Lord God Xiaoyao

: Calculating debts + world sorting + realm division.

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The 2.0 era has passed, and the 3.0 era will follow. Unless there is a major event and there is not enough time, a chapter is three thousand words. Remember that June is owed more than 16 chapters, and July monthly ticket is 850, which should be 17 chapters. , A total of ten thousand coins rewarded five times, this is the ten chapters.

Chapter 2743 of June 16th July.

If it is converted into two thousand words, it is more than sixty chapters. According to the basis of the Taoist two shifts from four thousand words to six thousand words, it can be said that every day is one more chapter, so nowadays Taoists are still in debt, but Sincerity is sufficient, and seeking a wave of subscriptions is justified.

Next, let’s not talk more nonsense, and talk about world issues, otherwise you will start chaos.

The big world of Calabash and Fairy Dao are one world. No, the world is not very specific. It is appropriate to say that it is a multiverse. It is just that Calabash is a small world and Fairy Dao is a big one, and the timeline of Calabash is the past. The Sendo timeline is now.

The continuation of this multiverse background is the old book Journey to the West worldview. I won’t say much about it, otherwise it would be spoiled.

Then there are ordinary worlds, such as the prehistoric world, the Baolian Lantern, and the fairy sword. These worlds have never broken the boundaries of their own world and truly walked out of their own world, so they are not multiverse.

The earth in the real world can only be visited by the multiverse.

Finally, I will give you a brief.

Small Thousand World, one star to three stars

Zhongqian World 4 to 6 stars

Big Thousand World Seven Stars to Eight Stars

Nine stars in the multiverse, breaking the boundaries of the world, being able to cross to other worlds, such as Journey to the West,

There is no need to say more if the realm is divided into five stars or less.

Six-star heavenly immortals, seven-star golden immortals, and eight-star Daluo, there must be realm divisions among them, just like earth immortals, true immortals, and earth immortals. There is no need to mention them in detail, just understand the general situation. , Like the division of the realm of the main god, the strength must be one level higher than that of the ordinary world, for example, the heavenly immortal is equivalent to the prehistoric golden immortal.

Daluo is also the quasi-sage of the prehistoric, writing so much is also a painstaking effort, not to say, and finally ask for a wave of support.

(= one second to remember)

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