Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 770: Big sunrise hand

"Emperor" "Jing"

Thousands of aura, and thousands of rays of sunshine.

The momentum was earth-shattering, rolling up the clouds, like a palm covering the sky, constantly kneading the clouds together.

The two echoed each other, an invisible connection began to be born from it, the world was shaking, and Er Shu no longer concealed his presence at this moment.

At this moment, both Yang Qifeng and other civil and military officials could see these two books.

The two characters "Emperor" and "Jing" were branded in the hearts of everyone, and everyone looked at these two books with different expressions.

With a buzzing sound, the red-gold Jiuding leaped in an instant whistling, and the nine great cauldrons were slowly turning around the two books of "Di" and "Jing".

The black dragon opened its teeth and danced its claws, and its huge body also leaped forward. The dragon's eyes appeared on the head of the dragon, and it was obsessed with the two books of "Emperor" and "Jing". At this moment, a very human expression appeared on the face of the black dragon.

This situation was all completed within a short breath. Yang Qifeng saw this scene and his heart was shaken. The two books of "Di" and "Jing" are wrong, very wrong.

It is worthy of the means of the Emperor of Heaven, and now Yang Qifeng has little resistance to it. The real dragon of luck that the great business of the country has transformed has been confused by the "di" and "jing".

Had it not been for Yang Qifeng's intentional control of the seven-clawed black dragon, the seven-clawed black dragon would have swallowed the "Di" and "Jing" in one bite at this moment.

In the sky, it was suddenly bright, and a big sun fell from the sky.

The coming is menacing, mixed with endless flames, burning all things, and destroying everything in the big day.

At the moment when the "Emperor" and "Sutra" started, I don't know when Dainichi Zhenjun, who was hiding from the side, did it outrageously at this moment. He did not postpone his self-reliance on his identity to the last occasion, nor did he wait for "Emperor" and "Sutra" failure.

Rather, they act together brazenly in conjunction with the "Emperor" and "Jing".

The sky and the earth are bright, the sun keeps falling, and the heat waves emitted by the burning flames bake the earth one after another. The dense weeds of the Temple of Heaven are constantly withered under the baking of this terrifying high temperature. .


"Protect Your Majesty!"

The shouting voices one after another, such as Han Pu, Li Tieniu and others, all began to walk towards the Temple of Heaven, and many other civil and military actors also had their own actions.

Yang Qifeng glanced around and saw all the actions of everyone in his eyes. At this moment, who is the loyal minister, naturally began to protect the driver, and see the truth in adversity, and the more dangerous it is, the more loyal and traitor can be distinguished.

"Han Pu, you are responsible for evacuating all the officials,"

"Your Majesty?" Han Pu called out.

"Quickly, you don't need to worry about this place,"

"Wang Jian, you go to stabilize the imperial capital, the imperial capital must not be chaotic."


Yang Qifeng stared at the big sun crashing down in the sky, and began to give orders continuously. At this moment, the immortal merchants, civil and military officials are all around the Temple of Heaven. If this round of great sunset, then the immortal merchants' civil and military officials will all be wiped out. .

Without the middle drive, the immortal merchants will inevitably be in chaos in all directions, and the situation that has just been restored to unity will once again face chaos in the world.

Under such circumstances, such as Tianpeng Zhenjun and Yuanjun, he does not allow Dahijinjun to come, but this is a normal situation, and no one can ignore whether Dahijinjun will suddenly twitch his head and just want to do it.

This point must not be guarded against, if this hundred officials of civil and military are all caught by Dahi Zhenjun, Dahi Zhenjun does not care about the backlash, but Yang Qifeng cares.

Because even if it survives, the world will once again be in chaos, and without the confidants, the world does not know how to evolve.

I can't afford to gamble on this point, and no matter how many civil and military officials are here, they can't play a big role. It's better to leave quickly to avoid accidents.

As for the other Li people, scholars and squire, Yang Qifeng can't take care of them, and now there is no time to take care of them.

The two books of "Di" and "Jing" have just merged partly. At this moment, the fusion suddenly stopped, and the "Di" and "Jing" burst out with unparalleled power.

This force was overbearing and unrivaled, instantly turned into an arrow, aimed at the falling round of the sun and shot out.

As if someone bends a bow to shoot the sun, the arrow of the sun shoots out, drawing a straight mark in the air, and instantly rushes into the panic-stricken sun.

The bulging visible to the naked eye appeared above the big day, and the big day bulged and shrank, flashing three or four times in a row, but it subsided.

The heat wave that swept through the Imperial Capital no longer had the same horror. Although Dahi resisted the arrow, he still had considerable consumption.

what happened? "Emperor" and "Jing" actually started to help myself.

Yang Qifeng was suspicious at this moment. Just as Yang Qifeng was about to make a move, the fusion of "Di" and "Jing" suddenly burst into force.

This force was very proactive and began to help itself. It was definitely not that after Da Ni threatened the "Di" and "Jing", the "Di" and "Jing" began to passively counterattack.

This judgement that Yang Qifeng still has it, but this also caused deep doubts.

"Emperor" and "Jing" in Yang Qifeng's opinion, when he is weak, this is a help, like a ticket, who can dominate the world, no matter how wise you are, but if there is no "Emperor" and "Jing" Any one is in hand.

Then you can't dominate the world at all. To paraphrase an old saying, you are out before you start.

After the blow of "Di" and "Jing", the light of the two dimmed. The blow just now was quite a waste to "Di" and "Jing"~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Di" and "Jing" are just books, even if they are. Possessing mighty powers is also a dead thing, far inferior to Dahizhenjun.

After the light dimmed, the fusion of the two books "Di" and "Jing" suddenly accelerated, and the fusion of the two was completed in an instant.

Turned into a "Di Jing", after the "Di Jing" appeared, it immediately began to fly towards the black dragon, and the posture was like taking the initiative into the mouth of the black dragon, letting the black dragon swallow the "Di Jing" in one bite.

Here, the posture seemed as if he couldn't wait, Yang Qifeng saw it, and after a little hesitation, he still planned to follow his original idea.

Even if the "Di Jing" has just taken the initiative to help itself, it can't conceal that the "Di Jing" is a means arranged by the emperor. There is definitely no good thing about this thing.

Yang Qifeng is not an idiot who gives you a little benefit and believes what others say.

A black flag came out from the sky, the sound of Taotao's running water resounded everywhere, and the weak water flag of Tianhe turned into a wall, severing the connection between the "Emperor Jing" and the black dragon.

"Idiot, you were fooled!"

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