Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 407: General evolution

God emperor!

It is the foundation of the gods, this is the generation of heaven and earth, but it can also condense after the day.

But note that it is agglomeration, which cannot be refined.

Regardless of whether it is formed or condensed, this is a gift from heaven and earth, because the gods are the manifestation of the laws of heaven and earth. This is the authority, the power of the gods, and the immortal way.

All of the deities’ supernatural powers and powers belong to the gods. Of course, this is a low-level deity. When you step up step by step and finally become the Great God of Qingchi, your dependence on the Gods has weakened, and the God of Qingchi is no longer the place of incense and fire. It can be restricted.

This side of the world is destined to be unable to give birth to the God of Qing Chi, so there is no need to introduce too much words.

This is only the initial condensing of the land gods of Damu Village. Yang Qifeng urged the gods of Guobei County to swallow them directly. He, the gods of Guobei County, can possess a pure red personality, which is all seizures. The land and mountain gods in Guobei County as well as the authority of the river gods.

No, that's not good.

It should be the land **** of the big Kimura, who is tearing his authority. When the **** of the big Kimura really condenses, his authority of Guobei County Town God will be torn apart, and his personality will definitely fall by a point.

The **** of the city swallowed the **** of the land. This mountain **** and the city of the gods were not directly under the control of the two, but the land happened to be a subordinate of the city of the gods, and it didn't take long for the gods of the city to swallow them.

There is a pattern on the god's edict, which represents the **** pattern of the land of the big Kimura, but this **** pattern is relatively dim and illusory. This is the reason why the **** of the big Kimura land is not really condensed.

The **** pattern is illusory and dim, but with his embellishment, Guobei County Town God's Goddess is more noble, Yang Qifeng has a clear understanding, the gods do not control each other, but now it is so easy to let the Damu Village land gods Surrender, this is the Grand Canal.

The world had a premonition of a crisis, and the instinct began to urge the origin to evolve the gods, and also allowed the gods to swallow each other, deciding a master **** to govern the gods.

In Guobei County, he basically walked through it this night. At this moment, only the gods of the big Kimura land began to condense, and no other gods were born. Now the condensing of gods is still just beginning. He is already a step ahead. This Guobei County Town God God could be obtained by his cheap aunt.

I was awe-inspiring in my heart. I can't underestimate this person. At that time, he seemed innocent and sloppy, with no scheming. In fact, it was the Scheming City Mansion higher than the mountains and deep than the sea.

However, it also made him feel relieved. These eight great masters, ten great demons, and four holy monks are all powerful primordial spirits and famous generations. It is impossible for other primordial spirits to hide their traces and cultivate.

So many powerful people let him deal with it alone, and he is also frustrated. After all, he is not the soul, only the power of the Yang God. If the Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing rune of the superb spirit treasure is in hand, he will not have this pressure. .

Directly set down the two-meter dust array and ask them to taste it.

There is no congregation of the gods in other places, but the congregation of the gods of the land of Kimura, this must be different. After Yang Qifeng swallowed the gods of the land of Da Kimura, he did not leave immediately, but stood in the temple of the earth and watched the big The luck of the villagers in Kimura.

The luck of ordinary villagers is nothing but vain, and the same is true for ghosts, but because ghosts and immortals are hard to find, and luck is more important than ordinary people, the two are basically not the same type and cannot be directly compared.

On the contrary, there is a natal qi that is red in the white, and the standing natal qi continuously gathers wisps of white qi, forming an air mass entrenched by the natal qi, and slowly penetrates into the natal qi.

If you look closely again, you can find that his vital energy is only pure white energy. In the direction of Guobei County, there is a light red energy blessing, and another strand of white energy gathers and accumulates, which successfully maintained this. Lucky luck in white.

This is the luck brought about by the gathering of the people of the village Zhengzhi. Although the village Zheng is humble and powerful, it seems inconspicuous, but it is only written in the book. What is the nine-rank Sesame official, these words are not accurate.

For example, the village needs to assist the county in collecting taxes, and this tax county official's ingenious project requires the cooperation of the village chief. At that time, one will be dressed up with a red face and the other with a white face. You can make a fortune as soon as you come and go.

It is conceivable that if a village chief is selected today, it will cost a lot of money.

His gaze finally stayed in one place. The upright natal aura here was pure red color, and the white natal aura was exceptionally conspicuous. It is not surprising that this one could gain greatness in the future. The land of Kimura has become a god.

Within a few steps, Yang Qifeng had already walked to the door of this house. This one was not a poor and lowly house. He had already pinched his fingers. He already understood the general situation of this household.

This is a forty-year-old teacher. Although he has no merit or fame, he understands words and his status in the village is not low. For more than ten years, he has been teaching young children to read and calligraphy in the village. Have wealth.

No surprises in the future, he will continue to teach Da Kimura children to read. They will be diligent throughout their lives, but they will also be able to obtain enlightenment merits, but there are too many such characters in the world, how can they be ranked in the land of Da Kimura.

The land of Damu Village is the fruit of longevity, and it is already extraordinary. With its pure red luck, it also has some shortcomings. The future is not to do great merits, or there are good generations among the professor's disciples.

It’s hard to make great merits, but when you think of the current situation in Dayan, it will take about 20 years to form the land **** of Da Kimura~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I’m afraid it’s the one who has taken a man to dominate the world, no, the world It's too big, the talent of Jinhua Mansion and even many mansions.

In other words, this big Kimura also responded to the fortune, as long as it is not against the king, then this one can secure the position of the land of the big Kimura.

Yang Qifeng stopped for a long time, and then he slowly left. This person does not intend to sever his hope of ascending gods in the future. Now the land of Da Kimura has been swallowed, but it does not mean that Da Kimura lost his land, but he needs his appointment. This is due to He controlled it under his command.

God's emperor is his divine emperor split, life and death are only between his thoughts, this is the horror of divine way, similar to the main deity can deprive you of your divine position, even if you have the power to move mountains and fill the sea, the next moment Will become a mortal who can't even move a stone.

So immortality is expensive, while Shinto is cheap.

People with lofty ideals all pursue the immortal way, the immortal way is free, the mighty power belongs to oneself, and they will not be deprived of their power at will.

Yang Qifeng left Da Kimura with a sense of urgency in his heart. This big Yan will support it for about 20 years at most. No, it will be chaos after more than 10 years. It will definitely collapse in 20 years. The world of competition has arrived. Reading Net

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