Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 686: King Kong

Huaguoshan, Shuiliandong!

Tang Seng clasped his hands together and wore a robes with a solemn appearance, but there were dark red blood stains on the robes, which made his appearance a little embarrassing.

"Sure enough, is it lawless?"

"Ba Jie never lied to me," the smart monkey was solemn, no longer frivolous, and his posture no longer free and easy, giving people a sense of solemnity.

"What is Master going to do?"

"I sent the Buddha's reincarnation soul boy to Donghua Mountain, Wukong, you go to find the Eight Precepts, and then rescue Wujing, who is imprisoned in the West Sea. The four seas are not occupied by Wutian. You can unite with the dragon kings of the four seas to expel the monsters and regroup to the east Huashan,"

"Master is thoughtful, but there is something wrong with Ba Jie,"

Sword gas quenching body!

What a lofty vocabulary, those who can accomplish this point are all the pride of heaven who walked out of the earth.

They are able to accomplish things that ordinary people can't accomplish, magic horse records, boundaries, bottlenecks, impossibility, nothing in their hands.

Yang Qifeng now also wants to experience a sword qi quenching body. Of course, it cannot be for tempering the whole body. He has no such ability at all. The sword qi in the sword fetus is only confined to the sword fetus and is firmly imprisoned by the sword fetus .

It is impossible to wreak havoc in his body. The internal organs are the most vulnerable. It doesn't matter if one is not good enough to leave the root of the disease, it directly costs him his life. This is the most cheating thing.

Yang Qifeng did not immediately start trying, but continued to refine resources.

The resources obtained from the gods were consumed by Yang Qifeng. The quality of his sword fetus has improved a lot. When it is replaced with a lower-grade Taoist device, it can be instantly promoted to the verge of promotion. But here is the third-grade Taoist device. One part.

In other words, the promotion of a middle-grade Dao Qi requires three lower-grade Dao Qi resources. This refers to his sword fetus. The resources he needs for the lower-grade Dao Qi sword fetus are two to three inferior products. Dao device.

In terms of this, the resources needed to upgrade his sword tire are astronomical.

Even if he was supported by a side of the world, in Yang Qifeng's view, this post-journey to the west projection world could raise the sword fetus to the level of the spirit treasure, which was already the limit.

This is still the result of searching the world, scraping the Three Realms three feet, and looting all related treasures.

This is definitely impossible. The Peerless Dao Artifact is already at its limit, and it is still based on the result of his sweeping the heavens. Yang Qifeng thought about it too hard.

This is too easy to trigger variables. This world is the post-projection world of Journey to the West. Yang Qifeng doesn't believe that the earth immortals are only two people, Tathagata and Wutian. This world is strong in Buddhism, but Taoism must also be strong.

After all, even a KTV has a town hall, so why should there be one in the Dao Sect?

You can't do everything, you have to leave a little bit of leeway, and you have to search it all. Can you search for most of them!

It is impossible for a Peerless Dao Device to be promoted to Lingbao. This requires too many resources, and it is the most difficult to break through the boundaries, but it does not need so much to upgrade to a Peerless Dao Device.

The projection world after Journey to the West is limited, and it is different in the Great World of Immortal Dao. The Great World of Immortal Dao is of high quality, and you need to search the world here. You don’t have to be so much in the Great World of Immortal Dao.

After Yang Qifeng ran out of resources, he immediately began to refine the treasures offered by the gods, including all the swords and swords, into the womb of the sword.

This was too wasteful. This Dao Qi was already a finished product, and it was far less effective than unrefined resources.

But as far as Yang Qifeng is concerned, it can't stand up to such a convenience. How much effect does this instrument have in his hands? Just leave one or two pieces to be used in the Exchange Square when the time comes.

It is better to be refined than to deal with it. His way of thinking is exactly the standard turner thinking.

This can't maximize the benefits, and the merchant will definitely choose to stay and go to other worlds in exchange for resources. The final result must exceed Yang Qifeng's doing this.

But this is not good for the chakras. The chakras are struggling to survive. They cannot see the future for too long. For them, the current interests are to surpass the future interests.

No matter how good the future is, if you can't live in the future, all this is a white tower.

Even if you buy endowment insurance, it is based on the fact that you can live to be 60 years old before you start to return money. If you do not live to 60 years old, everything is a white tower.

Yang Qifeng is not at all polite, watching the sword fetus transform into a wild beast, the sword aura, like a sawtooth, click, click, click, and continue to swallow the sword.

This secret method is really strong enough, it is impossible to cooperate with the high-grade Taoist weapon of the sword, but the middle-grade Taoist device of the same level as him will not waste any strength at all.

If it can be used in combat, then it would be a good thing.

It breaks when touched, and hurts when rubbed.

Unfortunately, this secret method cannot be used in battle, otherwise the value of this secret method will soar to a terrifying level.

Yang Qifeng also laid down his blood. He took out the Linglong pagoda. I'm sorry for the Li Tianwang. Without this pagoda, his ability will drop by 60 to 70%, and he will become a mediocre person by then.

But what did this have to do with him? Yang Qifeng began to use the sword tire to slowly devour the exquisite pagoda, and at the same time took out the Xuanyuan sword.

If he doesn't do anything, he wants to maximize the effect when he moves, and he wants to upgrade the sword tire to the top grade.

Day by day, the upgrade of the sword tire is only half-threatening, and it is smoothly improving its quality. The only drawback is that it is too expensive and too expensive.

Some of his wealth is basically filled in.

The sword fetus has become a high-grade Taoist weapon, and his strength has improved by a large margin. Yang Qifeng, he started to temper his body with sword aura. There is not much sword aura, only a sword aura slowly raging in his flesh and blood.

His sword Qi tempered his body and completed his sword body ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How could it be possible? Yang Qifeng never thought about it. His sword energy tempered body was to destroy his own flesh and blood body, and then recover with his own recovery ability.

With this great determination and perseverance, he wants to break the boundaries of the bronze head and iron arms and complete the real transformation.

A biting pain emerged. Yang Qifeng endured the sharp pain, feeling a sword qi dissipate, and he used two more sword qi. If the sword qi was attacked from outside, it would be impossible, but it couldn’t stand it from the inside out. attack.

Two ways are not enough, then five ways, ten ways.

Yang Qifeng controlled his sword qi a little bit, and continuously strengthened his sword qi. He looked at the vague font of the bronze head and iron arm, although it was already flickering, it still remained unchanged.

He was so cruel in his heart that all the healing pills had been taken out, suddenly turning his sword energy into a hundred ways.

The vague fonts disappeared abruptly, replaced by flashing clear fonts.

King Kong is not bad!

The four characters came into his eyes.

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