Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 988: Yang Qifeng who wants to hold his thigh

The invisible wind!

The roaring anger, blowing constantly.

The mighty Yangtze River is rolling, rushing out endlessly.

The raging flames reflected a sky, and a steady stream of surgings spread.

The earth quaked again, cracking constantly.

The four primary forces of wind, fire, water, and sky in the Xuling Cave are beginning to shake now.

Yang Qifeng watched this scene calmly, thinking about the collapse of the world and the cracking of the world. This is his boundless power, but it is a pity that he can only be in the Xuling Cave.

And it was just a preliminary attempt. If it were to destroy the Xuling Cave Sky, it would be impossible.

Xuling Cave Sky will automatically counteract and begin to reduce Yang Qifeng's control over Xuling Cave Sky. This is the sorrow of the creation of the world. The world is well created by you, but the creation of the world is not yours.

The most typical is the tomb of the gods, if the sky is unfair, we will cut the sky.

Since then, a bad trend has been started, cutting the sky!

I don't know how many capable people, strangers, immortals and Buddhas, all connected in private, deliberately attacking the sky.

The slow four winds of the volcano began to calm down, and Xuling Cave sky returned to calm.

Why Pangu respects it is because Pangu is dead. If Pangu does not die, look at it again, Hongjun will definitely sprint around to overthrow Pangu's brutal rule.

Unless it is Pangu who does not care about mundane things, then he will be respected.

Everyone has selfish intentions, and the Emperor of Heaven cannot take over everything. Doing nothing is the best way.

Yang Qifeng sighed in his heart, the emperor is really bad, don't look at the emperor's eloquence of the constitution.

Power is boundless, and the impact of every move is boundless.

Usually just a small matter can cause the rise and fall of a family, just like in the world of immortality, Yang Qifeng can make a farmer enjoy the prosperity and wealth with a single thought, and even bring a farmer to benefit. .

It is also possible to let the Nine Farmers die clean because of a single thought. This is still intentional and unintentionally affecting more.

This seems to be a good thing, but in fact it is also a bad thing. The definition of good and bad, but in the two phases of a thing, it seems that chance is a crisis, and crisis is a chance.

The influence is greater, but the sins are also greater.

Regardless of what it is, as long as it is done affirmatively, it will produce sin. If there is a gainer, there will definitely be a loser, and this also has the power of resentment.

It's just that there are more profiters, so there are more merits, which can suppress the power of resentment.

But you can always do this, but future generations can do this?

This is certainly impossible, and descendants will definitely have prodigal gadgets, which is why the world has to revolutionize once in 300 years.

When the descendants are not busy, they will do some absurd things when the time comes to let resentment and sin prevail, thereby suppressing the merits, which means that the dynasty is not far away.

If at this moment is not serious, there is an emperor who is striving to rule, then it can be revived, which can be called Xuanzong.

Generally, a dynasty.

The order is Taizu found the country, Taizong prospered, Gaozong defended the city, Xuanzong Zhongxing, and the last emperor lost the country.

Don’t mention all the remaining emperors at all. If the last emperor loses his country, don’t mention it. The dynasty can have these few, even if it’s good.

Especially Xuanzong among them, if there is a bird that can save the dynasty for decades, otherwise it will be finished in the early two hundred years.

It is precisely because of this that the heavenly court does not directly control the great benefits of the human world, because the human world has great benefits and the disadvantages are obvious, and the heavenly court will directly rule.

The early period is calm, but I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years later.

When the grievances accumulate to a certain extent, there must be a hero who has responded to the fortune. There is a saying that the princes and generals are kind, or the heaven is innocent, we will suffer for a long time.

Detonate the power of the injustice and impact the Great Fortune of Heaven, when the Great Fortune of Heaven will collapse, countless outstanding people will be born, and finally the heaven and the earth will be transformed and the universe will change color.

Among the routines, Yang Qifeng wanted to understand that there must be some who were frustrated in power in the heavenly court and became the leading party among them, silently tolerating and raising traitors, and cultivating the power of the lower realms. In the end, the boat did not understand and turned over and became self-immolators.

Therefore, the Emperor of Heaven should rule by doing nothing and enforce the law on his behalf.

It does not take the initiative to manage the lower realm and allows the lower realm to evolve freely, just let the heavens override it and harvest a fixed amount of energy.

After all, no matter which dynasty is in the lower realm, he must respect the heaven and recognize the emperor as his father.

This is the benefit of the heavens, the disadvantage of the dynasty, and the power of reincarnation for hundreds of years, and dispel the power of resentment. This is the way to long-term peace and stability.

The same is true for managing the world. Everything is involved, even if you have respect in your heart, as long as you do something wrong once, the love of helping ten times is gone, when there is no respect, only fear.

If you accumulate it, it will explode.

The Gentleman's Ze is killed for the fifth generation!

What about the creator?

If you don't benefit Lao Tzu, or let Lao Tzu's clubhouse be young, that's the enemy.

The great merits of creating the world can be eroded with time.

Therefore, the best way is to train an agent to benefit oneself, and to disadvantage the agent. In the end, as soon as the karma becomes excessive, the agent will be pushed out of the crime.

Everything is the agent’s fault, the Creator is kind and holy,

Yang Qifeng took a glimpse of the whole world and understood a lot from the power of the cave. The creator is the creator, and the world is the world. When time is born, the relationship between you is two individuals.

It's like being pregnant and giving birth to a child. When a son is born, can the son and his mother be alone?

The mother is not good, the son is not filial!

Nowadays, when the mother is virtuous, the son is not necessarily filial.

Feeling the speed of refining Xuling Dongtian, without the power of the main god, it slowed to a certain extent, as if racing two hundred miles on a high speed, and suddenly got into an ox cart.

Little progress has been made in this period of time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Without the help of the power of the Lord God, it is impossible to refine Xuling Dongtian to the late Heavenly Immortal stage.

Yang Qifeng began to organize things, along with refining the Eastern Emperor Bell, and at the same time began to relax. He couldn't go to the real world, and he had no intention of letting the clone go to waves, just to collect some information.

Now the most important thing is the Primordial World, and Yang Qifeng began to collect everything about the Primordial World.

Especially in the real world about the prehistoric records, regardless of whether it is useful or not, get it first, and then record it.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and it was time to enter the world of reincarnation.

Yang Qifeng had already returned to the main **** space. This time in the prehistoric world, if it was as good as the heavens, then Yang Qifeng might have seen his cheap master.

Yang Qifeng doesn't believe in the benefits of Honghuang, and the cheap master is not tempted.

That is the holy place, Hunyuan.

The cheap master must have thoughts, this is the thigh, which must be hugged.

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