Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 395: Conquering the outside world

Imperial capital!

Ten miles outside, Dongshan!

The mountain was upright and straight, like a sharp sword, thrusting straight into the clouds, traversing the east of the imperial capital, like a barrier, protecting and holding the imperial capital.

Yang Qifeng stood on the top of the mountain, and the wind was blowing.

His clothes were trembling constantly, and his eyes were full of light, staring at the imperial capital.

Above the imperial capital, a sky pillar towered from the sky to the earth, inheriting the fate of heaven, and connecting the earth veins. One of the true dragons entangled in it, and the torrent of humanity continued to spread in the imperial capital like rain.

The counties and counties in the distance continued to gather humane force, then merged into the Tianzhu, and finally turned into a little purple droop.

Huang Huang couldn't look directly, Yang Qifeng glanced at it, and he already shifted his gaze.

This one hundred forbearance weather is really amazing, the gourd baby is a small thousand world, it is impossible to have such a weather, even if it is fighting for dragons to dominate the world, this real dragon is also a pseudo-dragon, and there is only a world like the big world of "Xiandao" , To be able to condense the true dragon.

Of course, this pseudo-dragon is only in his eyes. In fact, this pseudo-dragon is blessed by the power of the world, and in the eyes of outsiders, it is still a real dragon. Only people who have seen the world like him know it.

What he just saw was a real dragon, not a fake dragon.

This kind of weather, even if he unifies the north in the great world of "Xiandao", he can't condense,

Zhang Bairen could not be explained by the son of this gourd baby world. The legend of one thousand seven hundred and fifty calamities, every one thousand nine thousand six hundred years, now seems to be no joke.

It is precisely with this accumulation that he can rise up, conquer the heavens, enter the heavenly court, and sit on the supreme position.

"Grand prince, discussion in the High Heaven Hall!" Li Changgeng strode forward. After more than 30 years, this man is still young, full of spirits and jade, his breath is more fierce, and his kendo has improved.

Not only did he condense the yin god, he turned from yin to yang, and now he has broken through the barrier to condense the soul, the well-deserved Zhang Bairen's important minister.

"Good!" Yang Qifeng and Li Changgeng went to the Lingxiao Palace together!

Today, there are three princes of the Yu Dynasty. According to the distinction between elders and children, these three are certainly not the limit. In the future, there will be four princes, five princes, and six princes. But when they are truly successful, several princes will stay. Next, this is not known.

As for the position, Yang Qifeng has no thoughts. In this long-seeing world, Zhang Bairen will not die unless he is defeated.

Lingxiao Hall, this is the main hall of the palace!

When Yang Qifeng and Li Changgeng stepped in, there were many officials in the High Heaven Hall. Yang Qifeng went straight to the upper left position and stood there. Before long, Zhang Bairen slowly took his seat, and the officials immediately began to worship.

During the pilgrimage, Yang Qifeng used this to observe the aura of the officials. Now the officials are extraordinary. The Jade Dynasty is no longer a mundane dynasty, and has officially entered the Yun Dynasty.

"Your Majesty Qizou, a small thousand world has been explored clearly in the boundary, it has been positioned by the minister, and the accurate position is being calculated. After 10 days are given to the minister, the minister can lock the specific position," a minister holding a wat board, Stand in the central area and preach first.

"After the little thousand world is locked, how long does it take to establish a passage in the realm?"

"Fifty years,"

"It's been too long, at most thirty years," Zhang Bairen's expression after he was combed, no one can see clearly, but the gesture of his waving hand is visible to everyone.

"I know everything is difficult at the beginning,"

"But the Jade Dynasty is fighting the outside world. This is something that has not been done in a million years. This matter must be successful. It cannot be long and must be won quickly. Only this can inspire the hearts of the people in the world, plunder other worlds, and increase the Yu Dynasty's vitality."

"In one fell swoop, the Jade Dynasty laid the foundation,"

"Your Majesty is right, the minister will find a way to reduce the number of years," he did not dare to contradict, but he followed the words to preach. Yang Qifeng knew at a glance that he planned to find an opportunity to persuade in the future.

"Cross-border warfare, the army is difficult to pass, but individuals can be allowed to pass easily. Your Majesty should send secret agents to investigate the details," a civil servant just stood up and said, but it was rejected by others.

"No, there are too many spies, and it is easy to find out. If this small thousand world is spotted and prepared for war, then the two realms will be a big war, and they will not be able to make a surprise attack."

"Don't you explore the specific situation of this world? Know nothing, like black under a lamp, what if you hit the south wall?"

"This is the Little Thousand World, and the world where my Jade Dynasty is located is also the Little Thousand World. Now your Majesty rules, recuperates, gathers masses, and teaches martial arts, and the power is more than three or five times stronger."

"Thirty years of preparation for war, the strength will be strengthened. In the small thousand world, no dynasty can compare to my jade dynasty, and it will be a battle. Besides, I am not sending out spies, but controlling the number of spies, so I cannot attract attention. "

"Enough, don't have to argue about this matter, Chang Geng, you tell me about the situation in Xiaoqian World?"

"No!" Li Changgeng responded. He walked slowly to the center and said aloud: "This Little Thousand World Grand Princess has gone personally, and she has sent back news,"

"The one who rules the world on this side is Dayan,"

"However, Dayan has ruled the world for more than three hundred years. It is said that Taizu opened the dynasty, Taizong prospered the dynasty, Gaozong Shoucheng, Xuanzong Zhongxing, and the last emperor lost his country."

"Now that Emperor Yan is faint, he actually worships a great demon as the national teacher. Loyal ministers and lofty people cannot be reused. People with lofty ideals are killed. This is your Majesty God."

"The Great Yan is no longer a concern. Your Majesty will take thirty years to consider this. If the Great Yan is destroyed in fifty years, the new dynasty will set the tripod, it will be the time when the spirit is like a rainbow, and the invasion will happen. It must be a **** battle."

"So we have to compete before the new dynasty. At this moment, the world is in flames, the heroes are fighting, and the strength cannot be united. How can we be my opponent in the Jade Dynasty?"

"How about the strength of the Dao Sect?"

"The Eight Great Masters~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Ten Great Demons and the Four Holy Monks, all of them are primordial spirits,"

"Among them, the monsters that occupy the underworld, and call themselves Black Mountain are the most powerful, claiming to be the king of monsters,"

"My jade dynasty has become a fortune dynasty, won the world's favor, and my own power has declined. This will enable your majesty to wait for a few breakthroughs to cultivate the soul. How can there be as many as 22 yuan in this small world?"

"This side is afraid that it is not a small thousand world, it should be a broken middle thousand world, and the number of primordial spirits will definitely not be there."

"General Ma is right. The princess has confirmed that there were traces of the heavenly court here in the past, but it's just like the broken courtyard today, without a trace of the gods, it is a broken Middle Thousand World,"

"The first battle is the shattering of the Chinese World. It is too difficult. Please change the world," General Ma frowned, and he preached to Zhang Bairen.

"The first battle is unfavorable, the Jade Dynasty is hindered, and it is no longer like a rainbow. This is not good for your majesty's great cause, please think twice?"

"There is no need to worry about this matter, Feng is willing to share the worries for your majesty, is willing to mess up this world for your majesty, consume strength, and welcome my king to enter the world."

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