Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 629: misfortune

Magic Moon Cave Mansion!

Yang Qifeng gently stroked the Zhuxian Ancient Sword, the material of this sword is also extremely special.

The fierce and hostile aura is so fierce and evil. If the ordinary treasure contains the fierce and hostile aura, it will easily be eroded and contaminated by the fierce and hostile aura until it is completely eroded step by step.

If you want to refine a fierce sword, this material must prevent the erosion of fierceness.

It's a pity that this ancient sword of Zhuxian is now his upper limit. If it continues to contain the ferocious aura, the ancient sword of Zhuxian will cause collapse.

Otherwise, if it is possible to be promoted to a high-grade Taoist device, it is self-evident how to deal with his character.

Yang Qifeng swiped his finger on the tip of the Zhuxian Ancient Sword, and a hole appeared on the finger. The wound did not bleed, but was healing quickly, but a host of hostility filled the wound and was preventing it from healing.

The strength of the two began to constantly offset, the black color that the hostility turned into began to slowly recede, and it took about ten breaths before the wound was completely healed as before.

Yang Qifeng groaned, the infestation of this hostility is not low. If the wound is not infested, with his recovery ability, he will be able to recover in less than a breath.

This is only an erosion of the surface, and an impact on the mind. The moment his hostility entered the body, he felt a sense of irritability, and there was nothing more.

But Yang Qifeng also knew that this was because of his strong strength. If his strength was weaker, he would have some killing intent, or paranoia and dark thoughts.

The strongest point of hostility is not in killing, but in erosion. Whether it is erosion of the body or the mind, it is all within the scope of his erosion.

This force is dangerous, but it is also powerful. Yang Qifeng knows the best choice to cheat people.

He put down the Zhuxian Ancient Sword and walked slowly out of the Magic Moon Cave.

It seemed that his insight into the ancient sword of Zhuxian was only a moment in the past, but he had already used calculations. Now it has been about two months, and the matter of the Emperor's Treasury should almost be over.

He couldn't stay in Zhuxian World for too long. After a battle to eliminate demons in March, this meant it was time for him to leave.

Zhuxian World is not of much value, even if it is a side task, he does not intend to do it. The value point is that he completes the main task is enough. With his continuous improvement, he can roughly guess the main god's side task.

Not surprisingly, this quest will not be launched in Zhuxian World, it should involve the upper realm.

Yang Qifeng has self-knowledge, he knows that he can dominate the world of Zhuxian because he has the ability of immortal Dao, but if he soars, his immortal Dao's strength will be ordinary.

The upper realm of Zhuxian World must be stronger than that of Sword Fairy. To toss in an unfamiliar world, the cost and effort are disproportionate.

If the value points are not enough, Yang Qifeng has no choice, then he will definitely fight. Now he lacks 22oo value points. After completing the main task, he will get 40oo points, and he has successfully obtained his shortcomings.

With this exploration of the upper bound, it is far better to toss in the real world.

Human energy is limited and cannot be infinite, so if you focus on one thing, you have to ignore other things.

There must be good things in the upper realm, but there will be more good things in the real world. Yang Qifeng knows that the upper realm of the Zhuxian world is definitely not as good as the real world.

When the real world just regained its aura, it might not be a big deal? Not even as good as Zhuxian World.

But now the real world is inferior to the world of Zhuxian in terms of spiritual energy, but the more the world of Zhuxian does not know Fanji from the foundation.

Security and good things, how he chooses is self-evident.

Only three days after Yang Qifeng left the Magic Moon Cave Mansion, everyone who went to the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven had already returned.

In the Yuqing Palace, Yang Qifeng watched the crowd quietly, and he couldn't help but sighed, and the moth appeared.

Would you like Uncle Tian to speak?

Master! Tian Buyi's expression is ugly, his aura fluctuates up and down, this is not because his cultivation is about to break through, but because he has been severely injured, his current aura is uncertain due to his injuries.

The Heavenly Emperor’s Treasury opened. Our trip was smooth, but when we left, we encountered the Ghost King Sect.

We are not rivals in a big battle,

Are Shishu Zeng and Shishu Tianyun reinforcements opponents of the King of Ghosts? Yang Qifeng looked at Zeng Shuchang and Tianyun who were equally miserable and spoke.

Even with their help, it is still not the opponent of the Ghost King Zong. If it is not for the critical moment, the old seven, no, the young leader has come forward. After he is independent, none of us can come back.

The Ghost King Sect has always ranked low among the four major factions of the demon sect, and it is far inferior to the Hehuan faction which was founded 800 years ago, and they have only risen in the past few hundred years.

According to reason, even if Ghost King Zong is strong, it is definitely not my Qingyun opponent. Yang Qifeng analyzed the current situation and preached.

The leader is right. My Qingyun has reorganized Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao due to the leader in recent years. Whether you are a student or a disciple, your mana and supernatural powers are greatly improved.

How could the Ghost King Sect be my Qingyun opponent? The same was true when I encountered the Ghost King Sect at the time. Whether it was the Ghost King Sect's envoy or the disciple, we were all defeated by us, but when the Ghost King shot, everything changed.

Tian Buyi's gaze couldn't help but looked at Yang Qifeng, and he preached in an extremely difficult tone: Ghost King, with his own power, turned the situation around.

The ghost king, Yang Qifeng said, this person is not slow, and the ghost king can have this kind of strength. He must have completed the four-spirit blood formation with the help of the Shura power in the Fulong Ding.

He didn't move slowly. It only took about two months. Not only did he collect the four evil spirits and complete the four spirit blood formation, he also participated in the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven.

If this ghost king had this ability, he would have swept the world long ago.

If Yang Qifeng believes that this is the ability of the King of Ghosts, he might as well believe in ghosts. No, the King of Ghosts is a ghost.

Is the world rebelling?

Yang Qifeng knew in his heart that this was preventing him from obtaining the heavenly book. He had already expected this in his mind, but he was not surprised, and he was even disappointed in the reaction of the world.

He was ready for Zhang Xiaofan's rebellion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but Zhang Xiaofan did not rebel. It seems that the world still has to be logical and follow certain rules.

The world resists a little bit more fiercely, and directly hits you with the sky thunder. The ordinary Xio would say that Zhang Xiaofan rebelled, even if the people betrayed their relatives.

Under the mighty power of the world, both logic can be discarded, but these two kinds of things rarely appear.

It involves destroying the world, and he still has a thousand miles away.

The reaction of Zhang Xiaofan in front of him shows that the world must follow the rules. This is because the world is incapable or because he is not stimulating enough. This requires continued temptation.

He suddenly realized that this Zhuxian world is not bad, he can test the world to accumulate rich experience for him, after all, this situation will face more in the future.


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