Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 840: Xuanyuanji

[Title: Lord God Happy eight hundredth Sishi Zhang Ji Regulus Author: mysterious Taoist]

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Highly recommended: the legend of the eternal dragon king, the legend of the ancient gods, Wulian peak, the five elements, the gate of the Profound Realm, choose the heavens, the eternal night king, Nilin, dominates the holy market, the earth trembles!

The roar sounded constantly, shaking the Quartet.

The strange beasts and birds in the woods were disturbed one after another, either flying indiscriminately, or they had already dived deep into Sen Luo.

The howling wind kept blowing, and the dust covering the sky and the sun rose high.

In the distance, there are densely packed brown bears in a gallop, four of them falling to the ground and pushing backwards with constant force. Every movement of their huge body will make the earth tremble.

On the huge body of the brown bear, there is a bear country warrior, which is firmly fixed on the back of the brown bear.

This is not a false statement to help Yandi, Yang Qifeng has done it sincerely.

After the fall of Da Shi, immediately arranged to have Xiong Guo warriors, and then began to rush south to aid Emperor Yan.

Yang Qifeng is riding on a giant bear measuring ten feet in size. Next to Yang Qifeng sits a 16 or 17-year-old boy. The opponent is handsome and has a golden sword hanging from his waist. This person is Xuanyuan. .

Xuanyuan's three changes in one day, and three days of not seeing it is like three years. Xuanyuan, who was originally a child, has already grown up in this short period of time.

Along with Xuanyuan's growth, Qi Yun began to flourish, even if Xuanyuan had officially named himself yesterday, Ji!

Now Xuanyuan's official name should be called Xuanyuanji!

The name of a female gun, Ji, is usually used to describe women, and it is not an ordinary woman.

Only a very beautiful woman can be called Miki.

The three words Xuanyuanji just sounded like describing a prostitute.

If the real Xuanyuan knew about it, I wonder if he would slap him to death with two slaps, no, it was a slap to death.

You play with the name of the boss at will. If you are Wei Guangzheng, the boss will not mind, but you dare to use such a disgusting name.

Really treat the boss as a decoration, this is not the real world, but the mountain and sea world evolved from the landscape of mountains and rivers, you can do whatever you want, let you do anything wrong?

Together with the name, there is a sense of self, and there must be troubles.

Ji Shui didn't move by himself, and didn't know what was going on.

Yang Qifeng looked at Xuanyuan beside him, sneered repeatedly in his heart.

This person may still be happy, because Xuanyuan's luck has begun to grow, because Xuanyuan has made up the two keys of Xuanyuanqiu and Ji Shui, but this is also the case for success and failure.

Xuanyuan's luck is prosperous, but it is not deeply ingrained. It is like the foundation of a house has begun to decay, and the appearance does not seem to be a problem, but as long as it is continuously attacked by violent storms, it will collapse sooner or later.

Of course, the situation is different now. As long as Xuanyuan persists for a while, the gambling battle is over before the house begins to collapse, and the decay of this foundation is not a problem.

This is also Xuanyuan's mentality at the moment, it is impossible for the other party to fail to see such an obvious loophole here.

As long as this time the gambling fight wins, then relying on the convenience of the mountain and river map, I believe that all the people on the side of the Jade Dynasty will be left behind, so this time the gambling fight will be considered secret.

As long as there is no hype, it is not a big problem.

To put it too much, although the three emperors and five emperors are now well-known, in fact, because of the fetters of humanity, it is not small to want to take action, and they will not interfere with the outside world from humanity for such trivial matters.

The establishment of humanity does not come without a price. The long river of humanity sweeps through the heavens and all realms, but it also restrains all the three emperors and five emperors.

Humanity had not been fully prosperous before, unless the human race was annihilated, it was impossible for the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to take the initiative.

Just listen to the above. As a big boss, how can you not have a little brother, and the big brother will do the things that he does not move, so as long as you win, there is no hidden danger.

Because the big guy knows, the little guy doesn't.

Xuanyuan also took a risk this time, no, the lieutenant had a deep background and was an emperor in the heavens.

Even if the matter is rumored, there is still room for resolution.

There is no need to mention the hidden dangers behind this matter, and it has nothing to do with Yang Qifeng.

What Yang Qifeng valued was Xuanyuan's doing this. Ji Xuanyuan's transformation into Xuanyuanji was not a name change, but a self-breaking foundation, without a solid foundation.

Just like Rootless Ping, as long as he defeated Xuanyuan once, Xuanyuan would not be afraid.

He won't become an undead Xiaoqiang like he has a deep foundation, defeated once, and for the second time, even the third time, the fourth time.

A big defeat directly loses everything.

In Yang Qifeng's opinion, this is not worthwhile, because such a move is too turbulent.

Who is Yang Qifeng?

Be careful, it's a turtle.

It has always been a wave, to gather the general trend, and wait until the last wave is taken away.

Xuanyuan's move was replaced by something Yang Qifeng would definitely not do. It was too turbulent, not ordinary, but very turbulent.

But in empathy, with Yang Qifeng's wisdom, it can also be seen that Xuanyuan does not think he is wavering. In the eyes of the pioneers and adventurers, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Yang Qifeng's series of actions are too conservative.

Life is like chess, even if it is at a disadvantage, as long as it is not the last moment, the outcome is still unknown.

Therefore, the gamble must be gambled. Xuanyuan was full of adventurous spirit, thinking that he would not be defeated. With the help of Ji Shui to enhance his luck, as long as he marched all the way, he defeated Yang Qifeng and won the battle.

If Xuanyuan did not fail, this imaginary luck would naturally calm down, and he was also a winner in the end.

It was like Li Zicheng in the late Ming Dynasty. The reputation was mixed. It was too turbulent. The foundation was unstable and attacked the capital. Instead of attacking the capital, the Manchu had its own Da Ming to deal with it. It was not his own pressure at all, but to make profits.

But all the way straight ahead, the expansion of the land is more than a thousand miles, and the city has received countless, but Shanhaiguan is defeated, how to surrender, is how to betray.

Just as the wheatgrass wind blows wherever it goes, pour it wherever it goes.

But if Li Zicheng is undefeated and Shanhaiguan wins the first battle, then this is not a waste of words, derogatory words will be replaced by praise words.

The change of Xuanwu Gate is also the same. If Li Shimin fails, later generations will say so, Li Shimin is stupid, he lie in ambush at Xuanwu Gate and will not change another place.

There are countless similar examples, and only successful people can be remembered.

That is, the vernacular becomes the king and the loser.

Two people with different personalities will naturally have different choices. Xuanyuan and Yang Qifeng, who are brave to explore and take risks, are two extremes.

"It can't go on like this, otherwise the Emperor Yan will definitely not be able to save it, and some people will abandon the large forces and go to the rescue first."

"Xuanyuan, you are an adult, this time to help Emperor Yan, you are one step ahead,"

"Emperor Yan is the co-master, and he will certainly not be stingy with rewards. The future of Xiong Country depends on you."

"I'm not leaving yet?"

"The Lord,"

"Just me!" 2k Novel Reading Network

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