Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 719: If there is a unicorn, there must be auspiciousness!

The warm wind blows and the flowers and plants sway slowly.

The oncoming heat waves are rolling in, wave after wave, Yanzhou summer is far more than twice as hot as Jingzhou.

The branches of the courtyard kept shaking, and there was a rustling sound.

Under the lush ancient woods, Yang Qifeng sat in front of the chessboard, holding the black piece, and playing against Weihou, who was holding the white piece.

A game of Go is broad and profound, and the mystery of the Tianyuan place is hidden in it.

The sky is round and moving, and the place is still. This is the truth.

The chess pieces on the chessboard are vertical and horizontal. Every time Yang Qifeng makes a move, he has to think for a moment. He thought that he knew how to calculate, and it would be easy to beat Wei Hou, but at this moment Yang Qifeng saw that Wei Hou's ability was really not low.

The chess game between the two of them can be regarded as a battle between the dragons and the tigers. Yang Qifeng sighed in a false heart, and came out with a word of regret.

"The Way of the Immortal" emphasizes luck and light calculation.

If it were changed to "Shu Mountain", Wei Hou could be regarded as a fish in the water, maybe there will be another good fortune, or an early death.

"Wei Wang has a superb chess skill, Benhou is far inferior!" After playing for a while, Weihou looked at the chessboard. Baizi had fallen into the wind, and there was no room for him to move. Weihou gave in and preached.

"Giving up halfway, this is not the way of the leader!" Yang Qifeng looked at the chessboard, the black son's advantage was extremely obvious, and he would definitely win if he continued, but the white son was not without room for victory.

Where in the world is there anything that is perfect and victorious in every battle, even if it is a sure victory, there is a huge gap between the winning rate and the losing rate.

You must know that the German team can lose, Brazil and Argentina can be tied, there is nothing impossible in the world.

"Wang Wei said and laughed. As a minister of the Han family, how can he follow the way of the master?" Weihou's white face showed a stiff smile, with an extremely reluctant expression.

"Gu is joking with Weihou. Both Gu and Weihou are ministers of the Han Dynasty. How can they have such a delusion." Yang Qifeng looked at Weihou's embarrassment and smiled brightly.

No matter what Wei Hou's true thoughts are, he is now saying that he has a happy heart in his heart. A man was born in heaven and earth. If he can't control his life alone, I will kill him.

Just like Wei Hou, be cautious and tremble all his life.

Tatota, heavy steps sounded, Li Tieniu's burly figure appeared in the courtyard, Li Tieniu strode to Yang Qifeng, bowed directly, and then preached: "My lord, there is an urgent report!"

"What happened to the Iron Bull?"

"General Han has already obeyed the king's arrangements and has already evacuated from Pingqiu at this moment. Li Ni's main force has passed Pingqiu,"

"It's finally here!" Yang Qifeng shook his robe, his eyes revealed a sharp color, and a map appeared in front of him with a big gesture, which depicts the terrain of the world.

Mountains, rivers and lakes are everything, among which the most conspicuous place is Yanzhou.

"Li Ni's main force is in Pingqiu, and the western Longmen Pass will not be calm. I believe that there must be a large army going out of the Longmen. This will cause a two-sided attack and trap the loneliness in Yanzhou."

While speaking, Yang Qifeng looked like a knife, looking at Weihou beside him.

"Wang Wei can rest assured that when he came to Chenliu, he has arranged for the general to do his best to gather 30,000 soldiers and 70,000 soldiers, a total of 100,000 troops. He is willing to follow the arrangements of the king."

"Okay, with the help of Weihou alone, why can't I break Li Ni."

"Wang Shang!" Gong Lang hurriedly walked from outside. After he came to the front, he said in a deep voice: "There is news from Qihou in Qingzhou that Qihou has taken refuge in Li Ni."

"Qihou," Yang Qifeng looked at the map, tapping his finger lightly on Qingzhou.

"Qingzhou is also one of the nine prefectures. It belongs to the middle three continents among the nine prefectures. Although it is not as good as Jizhou, it is also far above Bingzhou and Youzhou. There are more than ten states in Qi, large and small, and they are now in the hands of Qihou. Attacking Yanzhou from the east and the west is an attack on three sides."

Gong Lang also walked to the side of the map, pointed to Qingzhou with a stroke, and went directly to Yanzhou.

"Don't worry about Qingzhou. This Qihou came from the famous Lan family in Qingzhou. The Lan family's reputation has always been poor. Their Lan family's ability to steer the rudder by the wind, but the world is famous, and the king of Jingzhou is called the north and the south."

"But the Lan family has gone through two dynasties. If it succeeds this time, it will be three dynasties. The Millennium Tribulation will be either this time or the next time. They dare not act arrogantly. They have not yet defeated. How can Qihou dare to make a desperate move to rely on Li Jing."

"The Lan family and the Wang family can be the icing on the cake, and you can't give charcoal in the snow." Yang Qifeng's tone had a slight sarcasm. This seemed not a good thing, but it was the way for the family to survive.

If the aristocratic family had given up charcoal in the snow, the gambling **** was so great, the family would have long since fallen.

The icing on the cake does not seem to be very rewarding, but for them, keeping the family business intact is winning. For example, the Lan family has reached its peak, and it is the famous gate of Kyushu, and the next step is to enter the Imperial Palace or fight for the dragon.

How is Emperor Jing a good place? It seems to be prominent here, but it is also a vortex of power struggle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It might be the end of the world.

Wang Taiwei of the Wang family of Zhaozhou has a reputation throughout Kyushu. Why?

It was because the other party retired from the rapids and did not want to go further, and retired to Zhaozhou. For hundreds of years, he consolidated his family business and cultivated the children of his clan.

And where are some of the outstanding people who assisted the Emperor Taizu Gao emperor of the Han Dynasty, and who were named together with Taiwei Wang, now?

They have been prominent for decades, and in the end they all fell to pieces in the Imperial Capital. In the end, the family fell, not to mention the famous gates of Kyushu, even the famous gates can't reach it.

The better ones can still maintain the prestige of the county, and the worse ones are already lost.

"But I can't help but guard. Duobu spied on Qingzhou. If Qihou raises troops, the momentum will be huge, and it's impossible to get no news."

Yang Qifeng had this idea because he saw through Li Jing's plot. If he didn't know that Li Jing was stationed in Xuzhou, he would suddenly get the news.

I will be frightened. When the time comes, Qihou's neutral attitude will be far less firm. Of course, Qihou is not far from Yanzhou, and it will take some time for Qihou to send troops.

The real threat to him is the guard beside him.

Wei Huke was in Yanzhou, with a total of 30,000 soldiers and 70,000 soldiers, a total of 100,000 soldiers, vulnerable to a blow in front of the main force of the Wei army, but if it is true at the critical moment, it can also play a decisive role.


Another voice came out, and Cui Cheng walked in in front of him.

"But what's the bad news?"

"No, no, no," Cui Cheng waved his hand again and again, preaching in a very happy tone: "The king is overjoyed!"

"Chen Liu has a unicorn appearing outside the city. It has been said since ancient times that if unicorns are infested, there must be auspiciousness.") Book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

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