News of Fitch's army advancing to Mons in advance.

Naturally, Lin En learned about it soon.

He was quite troubled by this.

According to Lin En's original plan, he hoped to have a direct decisive battle with the enemy's main force.

A decisive victory will determine the ownership of the entire principality.

But now Feiqi divided his army into two groups.

For Lynn, this certainly reduces the pressure on him to go head-to-head with Fitch.

But this way.

He couldn't get rid of Fitch's main force at once.

Even if the enemy is defeated this time.

Fitch can also run back to Tusk to gather the remaining troops and continue the fight.

Linn had to lead the army to Tusk and switch offensive and defensive positions, leaving him to pursue Fitch.

This undoubtedly lengthened the war.

It only increases the consumption of money.

Moreover, Fitch's early attack.

It also disrupted Lin En's deployment.

Shirley's spaceship has just been assembled, and there was a slight problem during the first two test flights.

During the test flight of the spacecraft, the stability of the hull was not as perfect as expected, and violent shaking occasionally occurred.

"A ship like this can't fly far." Shirley mentioned in the report to Lynn.

She quickly recalculated various data and analyzed the reasons.

The workers who built the ship for her were completely frightened by what they saw with their own eyes.

To them Yan said that this was probably the first time in his life that he saw a ship floating from the land.

And now they finally understood what feat they were accomplishing!

The workers were talking a lot

"No wonder the lord has to assemble the ship on land and send guards to guard it. We are strictly prohibited from leaving the shipyard during this period."

"Although I don’t know what this ship can be used for, I think it will definitely leave a deep impression on the world when it flies over the sky one day!"

"Haha, after I go back this time, I will tell my son that this flying ship was built by his father!"

In addition to the technical difficulties of the spacecraft, there is another link that needs to be overcome over time.

That is the selection of sailors.

Although Lynn has hired more than 200 old crew members in advance, they only have experience in sea navigation.

Want to To be able to smoothly control this ship sailing in the sky in a short period of time, these crew members probably have to get used to it.

In order to solve these problems,

Shirley's sleep time has been greatly shortened now.

She feels a lot more haggard.

Lynn rarely urges her. She. 20

After all, this is just a tool used to help win the war.

It is not a decisive war weapon.

For him now, the howl of hell and the knights of the Guards are the magic weapons for victory.

Lin En ordered people to prepare to throw All the materials needed for the stone machine.

We also specially recruited more than ten wizards from the territory.

These wizards only have black iron strength.

They are usually novices who have accidentally come into contact with wizard knowledge and have mastered some meager magic knowledge. They usually rely on selling potions. Or make a living by cheating.

But for Linn, who needs a wizard to control the trebuchet.

He does not need the wizard himself to be very powerful. As long as he can use some meager magic power, he can already make the trebuchet achieve Terrible effect.

These people are just enough.

Linn bids them a lot, and these wizards are naturally willing to participate in this war.

Just by playing with the equipment on the battlefield, they can get the money they usually earn in a year.

No fool will I am willing.

In addition to preparing war weapons,

Linn has also ordered people to summon his vassals and his father-in-law, Earl Norton, and ask them to bring their troops to gather at Mons Castle.

These people came very quickly.

In just a few days, the four The support army arrived at Lin En's territory one after another.

Presumably, they had already prepared war mobilization work.

The army was stationed outside the castle, and the lords went to the meeting hall alone to discuss how to deal with Lin En.

This time, Lian Lin En's four wives also participated.

They all took off their normal clothes and put on wartime armor.

Lin En was a little surprised by this.

Because he had never thought of letting his wives go to the battlefield, he added Weapons and armor will not be prepared for them.

But now,

Julia and Liya are wearing female knight-style bright gold armor.

Astrid is wearing silver light armor with a fiery red cloak behind her.

Hill Wei has a consistent style. She wears light leather armor.

Each one has her own unique style.

Rather than saying that they have become reliable warriors now, it is better to say that they are the most eye-catching scenery in the meeting hall.

Although Lin They tried to dissuade her many times.

But this time the wives firmly stated that they would fight side by side with their husbands to defend against foreign enemies.

Earl Norton greatly praised Julia's behavior. He never thought that his weak daughter would also wear armor. One day.

Lin En's wives were all excited and proud, but there was no look of fear in their eyes.

The wives felt that as long as they stayed with Lin En, there was nothing worth fearing.

Lin En smiled and shook his head, and asked someone to bring it map

"Fitch now assembled an army of 120,000 men and came from the southern road.

