Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 698: return

Seed of Blessed Land!

Suddenly burst, the illusory light spread.

The light is bright and dazzling, blinding all perceptions, unable to see clearly, and not looking true.

When everything fell silent, the seeds of blessed land had successfully broken open and evolved into blessed land.

The blessed land is independent of the world, but a completely different space. In Yang Qifeng's eyes, a blessed land of nine feet is present in his vision.

The blessed land is empty, like a cloud of darkness, nothing, mountains, lakes, big sun and stars, none of them exist.

Yang Qifeng was moved by his mind, he had disappeared in the Ziwei Emperor's Palace, he appeared in the blessed land, standing in the dark and silent blessed land, he could not feel the north, south, east, west, there was no direction, and no time.

Standing here, Yang Qifeng has a sense of omnipotence. He is the creator of the world.

He couldn't help pretending to preach: "I said, there must be light!"

The light rose up, and in the pitch-black blessed land, the light rose to dispel all the darkness.

It's a pity that this blessed land is only nine feet long, which is too small. Even a **** of creation is also a **** of creation in the well.

However, when he first became a true immortal, he would have nine feet of blessed land. This is a solid foundation. An ordinary true celestial being able to reach one or two feet of blessed land is not bad. If he hadn't cultivated the Black Emperor Profound Art, he wouldn't be able to obtain this strong foundation.

After cultivating a true fairy, Yang Qifeng didn't plan to return to the Lord's Space directly. He saw that there was still some time left, and he naturally wanted to maximize his benefits, like some flat peach spiritual roots, Yang Qifeng got some.

He didn't try to rip the flat peach out. If he did that, he would definitely be stopped.

That Zhenyuanzi seemed to care nothing about everything, but there was him everywhere, like Yang Qifeng didn’t plan to do too much. It’s for this reason, like the gods of heaven, it’s not him who did it, it’s other people. It has nothing to do with him.

Yang Qifeng has a sense of measure, and doesn't want to make extravagant things, looking for things for himself.

The Queen Mother’s Flat Peach Garden has 3,600 flat peach trees, and 1,200 in the front. The flowers and fruits are tiny, and they ripen every three thousand years. People can become immortals after eating.

There are 1,200 trees in the middle, which are ripe for 6,000 years. People will rise up after eating the Xiaju, and they will live forever.

There are 1,200 plants in the back, with purple veins and fine nuclei, which are ripe for 9,000 years. People live with the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon are the same.

He also took two hundred plants of each type, and three total of six white plants. As for the ginseng fruit tree, that's all. After all, this world is just a projection world after the Journey to the West.

The grade is not so high, and the effect of ginseng fruit is limited. This is because he doesn't want it, but it is not afraid of Zhen Yuanzi.

He has prepared some spiritual roots and spiritual materials in the heavenly court. He doesn't ask for more, but only for more varieties. The area of ​​blessed land is limited, and it is impossible to plant everything. Yang Qifeng just picks some good things.

Leaving his blessed land, Yang Qifeng looked at some of his remaining merits, and he continued to practice, refining the merits to improve his cultivation.

Because of his breakthrough, he broke through the seeds of the blessed land and evolved the blessed land, and there was not much left. When the last trace of the merit was refined, Yang Qifeng's strength did not increase too much.

He just expanded his blessed land to the point of fifteen feet. After he cultivated to the true immortal, he successfully evolved the blessed land. The next thing to do is to continue to expand the blessed land.

The true immortal limit is ninety-nine zhang blessed land. When one hundred zhang blessed land is broken, blessed land can be considered to be out of the scope of its inception and truly begin to enter stability.

Yang Qifeng naturally does not need to expand his blessed land to ninety-nine zhang, he only needs forty zhang.

When the merits are used up, then the crape myrtle destiny is sacrificed.

Yang Qifeng does short-sighted things. Merit is hard to find. Generally, it is not used to improve cultivation, but to refine magic weapons. The effect of a merit magic weapon is extremely amazing.

Just one of the killings does not touch the cause and effect is what everyone dreams of.

It's like having a license to kill, ignoring the laws and regulations, the person killed is dead in vain.

Needless to say, Ziwei's destiny is even more rare than merit. It is a symbol of the stability of the heavenly sub-jun, and how important it is.

At this moment, Yang Qifeng offered sacrifices to enhance cultivation. Among them, Ziwei's destiny was not as good as merit effects for various reasons.

But who made Yang Qifeng's crape myrtle destiny far exceed merit, and the lack of quality would be compensated by quantity.

The previous generation of crape myrtle died, he killed Wutian and saved the Three Realms. This credit made him favored by the crape myrtle destiny, and the favored crape myrtle destiny is just like the essence.

But no matter how many destiny the crape myrtle had, it could not keep up with Yang Qifeng's consumption.

When Yang Qifeng swallowed the pill and refined various resources, such as imitation soil, etc., he began to expand the blessed land, expanding the blessed land to 20 meters, 30 meters, or even 40 meters.

Ziwei's destiny also consumes seven or eighty-eight. The Emperor Ziwei star, who was originally connected to him, not only has isolation, but also has a sense of resistance.

The destiny of the crape myrtle was not completely consumed, and it was no longer able to be consumed. Looking at some of the destiny of the crape myrtle, Yang Qifeng sighed and stretched out his hand and patted it lightly.

He directly patted this crape myrtle destiny, and watched the crape myrtle destiny disperse, each attached to the patrons, a pattern of group pythons competing for position was formed.

Yang Qifeng didn't even bother to look at those immortals who were surprised by the consumption of Ziwei's destiny. He is now very energetic, and he has successfully completed his goal.

The cultivation base broke through the true immortal, and the blessed land expanded to forty-five zhang. This was something that I didn't even dare to think before.

When entering this world, Yang Qifeng didn't think that his idea would succeed, he just regarded it as an unattainable goal.

A disgust is born. This is the disgust of the Ziwei Emperor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Ziwei Emperor is very realistic. After his destiny is exhausted, he is no longer a good son for him to curse.

Yang Qifeng chose to return, a light flashed and disappeared.

Yang Qifeng has disappeared. When he reappeared in the main **** space, Yang Qifeng looked at his big bed and walked to the side of the bed and lay on it. He couldn't help but sigh. It is lying on the point of value, it is comfort!

Yang Qifeng bought a complete collection of myths, legends and history with a little value.

This is something in the real world, so it is very, very cheap, but also very expensive. It is wasteful to do such a thing with a little value.

But who made Yang Qifeng too lazy to toss, the world after rounds seemed inconspicuous, he was calm in the rounds, but he was still out of balance after returning.

Look at the history first, and find the history more than a hundred years ago.

At a glance, Yang Qifeng saw the magnificent life of Qian Tianzheng, a famous name in ZTE.

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