Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 616: Supernatural power

Three thousand words big chapter, just for recommendation!

All directions are rolling in, on the smooth jade wall of the wordless jade wall.

From top to bottom, a little bit like a deep engraving, a row of large characters appears. In addition, there are countless golden ancient and incomprehensible fonts, which flicker and jump among the golden light and red glow of the jade wall like a boil. People are dazzled.

But that row of big characters is clear, and it is exactly!

The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog!

Yang Qifeng's eyes were sharp and he looked at the contents of the heavenly book. This sentence, as the beginning of the heavenly book, was very meaningful, and it was also a chilling sentence.

This is a sentence in the Tao Te Ching, is it a copy of the Tao Te Ching from the heavenly book, or the other party has the same sentiment as the Tao Te Ching, and comes to a like-minded one.

The latter point is impossible, but Yang Qifeng clearly remembers that in the Tongtianfeng Yuqing Hall, there is a statue of Sanqing, which is the content of the Tao Te Ching in other words.

The heavenly book has been plagiarized nakedly, and the upper realm might not have a world of Sanqing.

These three magical powers are vast and have radiated into many eastern worlds. As long as they have their worlds, the world level will certainly not be too low.

While Yang Qifeng's eyes memorized the contents of the heavenly book, he was also observing the expressions of Lin Jingyu and Lu Xueqi, and he could see how dazed they were.

The words of this book appeared on the wordless jade bi, but they simply turned a blind eye.

Is a book from the heavens their limit? Yang Qifeng has a clear understanding in his heart. Both Lu Xueqi and Lin Jingyu have been taught the book by Yang Qifeng. If they didn't get the book from the blood dripping hole.

At this moment, they can see the heavenly books on the wordless jade bi, and they still have the source of blessing, but they are limited to one or two volumes of heavenly books. No matter how much it is, this is not a source of blessing but a disaster.

Yang Qifeng looked at Zhang Xiaofan subconsciously. At this moment, he and Zhang Xiaofan could see the heavenly book, and he shot the heavenly book in the wordless jade.

The two very rough forces collided and forced the heavenly book out. Replaced by Yang Qifeng and the great monk of Tianyin Temple, it would not appear.

The wordless Jade Bi Tianyin Temple has been in existence for hundreds of years, how can it not be tried repeatedly, but the heavenly script is not visible at all.

Yang Qifeng knew that if it were not for his own strength, he would not be able to see the contents of this book, and would be blinded by it.

It also explained a crucial issue. Zhang Xiaofan kept getting the heavenly books, but he never taught them all to other people. This is not Zhang Xiaofan's possession of personal belongings, he is not such a person.

It was the power of the world's correction that he would let Zhang Xiaofan subconsciously ignore the concept of imparting a book of heaven.

The concept is profound and mysterious. In addition to the world, to truly have the conceptual ability, it must at least be the strength of the golden immortal.

If the earth immortal opened up the blessed land and the heavenly immortal promoted the blessed land to the cave sky, this is still within the descriptable range, then the golden immortal is already in the indescribable range.

Like a concept, you will get one certificate forever.

Their deeds began to radiate all over the world, affecting thousands of worlds, as if there is no Sanqing in the world of Zhuxian, but there are still some examples of Sanqing. This is the concept.

Yang Qifeng's current strength is still low, and his understanding of the concept is limited to these few points. He can't tell all the meaning of the complete concept.

For example, there are five volumes in today's book, he already has three volumes in hand, and the remaining two volumes are the Treasure House of the Heavenly Emperor and the King of Ghosts. The acquisition of this celestial book is getting more and more difficult. Yang Qifeng can only rely on Zhang Xiaofan.

After knowing that the world's origin power prevented the acquisition of the heavenly book, Yang Qifeng knew that it was impossible to obtain the heavenly book purely by slaughtering the ghost kingzong. The rest had to rely on Zhang Xiaofan's beautiful man.

Yang Qifeng remembered the contents of the celestial book in his heart. After obtaining the contents of the celestial book, there were three volumes of the celestial book. Yang Qifeng was able to guess the approximate content of the book.

Having Tianshu in hand is of great help to Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao. After returning, he can reorganize and redefine the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao's Shang Qing chapter and integrate Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao into the Shang Qing chapter.

The Taiqing chapter has truly become the realm of the immortal Dao, and the rearranged Tai Chi Xuanqing Dao is more advanced than before. With this at most a hundred years of effort, even if he doesn't move much, Qingyunmen can rely on Tai Chi Xuanqing Dao to dominate.

However, what surprised Yang Qifeng the most during the acquisition of the heavenly book this time was not the above content. No matter how good Qingyun is, his relationship with Yang Qifeng is not too great.

What he deserves to be pleasantly surprised is that the content of this celestial book involves talents and supernatural powers. With this volume of celestial book in hand, Yang Qifeng has a hunch that his clairvoyance, which is on the verge of upgrading, can be upgraded.

Even the supernatural powers of all intermediate talents were upgraded to advanced levels, but it was more difficult to improve the supernatural powers of the original high-level talents.

After the advanced level, whether it is the top or the final level, even breaking the boundaries of talent supernatural powers and becoming a new talent supernatural power, Yang Qifeng prefers the latter.