It was expected that we would reach the Mons border in five days, and my idea was to gather all our forces and march to the plains of Neuss.

There he confronted the enemy and refused to allow them to enter the Mons area.

" Everyone was shocked after hearing Linn's plan.

Sir Lewis immediately suggested:"Lord Linn, our number is only one-third of theirs.

Shouldn't it be safer to stay in the castle?" Lynn explained:"Once this happens, we will be completely passive.

Once Fitch besieged him, he refused to attack.

Trapped our main force in the castle.

He can freely send other armies to capture your territory and burn, kill and loot everywhere.

Even if we could withstand the castle, we would be left with a lifeless wasteland in the end.

I don't want this result.

" Forest

���Several locations are marked on the map.

These locations are strategic locations on the Mons border and are easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Lin En arranged different orders for everyone.

The originally small army was split into three parts, each guarding three key locations.

Although this will once again disperse the originally small military strength.

But they can take care of each other multiple times.

Avoid being sieged alone.

Sir Lewis fell silent.

Although he admired Linn for being so calm and proactive at such a time.

But such behavior is too risky.

Although war does not depend on numbers to determine victory.

However, the side with more people always has a greater chance of winning.

I don’t know if Linn can create another miracle this time. Lewis was uneasy.

At this time, a familiar and beautiful figure also came to the hall.

When they saw clearly that the person coming was Diana.

Even more surprised

"Miss Diana, why are you here too?"Norton immediately paid tribute to her.

After talking with several people, he learned that it turned out that Diana already knew that the murderer of her father was Fitch, and this time she chose to join Lynn's side.

In order to hide her whereabouts, Lynn deliberately did not Inform others of the news.

After Diana expressed her gratitude to the nobles who supported her, she turned to Linn and asked:

"Do you think those lords have received the letter? Will they support my mother?"

Seeing that the war was approaching.

There was no news from those letters that were sent, no one took any action, and no reply was even received.

So much so that Diana was a little doubtful whether her letters were successfully delivered.

But Lynn did not Worrying about this matter, his cape team has been tested.

And Linn is not naive enough to think that a letter is enough to shake the position of those nobles.

Judging from the current situation,

Fitch's side has an absolute advantage. The superior side.

Even if the old Duke was really killed by him, no one would dare to easily turn the tables and fight back.

What's more, their family members are still controlled by Fitch.

That's why Linn prepared an extra special letter before.

He doesn't expect these people to help him, just a little cooperation from them is enough.

Even so. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I'm afraid he has to show his strength on the battlefield first and issue an order. Only a result that satisfies everyone can make these people make up their minds.

One day later,

Linn's army also set off from the castle in a mighty manner and headed for the designated location.

Along the way, he discovered that many enemy scouts were already active in the Mons area..

Most of them were killed by crossbowmen.

But there were also many cunning guys who cleverly evaded pursuit.

Linn found that there were many centaur warriors among them, and their speed was astonishing.

It must not take long, The news that the Cassar family took the initiative will also reach Fitch's ears.

"At least this time the opponent will be more interesting than Gordon. Lin En smiled and said to the people around him:

"He knew how to use scouts, and his spies were everywhere.

This was probably not Master Fitch's idea. It seemed that he had an excellent commander by his side."

In order to secretly arrange his winning weapon,

Linn asked Sylvie's cloak team to be responsible for chasing the scouts. He also asked Astrid to be responsible for the position layout of the Hell Howling Trebuchet.

She has experience and knows how to use these things. Son.

As long as Fitch's army comes within range of truth,

Lynn will show his hospitality without reservation.


Ser Mormont was worried now.

He was disturbed by the strange atmosphere of the recent military meetings.

When I just set off from Tusk.

These noble lords are always enthusiastic and responsive.

And now.

These people seem to be hiding all kinds of secrets in their hearts.

They no longer put forward useful opinions at the meeting, or even simply kept silent, becoming more and more silent.

Although Ser Mormont didn't know what happened to these people.

But he was sure it wasn't a good sign.

Mormont mentioned this to Fitch several times.

But the new Duke didn't take it to heart at all.

"They just wanted to win so badly, Ser Mormont. Now we are about to reach Mons.

Maybe even without taking action, Lin En would open the city gate and surrender.

What do you expect these nobles to say? My army has the upper hand."

Fitch is always overly optimistic about the outcome of the war.

He is also always too arrogant and contemptuous.

