Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 747: God's purpose

"The eventful autumn!"

In the Wei Palace, Yang Qifeng stood on a towering pavilion, looking up at the black dragon in the Tianzhu.

After Hong Sun Dixian left, and after handling the tedious affairs, Yang Qifeng's first thing to do was to look for breath. Qi was in advance. As long as the level of Wangqi was high enough, it was enough to run wild in the world of "Xiandao".

Five great cauldrons are faintly visible in the Tianzhu, one by one floating, slowly rotating around the Tianzhu.

A black dragon is concealed in it, and there is no trace at all. The dragon can be large and small, and can rise and hide; when large, it thrives in the clouds, while small is hidden; when rising, it soars in the universe, and hidden in the waves. within.

The black dragon is already a real dragon, that is, when the dragon was successfully transformed, it was recognized by the world. Now, unless the black dragon is deliberately showing its traces, otherwise the world can see the black dragon, even if it takes the heavens, it will definitely not fall. twenty.

Among them were the Nine Sovereigns of the Heavenly Court and the Ghost Emperor of the Five Sides of the Underground Mansion, and these heavenly immortals occupied most of them.

Excluding these celestial beings, there can be a few more people in the world.

The body of the black dragon is winding and entrenched, the thick body stretches endlessly, and the exquisite patterns on the body are full of Dao Yun, like Dao runes, all over the black dragon.

It's just that Yang Qifeng was able to notice that the Dao rune on the black dragon was much blurred compared to the last time it was viewed, and the huge body also had a sense of instability and faint disintegration.

Worthy of being the true monarch of the day, worthy of the heaven.

Sure enough, it has been overpowering the world for a long time, and the way of heaven has been above humanity for too long. People with lofty ideals who have been in the world for a long time do not think that humanity can be equal to the way of heaven.

In their view, humanity is subordinate to the heavenly path. This is logical, just like the three views of ordinary people. In their eyes, people can't fly, which is the principle.

It's not that people with lofty ideals are not smart enough, that they lack knowledge, or that they have not been nurtured by freedom, equality, justice, and everyone like a dragon.

It's a pity that he is also a loyal man who oppresses the law of heaven and humanity. Otherwise, he will be given a freedom, equality, and everyone is like a dragon, so that Zhenjun Dahi knows why the flowers are so red.

This kind of thought was quickly expelled from Yang Qifeng's mind. As soon as this kind of idea came out, it would definitely spread. If there is a generation of amazing and brilliant people, it will directly call out the humanity that exists in the dark.

This humanity is not talking about the humanity of this world. The humanity of this world is just a general concept, not a concrete existence at all.

The humanity that Yang Qifeng just thought about was the humanity created by the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. This humanity has been opened up as a brilliance road. Since its emergence, it has begun to infiltrate the four directions and gradually spread across the world.

Since then, the human race has begun to rise. Among the heavens and worlds, look at the human race. It is not the hegemon who dominates the world, or the big race alongside other races.

No matter how weak they are, they are at the low end of the ten thousand races, but they will rise sooner or later. As many human races and humanity interact with each other, they gain the blessing of humane power and contribute their own strength to feed back humanity.

In the end, it caused one thing. The power of humanity is getting stronger and stronger, and the world that was not radiated in the past can also be radiated, thus bringing great luck to the human race and creating an opportunity for rise.

The three emperors and five emperors are worthy of the sages of the human race, and their approach is like investing. When other races started their businesses from scratch, the humane companies of the three emperors and five emperors have begun to invest money in other human races of the world.

Coupled with a wealth of management experience, such as practicing exercises to increase strength, forging armor, building weapons, and more detailed, it is 36 chapters of the rise of the human race, 86 strategies for colonizing alien races, and 360 methods for dominating the world.

No, my thoughts are a bit extreme. Humanity does not mean justice and freedom. Everyone is like a dragon. This is part of humanity, but it is certainly not a complete humanity.

The founding of a country and proclaiming emperor is also part of humanity.

My previous judgment was wrong. The distinction between humanity and heaven is still vague in Yang Qifeng's mind. I don't know how to judge. This is because my strength is still low. This knowledge will naturally understand when his strength is strong in the future. .

He had no intention of being the Jade Emperor, and Emperor Ziwei was just a means to increase his strength.

Yang Qifeng had a clear understanding of his heart, and he was suddenly alert at this moment, not knowing when he had lost his heart, and even regarded becoming the Ziwei Emperor as his goal everywhere.

At this moment, Emperor Ziwei is unattainable for himself, but Emperor Ziwei is not the apex of the heavens after all. One day when Emperor Ziwei becomes a drag on himself, he will abandon Emperor Ziwei.

Although there is no such strong strength now, and I don't know when this day will happen, as a reincarnation, you must have such aspirations.

As the saying goes, how big the heart is, how big the future will be.

One's purpose is to see for a long time, eternity will not die, heaven and earth will die, but self will not die, this can only be done by Hunyuan.

Such as the Taoist Sanqing and other figures can do it, never heard of such a tyrannical Ziwei Great.

After comprehending this point, Yang Qifeng felt cold. When did he come up with such thoughts? It should have been exploring the world, the weird world of power.

After that, the magic phone started to be implemented, and finally took Ziwei as his goal step by step, and began to work hard for this goal with determination.

I had this idea at the beginning, because I wanted to not go according to the wishes of the emperor, but to jump out of the chessboard, because the heavens and the stars are all there, so I thought that the great Ziwei would rule the stars.

Only then did he have the idea of ​​becoming the emperor of Ziwei, in order to jump out of the chessboard.

Now it seems that there is something wrong with this.

As a reincarnation~www.wuxiaspot.com~, there are too many ways to get out of the chessboard, so I wanted to become Ziwei the Great.

The emperor, crape myrtle.

Yang Qifeng recalled what Qiu Dong had said to him in his mind. Since Hong Sun left, Yang Qifeng has also frankly met Chun Xia and Qiu Dong, and has also learned about the deeds of Da Ri Zhenjun in the past.

The matter of Long Xiaoyun was reasonable and reasonable, but how could the Emperor of Heaven fail to see it? After that, he had a lot of indulgence and turned a blind eye to many things.

I'm afraid it should be here too. The Emperor deliberately indulged and supported him in secret, in order to arouse the ambitions of Dainichi Zhenjun.

It took a long time to understand the matter of the Lunar Star Lord, but the Emperor of Heaven knew the ambition of the true Lord of the Sun at the moment of his canonization.

The great sun invades the lunar yin, the yin and yang work together, can ascend the throne, dominate the stars, and control the heavens!

Ziwei, the leader of the stars, the master of Vientiane, can also be in charge of the heavenly court.

So the real purpose of the emperor?

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