Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Shao Dian

In the mountains and seas. Fiction.

Yang Qifeng's crape myrtle fate is manifested, matching the identity of the emperor.

Yang Qifeng evolves into a shocking weather phenomenon, in charge of the latitude and longitude of the sky, in order to control all the stars, and control ghosts and thunder.

When the Emperor of Heaven was in the elementary level, the Little Thousand World could serve as the son of the Emperor of Heaven, and now it has evolved into a high level. To be fair, even in the Big Thousand World, he would not lose the identity of the Emperor of Heaven.

And in conjunction with the Ziwei fate, Yang Qifeng can directly become the emperor of Ziwei in the lower-level Great Thousand World.

The situation like the mountain and sea world in front of him is the situation that Yang Qifeng is least afraid of. If he enters the mountain and sea world directly as himself, then the role of the emperor and Ziwei Mingge will be reduced.

It is a pity that entering the world of mountains and seas has to be assigned an identity, which is conducive to a gambling fight between the two sides.

After all, the lieutenant did not want to be a small soldier at the beginning, and then began to climb up with his own efforts, so that for the lieutenant, he would not be able to directly exert his advantage.

After all, the lieutenant wanted to infiltrate the Jade Dynasty directly into Chi You, either Chi You or Chi You's brother. In this way, he inherited the identity of being defeated, and it would be so difficult for him to rebel under the humanitarianism.

Yang Qifeng solemnly preached in a deep voice:

"I shall be purple!"

The words were never finished, a little bit did not fall, and a great terror was born.

Heaven's will condensed, and the Ziwei Emperor star, who had been in contact with Yang Qifeng, suddenly disappeared without a trace, and a feeling of emptiness spread in Yang Qifeng's heart.

Yang Qifeng stared with piercing eyes, as expected to be a lieutenant, really cheating.

The cooperation of Emperor Tian and Ziwei's fate, in this world of mountains and seas where the Fangshan River map evolved, it would be impossible to force Xuanyuan to seize the identity of Xuanyuan.

After all, this side of the world has already been attacked by the lieutenant, and his identity background is Random. In fact, the most important Xuanyuan is already determined by the lieutenant.

If you want to obtain the identity of Xuanyuan, you can't rely on Tiandizi and Ziwei's fate. If you change to another world, you can't fight it. It's just that this is not a real world. It is a world of the evolution of the mountain and river map, and the mountain and river map is in the Ziwei's. Hands.

Xuanyuan is not good, so it can be Ziwei.

Xuanyuan has its own great fortune, this is the protagonist of the mountain and sea world, and Ziwei is only a supporting role.

This is like a Baolian lantern. Agarwood is the protagonist, and other people are naturally supporting actors. Everything revolves around Agarwood. Naturally, it possesses extraordinary luck, turning bad luck into good fortune, and being in distress.

The Jade Emperor is just a supporting role. Yang Qifeng originally planned to be a crape myrtle, and then evolved from a supporting role to a protagonist.

The battle between heaven and man has lasted since ancient times.

I don’t know how many years people have chanted the slogan, but if man is already in the sky, then why bother to call people to conquer the sky. It’s like you get the first place in the exam every time. Naturally, you won’t take the number one as your goal. The slogan of the first test.

Sure enough, these old guys are thoughtful. With the help of the loopholes in the dispute between heaven and man, Ziwei will not leave him at all. Yang Qifeng can have a foreboding that there is no Ziwei Emperor. Just now, everything is just an illusion.

If you take a step yourself, you will be greeted with great horror. The tumbling Providence has already prepared the big move, waiting for Yang Qifeng to jump down.

If the life is not good, people who travel through the mortal period can find the vulnerabilities of the immortal. A pack of spicy strips can make the immortal marvel, and the mortal is so delicious.

The beauties who use cosmetics make the gods praise their beauty.

A set of Xingyi Quan, even in the prehistoric world, is a great supernatural power, hitting Minghe and Zhenyuanzi down, and Yuanshi and Zhunti up.

Ziwei is impossible, and the expected battle between heaven and man has also been cut off.

Chi You's side is definitely not going to work, and Chi You's side will undoubtedly lose under the humanitarian luck.

Rather than saving a loser, it is far better to start anew. To know Chi You's failure, even if Yang Qifeng doesn't know the situation, the general situation is still known.

After all, the routines are just those few routines. Chi You must be loyal, heroic, and loyal.

Brothers are as close as a family, family affection is greater than etiquette, and the advantages of one after another are also the weakness of the king.

Third party! This is the right choice.

It is **** difficulty to turn the tide, and to support the mansion. It is difficult and difficult to start a new dynasty directly. It is easy to open up a new dynasty.

Simple difficulty is Xuanyuan, difficult difficulty is to start anew, **** difficulty is to save Chi You.

The landscape of mountains and rivers towering beyond the heavens, so close to the heavens, repeating ancient history, if Chi You wins, can the big boss who has won now be satisfied.

Chi You will lose. No matter what kind of history, there is no example of Chi You's victory.

For the big brothers, if you change the realm of it once, it will create a completely different history. Of course, this is illusory and may not be that serious. It can prevent the slightest failure and cut off all possibilities.

One by one in the dark, the figures began to flash, but they disappeared quickly.

Yang Qifeng sneered again and again, really taking great pains. With the help of the emperor's ability, Yang Qifeng's crape myrtle could not be followed, and he had a foreboding of a lot of identities in the illusory world that this party evolved.

But most of them are related to the Jiuli tribe, among which the most noble ones are all the masters of the various tribes of Jiuli, and even Chiyou of the master of Jiuli.

Chi You is a pit, absolutely cannot be chosen, neither can Jiuli.

This one, Yang Qifeng finally locked on one. This person is noble and the leader of the bear tribe, which is in line with Yang Qifeng's goal.

This person is Xuanyuan's Laozi, the young man who founded the bear tribe.

I have to mention that the power of the main **** is fully displayed in this mountain and river map. After all, the mountain and river map is just a top-quality innate spiritual treasure. If it is aimed at one person, even the power of the main **** must be restrained.

It is a pity that the landscape of mountains and rivers has evolved into a world ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The world of mountains and seas has already met the standards of the mid-thousand world, but the more illusory is not real, but as long as the power of good fortune is sufficient, it may not be impossible to change from fiction to reality.

It's just that the price of this move is too great, and for some people it is not worth the gain.

It was him, and Yang Qifeng didn't have much hesitation or hesitation.

I originally wanted a third party to start anew, but this identity is excellent, even better than starting anew. It can completely bring trouble to Xiaoqiang, which is difficult to talk about.

It’s not difficult, but it’s more difficult than simple, somewhere between difficulty and simplicity.

It is the best choice now, Yang Qifeng no longer hesitates, his body gradually merges with each other.

It was dark in front of me, and when it lit up again, a call came from my ear: "Youshi is willing to marry the most dazzling pearl with a treasure to the leader!"

"May I not marry!"

"This way, cheap sons won't be born."

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