Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 689: Enthroned

"You!" The official Dong Douxing was anxious, and he stretched out his hand to Yang Qifeng, preaching more annoyed.

"What are you!"

"Whether the emperor is true or not, I can tell if I haven't seen the emperor for a long time, you can't tell when you came to see the emperor a few days ago,"

"It's not that you are incompetent, it's that you deliberately did it. It is an inner ghost like you that can kill the emperor without knowing it, and then Luggage will replace Tao Zang instead of the emperor.

As soon as Yang Qifeng uttered a word in Officer Dong Dou Xing, he interrupted Officer Dong Dou Xing and refused to give him another opportunity to speak.

"Grandpa is right. It is because he acts as the internal response that the grandson can replace Ziwei the Great," the demon is very witty, and he speaks directly with a flattering look.

"You," the official Dong Douxing was extremely angry, and he opened his mouth to scold him.

But Wang Liangwu's sword was faster. He had already used the time of speaking to come to the side of Officer Dong Dou Xing. He had never been discovered by Officer Dong Dou Xing. At this moment, he suddenly broke out.

The long knife in his hand flickered, and it was chopped off with a knife, and a head flew high.

The official Dong Dou Xing was killed by him, he was already dead and couldn't die again.

"The East Dou star official hooked up with the demon and acted as the inner Ying to entrap the emperor. This is inexcusable, and the owl's head burned!" Wang Liangwu shouted, his movements were not slow at all, he saw several star officials meant to block him.

He stared at a few people indifferently, and said in a cold tone, "The official Dong Douxing can connect with the monsters as an internal response. He is afraid that he has accomplices and needs to be screened."

Looking at the star official who stopped moving, Wang Liangwu had a calm expression, and in front of the many star officers, he burned the body of the official Dong Dou star.

Looking at the blazing flame, Yang Qifeng was even more sacred and could not look directly under the reflection of the flame.

With a look of Yang Qifeng, Zhang Longgong, who was standing by, immediately realized that he stabbed the monster to death.

The demon did not die for a while. He stretched out his hand to Yang Qifeng and roared, "You are not trusted, I have already pointed out the official Dong Douxing."

It is a pity that his mouth trembles slightly and the words never come out, and his words seem to have disappeared.

"The Great Tribulation of the Three Realms, the demons are in chaos, not only the Great Emperor died, but even the Jade Emperor was gone. This is the time when the survival of the Three Realms is intermittent."

Yang Qifeng looked around, his gaze was like a knife, and many star officials should meet his gaze, all lowered their heads, moved their gazes away, and did not dare to confront Yang Qifeng at all.

Killing Dongdouxing's official prestige was very successful.

"I, Zhu Gang, would like to temporarily take the post of Emperor Ziwei, to command the stars of Zhou and the evil evil spirits of the stars, to calm the monsters, and to return the world to peace."

"The Marshal's temporary post as the emperor is not bad, but the lord of the stars of the emperor, the master of Vientiane, is in charge of the latitude and longitude of the sky, so as to control all the stars and control the ghosts and thunder!"

"You must have the life of Ziwei, Marshal?" A star official spoke out. He didn't directly refute, but preached around the corner.

"The fate of crape myrtle!" Yang Qifeng muttered, the purple intent in his eyebrows filled, and he no longer had any hiding for the mid-level crape myrtle fate.

The weather was rising, ten thousand stars guarded, an aura conjoined with the Emperor Ziwei star, and a force emerged from the Emperor Ziwei star and began to slowly gather on him.

"The Ziwei Emperor has approved it," the star official who had just spoken was shocked. He knelt down and worshipped and preached, "The minister, see your majesty!"

"Kow to see your majesty!" Wang Liangwu also bowed to the ground, and in a blink of an eye all the Tianhe naval forces bowed down.

Some star officials watched the rising purple qi, and continued to gather behind Yang Qifeng, and began to slowly blend in the purple qi. They knew that this was the recognition of the Ziwei Emperor. If such a situation occurs, it means that the previous Ziwei has lost his position. .

Now that Emperor Ziwei recognizes the new emperor, how can they not act, and if they delay any longer, they will be liquidated afterwards.

In a blink of an eye, the star officials bowed to the ground, but only a few were still standing. They looked at each other. They were not ordinary star officials, they could see that the Ziwei Emperor star approved, but they also had the meaning of resistance. This indicates that among them There are hidden secrets.

But at this moment, as the star official bowed down and the resistance gradually disappeared, they knew that the star official was in charge of a star, and they already represented authority. When they admitted one after another, it was the identification of each star.

With their help, Ziwei Emperor Star did not resist anymore. Recognition was already a certainty. They smiled bitterly and bowed down one after another.

All this was seen by Yang Qifeng.

It is of course impossible for him to be recognized by the mid-level Ziwei Emperor Star. He is only able to make a beginning. If he continues, he will definitely provoke the Ziwei Emperor maliciously and fail.

But he dared to do this, naturally there is hope of success, as long as the stars recognize him, the Ziwei Emperor will recognize him.

This is like the emperor’s opinion is important, but Manchu civil and military opinions are not important, especially when the emperor loses position, the role of Manchu civil and military is decisive.

It’s not the first time for Emperor Ziwei. Yang Qifeng is very familiar with Emperor Ziwei’s authority. This time he is not as powerful as the first time, affecting the fluctuations of the Three Realms.

Emperor Ziwei recognized that Yang Qifeng was constantly digesting all the power in his position.

In about a quarter of an hour, the authority of the crape myrtle was controlled by Yang Qifeng. After completely digesting this part of the power, Yang Qifeng knew that he did not occupy all the power of crape myrtle, and nearly half of the power was in the hands of the previous emperor.

The emperor is lonely, is a lonely family, this is one of the reasons, who wants to share their authority with outsiders.

The two must fight each other to control the ownership. This is the real Ziwei.

"Now that the Three Realms are suffering ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ everything is kept simple, so the celebration will not be held."

"Call all the evil evil spirits to come to Emperor Ziwei, Zhou Tian and the stars are transformed by demons,"

"Big Dipper Qi Yuan, Zuo Fu You Bi, San Tai Xing Jun, Nan Dou Liu Si, Zhong Dou San Zhen, Qing Yang Dura two messengers, Twelve Yuan Chen's birth star, 60 Jia Zi Tai Sui Xing Jun, Yun Tian 28 Su, Dou There are vacancies in the thirty-six heavens and the seventy-two earth evils,"

"I want to appoint a group of officials and take charge of the authority, so that I can fight against demons and quell the chaos of the Three Realms."

"According to the order!" There was resistance at first, and some unwilling star officials immediately shouted in unison, each of them loud and loud, and they were all convinced.

Promoted to Zhou Tian Zhengshen, from star official to star monarch, who doesn't want to.

"However, the Ziwei Imperial Palace is still in the hands of the monsters. Are you willing to seize the Imperial Palace for me?"

"The ministers are waiting!" Many star officials responded, looking at the imperial palace with fiery eyes. Under Yang Qifeng's order, they rushed to the Ziwei imperial palace, one by one, like wolves and tigers. This is an opportunity to perform meritorious service.

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