors bowed, then got up and left.

   "In this danger, what we did is justified and well-founded, and the juniors of the Zhou family have also succeeded," Wang Taiwei sighed, looking at the figure of the third ancestor leaving and commenting.

   "Looking back at that time, his ancestors were no more than me, and the younger generations used to prove Dao Yuanshen. Time is really unpredictable, beggars become rich, ants become real dragons, everything is possible,"

   After he sighed, he then shifted the topic to the main topic.

   "Yuan's action this time is too vicious and insidious. The real dragon acts on the bright and righteous path. It relies on the general trend to suppress people and convince people, not conspiracy,"

   "Although conspiracy and trickery can accomplish things, people must have resentment. If he succeeds this time, the Wei Jun family and the people will resent and benefit for a while, but it must be a disaster in the long run."

   "Weijun is a big county. To do so is to give up our hands and feet. Without Weijun, Jizhou will be unified, but it will be bad. Then how can Jizhou's background stabilize other states?"

   "I know that Fang Yuan's effort to assist Wei Jun ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not only for Zhaozhou's assistance resources, but also for the formation of Taoist soldiers requested by Zhou Lang some time ago."

   "You are worried that the Yuan family is strong, and you intend to use Zhou Lang to contain it so that Jizhou will not be quickly unified,"

"I planned to stop you in this matter, but now this Wang Haoming came suddenly, called for help, and it was really a threat. I don't know how to expose the Jinfengtai incident. This matter must be investigated carefully, and the assistance incident has become a side effect. ,"

   "It was really unexpected that this Zhou Lang was also a Qianlong, and he could conceal the loyalists of the Han Dynasty, pretending to be Qingde, and seizing the champion of the new division. Yuan Long cannot compare this situation."

   This sentence is the main thing. He has not said it out. This is the Dahan loyal minister in front of him. Of course, he cannot mention this.

   If Zhou Lang is a great Han loyal minister, how can he care about the threats? He has the means to solve it, but Zhou Lang is the seed of Qianlong, this situation is unpredictable.

   He just sent Ah Feng to Yecheng to capture Feng Qi. This happened and gave the Zhou family a reason to threaten him to obtain assistance. This important matter was not the evolution of luck, and he would not believe anything.

   Zhou Lang has this kind of weather, but it is enough to see the future.

   As for his assurance to Wang Yuanfang that he would marry Afeng to the clan is purely a lie. Of course, if there is a clan that rises up, leads millions of troops, and occupies one of the nine prefectures, he can also take the false statement as truth.

   That sentence spread in Kyushu, and was regarded as a good word by loyal ministers and righteous officials, "The king and the minister had to die." This sentence is really ridiculous. He actually came from the mouth of a dragon.

   This is hailed as the most loyal minister of the big man, and the future will be a chaotic courtier, which is really ironic.

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