Otherwise, if there are top and final levels, Yang Qifeng has been deliberately training for a while, and his immense power should have been improved long ago, and he won't be stuck at the high level all the time.

At the beginning, he derives the infinite power to advanced level. This is in the world of gourd dolls, but now that he has experienced many reincarnation worlds, there has not been much change at all.

The celestial script in the wordless jade bi is the fourth volume of the five celestial scripts, the celestial script in the dripping blood cave is the first volume, the ghost king is the second volume, the treasure house of the emperor is the third volume, and the ancient sword of Zhuxian is the fifth volume. .

The order is not absolute. The five books of the Book of Heaven are related, but a single volume is also an individual.

This fourth volume tends to train the body, the Great Brahma Prajna is the physical training method, but this is only part of the fourth volume.

The first two volumes of the Heavenly Book were quite satisfactory, either about training Qi or Qi, but the type of Qi was different. The third volume surprised him, and Yang Qifeng was also looking forward to the next two volumes.

Talent and supernatural powers have always been Yang Qifeng's backing, which is the greatest weight that can enable him to survive in any reincarnation world.

The recovery of talented supernatural powers has always been faster than strength, and the importance of talented supernatural powers can be reflected in a harsh environment.

Yang Qifeng suppressed the idea of ​​enlightenment for promotion. This place is the back mountain of Tianyin Temple, and it is not suitable for him to be promoted because of many people.

For a long time, Yang Qifeng shook his head, and said helplessly: "The wordless jade is vast and profound. I haven't realized it for a while."

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes were slightly surprised, Yang Qifeng saw the content on the wordless jade bi, Zhang Xiaofan knew this, he looked at Yang Qifeng who opened his eyes and talked nonsense, but he stopped talking.

Yang Qifeng shook his head slightly to Zhang Xiaofan, but he sighed again and again, the book is a good thing, how can it be given to Tianyin Temple to enhance the strength of Tianyin Temple.

"Don't be disappointed by Amitabha, Donor Yang. The wordless jade bi is my Tianyin Temple Buddha treasure. It is not easy to comprehend. Donor Yang can come again if there is a chance.

"Then I have a chance to come again, but I have to say something to the master,"

"The Demon Sect is rampant. Years ago, the Demon Sect Poison God Valley, the King of Ghosts, the Hehuan Sect, and the Changshengtang, the four factions attacked Qingyun. I don't know how many Qingyun disciples were killed or injured.

"I intend to call on Qingyun people with lofty ideals in the world ten years later to jointly destroy the demon sect,"

"Yang Shi mainly launched the battle between righteous and demons," Puhong preached solemnly.

"Master Puhong is wrong. It's not that I want to launch a war of righteous demons. It is that the demons are rampant. I dare to attack my Qingyun today, and I might not dare to attack Tianyin Temple in the future. The four schools of demons are powerful, and their strength is beyond us. Any one of the Three Schools of Righteous Path,"

"At this time, when the life and death crisis is reached, we have to unite to resist the demon cult,"

"Amitabha, Lao Na knows it," Puhong said calmly with his hands folded.

"Master Puhong only needs to know. There are so many things in Qingyun. We won't stay in Tianyin Temple for a long time, so we will leave," Yang Qifeng nodded.

He didn't force Puhong to be allied. The four demon sects didn't kill them, but they used it at this time. This was another kind of self-respect for raising bandits.

Otherwise, why did Qingyun change the head so easily, because Qingyun disciples were killed and injured, causing the elders and important disciples in the Qingyun gate today, and they all have relatives and close friends dead.

This makes them hate the demon sect, as long as someone calls for the demon, they can get their support.

If the four demon sects had been hit hard by Yang Qifeng at the beginning, and without the thought of revenge, not only would there be no cohesion, but it would also be difficult for Yang Qifeng to get the support of Qingyun disciples.

The Demon Cult is not only to find a revenge target for Qingyun disciples, but also to persecute the Tianyin Temple and other schools.

It seems that the Puhong in front of him is not strong in eliminating demons, but after the siege of the ghost kingzong, he knows what to do, and he goes deeper to calculate. The beast **** is also a good move~www.wuxiaspot.com~Fenxianggu Yunyi Lan's ambition is not small, and he has always had the heart to destroy Qingyun into the Central Plains. Yang Qifeng has not taken any action against Fenxiang Valley, but is waiting for the actions of the old valley master Yun Yi Lanyun.

Let him release the Beast God, so as to set off a great disaster in the world, with the help of the hand of the Beast God, slaughter the world again. Yun Yilan's thoughts are exactly the same as Yang Qifeng's original intention.

At that time, the world has suffered heavy losses. His head Qingyun Yang has the world in his heart and is compassionate, and he will fight the beast gods and defeat the beast gods upright.

With this prestige and all factions, how dare there be those who do not follow.

So the rest is to cultivate Qingyun disciples, start to accumulate strength, waiting for Yun Yilan's performance, Puhong doesn't want to participate in the battle of righteous demon, when the time comes, the demon sect and the beast **** will take action, but he will not come to Qingyun.

However, before that, Zhang Xiaofan must be identified as the next generation head, and then sent out. Only after leaving Qingyun, he can toss and start to get his adventures, and even get involved with the ghost king. He sought to pave the way for the Tianshu Tower Bridge.

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