Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 695: Big win

The boundless purple meaning swirls around the galaxy.

Everlasting, the unbroken Ziwei Emperor star began to crack every inch.

Zi Yi continued to flow into this punch, and a earth-shaking dragon chant spread all over the world and even the world.

At this moment, no matter where you are, even Netherworld Palace or Heavenly Court, you can hear it.

Wutian looked solemnly, and the black lotus platform was suspended in front of him, and the black petals opened up, wrapping Wutian one by one. In a blink of an eye, Wutian's figure had disappeared without a trace, and there was only a black lotus platform in front of him.

The black lotus platform instantly turned into illusion, the countless light and light disappeared, and the black lotus platform had disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Wutian is not an idiot. How can you let the enemy start the fight, stand there and let you fight, where there is such a fool in the world, of course, he will do his best to defend and avoid.

Hide, it is impossible!

Yang Qifeng didn't care, with a mighty shocking punch, across the distance, where the black lotus platform appeared, and where the dragon fist still appeared.

No matter how the black lotus platform begins to move, its position keeps changing. From the vast starry sky to the heaven, and back to the vast starry sky in the heaven, this dragon fist still follows closely behind.

In this emperor's dragon fist, every style is unavoidable, unavoidable.

It is the emperor's mastery, and in response to that sentence, the king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die!

After moving twice in a row, all the time to dodge was consumed, and the dragon fist bombarded the black lotus platform, and a huge explosion exploded in the vast starry sky.

The aftermath of the horrible explosion began to sweep in all directions. The nearby rotating stars shattered into pieces in an instant, and the debris and debris floated in the vast starry sky.

The vast starry sky completely turned into a purple, piercing everyone's eyes with dazzling, and there is no two color between the world and the earth.

The purple slowly dissipated, and the vast starry sky returned to darkness. The stars that stood in front of them had disappeared without a trace, and without a trace of the sky.

Yang Qifeng stared at the front with piercing eyes, one quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, one hour.

In a blink of an eye, it was half a day and Wutian still did not appear. Yang Qifeng knew that Wutian would never appear again. Sure enough, definite numbers were all nonsense.

If you can't break the destiny, you can't break the destiny, it's just that you are not strong enough.

Yang Qifeng's feelings are pure nonsense. He has the external force of the main god, so he does not have a deep understanding of certain numbers, just like the protagonist in a novel.

The destiny is easily broken by them because they have golden fingers in their hands, which is like a bug in the program.

Otherwise, you can try it as a native, don't want to be played by destiny.

If you want to transcend the world, there is no external force. If you have a destiny card, you have to live and die, just like why the wheeler is strong, their aptitude is not as good as some people in the low martial world, but their final achievements do not know how much stronger they are.

It is because they can travel to different worlds. If this world is stuck, they can change the world and practice. Here, there is no place to keep the master.

"Your Majesty, Wan Sheng!" For a long time, there was a burst of earth-shattering cheers. At this moment, many immortals and gods all showed joy. Among them, Wang Liangwu and Lan Liang were the most pleased.

Yang Qifeng looked around, and Wutian died at this moment, and the chain reaction had occurred. The demon's strength began to decline. Their strength was closely related to Heilian. Now both Heilian and Wutian have been smashed under the dragon fist.

They lost the blessing of Hei Lian and could no longer resist the attack of the fairy gods.

The general trend of the world, even if the demon is prosperous, it is impossible to be born suddenly, this must have signs, such as the birth of a world-shaking demon.

But there is no giant demon under the world, many of whom are unheard of, if they have this ability, how can they not leave a mark in the Three Realms.

You must know that they are not monks, but a monster who runs wild.

The demon's strength was weakened, and he was no longer an opponent of the fairy gods. He didn't need Yang Qifeng to make a move. In his eyes, the demon began to retreat steadily.

"Wutian is dead!" Somewhere in the vast starry sky, Monk Tang, who was watching the battlefield, couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene.

"Impossible, the Buddha once said that Wutian ruled the Three Realms for 33 years and he must gather 17 relics for the return of the Buddha before he can kill Wutian."

"How could he die!"

Tang Seng couldn't believe it, couldn't believe it, he fell into shock, and immediately panicked. Now Wutian is dead, then can the Buddha return to Nirvana?

This battle is about the Three Realms, and the person watching is not only Tang Seng.

At this moment, beside Monk Tang, there were a large number of Lingshan monks, but there were also some immortals, such as Nezha, the Great God of Heaven and Three Altars of the Sea, and the Dragon King of Four Seas.

Compared with Yang Qifeng, they are naturally optimistic about the Buddha, believing that the Buddha will return from Nirvana, behead Wutian and restore peace in the Three Realms.

At this moment, I was shocked one by one. This scene is simply incredible. The Wutian who went across the Three Realms and imprisoned the Gods of the Three Realms died unexpectedly. If they had not seen this scene with their own eyes, they would definitely not believe such news.

"The Dark Abyss is gloomy and terrifying because of Wutian's magical influence. Now Wutian is dead. The weak water outside the Dark Abyss can already be crossed with the prepared treasure. We immediately proceed to rescue Wukong."

"Then gather the seventeen relics and let the Buddha return to Nirvana. I don't believe Wutian died so easily. He must be hiding in the dark and want to use some conspiracy."

"But as long as the Buddha returns, all Wutian's plans will be empty."

"The Buddha of Meritorious Virtue is compassionate, and Xiaolong is far from it. It is just a matter of rescuing the Holy Buddha. Xiaolong has low skill. Please forgive Xiaolong for not being able to go together."

"The three brothers are not leaving yet!" Donghai Dragon King bowed his hand to Tang Monk, and then preached to the other three dragon kings.

"Where to go?"

"Of course it is your Majesty Ziwei!"

"Brother Wang is right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now your Majesty is using people, I am willing to do my best even if my skills are low."

Xihai Dragon King bites his own words seriously, he didn't want to offend people, but how can his shrewd know that it is impossible to meet the source of the right and left, and the relationship must be cut.

"Third Prince, let's go!" Tang Seng couldn't see the anger, he ignored the Four Seas Dragon King in front of him, and greeted Nezha to go to the Dark Abyss.

"I wanted to go with the meritorious Buddha, but Nezha is the righteous **** of the heavens. If the court is suffering today, how can he abolish the public for his own sake,"

"Gongde Buddha still wait a while, wait for Nezha to settle the chaos in the heavens, and then go to the Dark Abyss with the merit Buddha!"

"Amitabha, poor monks and all the buddhas of Lingshan," Tang Seng clasped his hands together, and he lowered his head to tell in a low voice, even if he did not move a mountain of Buddha's heart, he was still in pain at this moment.

The reality is so cruel, I can't help it at all.

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