Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 653: Routine

Yang Qifeng sat on the third floor of the restaurant.

His position is near the window, and he can clearly see the more lively street along the window supported by wooden sticks.

This place is a famous magic capital. Whether it is more than a hundred years later or now more than a hundred years ago, it is a place full of flowers, especially the arrival of the Westerners, which makes this place even more prosperous. .

Picking up the wine glass in front of him, Yang Qifeng took a sip of wine. He has no identity blessing this time. In this world, he belongs to the existence of a black household, and he does not even have an assigned identity.

From Yang Qifeng's point of view, there was a problem. This should be a problem with Jianyi.

Crossing the timeline in front of you is the ability of the Lord God to control. Even if you can't arrange a prominent identity, you will directly be the emperor and general, but a ability that can be traced should not be difficult.

Qian Tianzheng was also a child of the clan, but his family had already declined. By the time he was no different from ordinary people, he had little early wisdom, and his reputation spread throughout the magic capital, and he had more friendship with the powerful and powerful children.

The imperial examination is even more successful, all the way from talents, juren, Jinshi, without any pause, although it has never won the six-yuan Grand Slam, but the high school second class Jinshi, the future is not low.

There is a solid relationship with the children of the rich and powerful. With this relationship, he started to buy a family business from top to bottom. With a pair of insights, wealth is like a snowball, and one year is better than one year.

In just a few years, he has become the middle and upper reaches of the richest Mordus. What is even more commendable is that the other party never eats alone, otherwise his wealth will not be the upper reaches of the middle and upper reaches, but the level of the top ten richest Mordus.

Yang Qifeng was drinking, thinking about the simplified version of Qian Tianzheng's introduction.

This person is able to make big money, of course, is not a simple role, step by step, he first became famous and made friends with the powerful, relying on the imperial examination to maintain the relationship.

Then we can earn money together, use the benefits to stabilize the powerful, and pull the powerful in their own camp, until they drag their own chariot.

Each step is clear and has its purpose. The protagonist in the standard history book is just more ambitious than other protagonists.

Unlike them, they clearly possess the power to change the world, and finally they are willing to be ordinary.

The timeline of their arrival right now is exactly when Qian Tianzheng returned to his hometown to recruit troops. At this moment, Qian Tianzheng has been a senior high school scholar and has an official status. This time, there is also a purpose for returning home.

It was precisely this time that Qian Tianzheng returned to his hometown to recruit soldiers, and Qian Tianzheng truly became the climate.

Whether Qian Tianzheng can kill or not is something that needs to be tested. After all, his previous thoughts are just his guesses, and guesses and reality are not equal.

Look at the way of heaven today, how far it has recovered.

If the backlash of the Heavenly Dao is not fatal, and not beyond what he expected, then it is not impossible to take the risk and do that Jingke assassinated Qin.

After all, Jing Ke's assassination of Qin is not without hope of success.

Yang Qifeng put down the wine glass, he took out a piece of silver from his arms, threw it at the table, and he stood up and walked outside.

In his thousands of miles, the magic capital was all in his eyes. It is a pity that this world is also equipped with luck, but it is not absolute, not as important as the big world of "Xiandao".

Otherwise, the processing method can be a lot smoother. As long as you observe the luck, even if the opponent is like Zhang Bairen, the purple air is too expensive, but there is still a trace to follow. He also has a processing method, and I am afraid that it is like an antelope hanging No trace of the corner can be found.

Qian Tian was in the north of the city. After Yang Qifeng found Qian Tianzheng's location, he walked slowly toward the north of the city.

The other reincarnations have been found by Yang Qifeng in the magic capital, but there are only five, and four Dongying warriors are still missing.

This is a western-style building with a Gothic architectural style, tall, thin, and sharp. It expresses the strong emotions of mystery, sadness, and sublime with its excellent architectural skills. Everyone who goes out of this architectural style is a cathedral.

I don't know why Qian Tianzheng likes this style of architecture, with its own garden.

Standing outside the fence, Yang Qifeng looked at the sea of ​​flowers in the fence and could smell an intoxicating fragrance.

This sea of ​​flowers is red, yellow, green, and cyan. They are clearly entrenched in four directions. The flowers of each color are divided into hundreds of varieties, with different flowers. They are combined to form a certain formation.

In the end, it is the big money of the gods and demons, but it is not like the real world is revived due to spiritual energy. Many things are a little bit of excavation. The development system has some deformities. It takes a long time to reverse the deformities.

This big money world is different from the gods and demons. There will be no spiritual recovery in this world. Whatever the real world is, they will be here at what level.

If the real world has golden immortals, there is golden immortals here, but the world of big money of gods and demons is a stable world, and all aspects of development are relatively balanced.

Yang Qifeng gently pressed the doorbell next to the gate, accompanied by the sound of the bell ringing.

After about ten breaths, the originally closed door slowly opened. A man with brown hair, black leather shoes and a suit, stood meticulously in front of Yang Qifeng, and he asked and preached: "What is the master? ?"

The man had a solemn expression, he could feel Yang Qifeng's vented breath, it was an extremely terrifying breath, enough to be an enemy to an army.

Those with such powers are all world-famous existences, such as the King Yi among the Cantonese bandits. It is the terror power of one person against the other army that makes him all disadvantaged in the battlefield.

"I heard that Lord Qian was ordered to return to his hometown to recruit soldiers, and the poor road took the initiative to come to the door, that is, he deliberately invested Lord Qian as a guest servant."

"Also, please come in for a rest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll go and invite the master down," the man led Yang Qifeng to the living room, he ordered the maid to prepare tea, and he left in a hurry.

Yang Qifeng watched the other person leave the figure, he sat on the sofa, and entered this place so easily, it was because he showed his strength.

Those guys who are powerful and insulted by the villain are purely sick. As long as you show your strength, the other party is not an idiot. How can you not see how they will trouble you.

If he didn’t show his strength, the rhythm would be blasted away by men. Qian Tianzheng’s current position is not high, but it is not visible to ordinary people. Without the introduction of acquaintances, ordinary people can come to visit. The threshold has long been broken.

Before the tea was delivered, the sound of footsteps came. This was deliberately let him hear, and Yang Qifeng also stood up very cooperatively.

Before the person arrives, the sound comes first, Qian Tianzheng's deep voice:

"I didn't give a good reception, I neglected the Taoist commander, and replaced this tea with a red robe for the spiritual tea and jade from your majesty,"

Yang Qifeng also looked at Qian Tianzheng, and was shocked that the other party did not match his expectations.

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