Mormont knows that this kind of mentality is definitely a fatal mistake for a commander.

But Fitch has long been unable to listen to him.

He relied on his numerical superiority and various powerful foreigners to serve as reinforcements.

No matter from any aspect, this war indeed seemed to have no suspense.

Sir Mormont could understand Fitch's mentality, but he still I feel that such an attitude is really undesirable.

Before the result is announced, any accident may happen at any time.

Especially when the opponent is Lynn.

When Fitch's army arrived at the border of the Mons region, he held the last military meeting before the war. meeting.

Dozens of nobles wearing armor appeared in the commander's camp at the same time.

Their gorgeous armors were inlaid with family crests of different patterns. Fitch, who already felt that victory was within easy reach, still couldn't find the slightest bit of weakness in him. Traces.

He was high-spirited and his face was red.

"Everyone rested where they were, and two days later we launched an attack on Linn's army!"

The Duke's idea was very simple and crude.

Since Lin En gave up guarding the castle, it just saved him a lot of trouble.

Those nobles who originally supported the Walter family naturally responded immediately, saying that they would do so without reservation. Contribute their own strength.

But other part of the nobles were unusually silent at this time.

They obeyed Fitch's orders on the surface, but did not say a word other than that.

They knew that such a military operation was too hasty and unreasonable, but They acted as if they were unaware.

Ser Mormont felt more and more strange.

He stepped forward and expressed his opinion:"Your Majesty, perhaps we should send a small team to harass.

Attack tentatively first to find the weak points of Linn's defense. It's also a good idea to give our people a little more rest time."

Mormont knew that his proposal would not be liked by anyone.

After all, they all now feel that they have a chance to win.

They can't wait to launch an attack overnight.

His proposal is tantamount to spoiling everyone's interest and delaying them from harvesting the near future. The fruits of victory in front of them.

Sure enough, the nobles of the main war faction immediately took possession of it: 220

"Ser Mormont, as you are, you should know that you are not qualified to decide how this battle should be fought.

You just need to command the army for Duke Fitch."

"That's right! With our current military strength, why do we need to go to such trouble? In my opinion, Lynn's entire army is full of weaknesses.

As soon as he engages in battle, his mob will be frightened and flee! Fitch stopped their noise:"Ser Mormont is an experienced commander, and his opinions are never wrong."

But this time, I think you are too careful. Of course, I will approve your suggestion.

But I must insist on attacking in two days. I don't want to waste too much time here."

Ser Mormont readily accepted.

In this way, he could at least get to know his opponent first and avoid hastily accepting the challenge.


Sir Lewis, along with Eden, was assigned to Linn's left flank.

The night in the military tent was very lively, with soldiers stewing meat around the fire.

The smell of meat is everywhere in the camp.

The morale of the soldiers was high. They gathered together and expressed their tension and excitement before the war with noise and singing.

If not there would be bloodshed and fighting soon.

Sir Lewis quite liked nights like this, like a banquet.

In order to relieve his uneasiness, he chatted with young Sir Aiden again and again.

"Ser Aiden, are you afraid of giants? I heard they can easily knock a Silver Knight to death with one stick.

With a body as small as yours, they could crush you to pieces with their bare hands. asked Sir Lewis

"giant? Just a stupid guy. I'm not afraid."Sir Eden's face was filled with the desire for war.

"I would like to meet them! The thought of being able to fight alongside Mr. Lin really makes me feel extremely honored!"

Since seeing Lynn's victory in the arena, Sir Aiden has regarded Lynn as his idol.

He also has unimaginable expectations for this war.

Aiden is eager to serve in the Casar family Fighting under the flag.

But Lewis on the side couldn't help shaking his head:"You are really an ignorant young man.

I'm afraid in a few days, whenever you see blood, you will be reminded of the horrors of the battlefield.

Of course, the premise is that you can survive this battlefield���"

"I'm not worried at all. Sir Lewis, don't you still believe that Lord Lyn can lead us to victory?"

Sir Lewis sighed.

He held the whetstone and polished his sword over and over again.

Until the sword was shining with light at night, he made quick decisions without stopping. It's not that he didn't believe Lin En.

But he didn't believe that he had such good luck.

The two were chatting when the sentry in the camp blew the horn.

Sir Aiden stood up suddenly:"Are there enemies?!

Lewis's heart tightened even more:"It won't be so unlucky, right?" They actually came to us overnight?

Hurry and send someone to ask for help from Mr. Lin En! We definitely can't hold it together!".

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