Lord Highlander

Chapter 1000 986. Hunting

The blond girl in the river quickly spotted the lord army approaching her. She shook off her long wet hair, splashed about in the waist-deep river, and ran towards the other side of the river in panic.

The gleaming weapon and the dark armor stepped into the river, and the splashing water was like a wall of water.

The blonde girl's heart was beating wildly, and she ran with all her might in the cool water.

The soldiers of the lord army had already made preparations. The soldier captain let the two soldiers sneak across the river valley from the shallow water area in advance, and they had already landed on the beach at this time.

These heavily armored warriors are clumsy in the river, but swifter on the shore.

Although she knew that Aphrodite was nearby, the blond girl still felt almost desperate panic in her heart. She was panting violently, her heart ready to jump out of her throat like a wild horse running wild.

The blonde girl was about to run to the bank of the river, and when she saw the soldiers of the Lord Army rushing from the beach, she immediately turned around and jumped into the river. She planned to go down the river and break through the encirclement of the Lord Army.

But at this time, a soldier of the lord army had already jumped from the bank and threw her into the river.

The blonde girl struggled to stand up in the icy river, and there were already two soldiers of the Lord's Army standing beside them holding long swords.

If these lords hadn't been staring at the blonde girl's full breasts, they might have discovered the life-and-death hatred in the girl's eyes.

A soldier of the lord's army put the long sword in his hand on the shoulder of the blonde girl. The blonde girl stood in the river and did not dare to move. At the same time, she lowered her eyelids and her body was trembling. Only to find that there was not much fabric at all.

Two Lord Army soldiers escorted her to the river bank and kicked her down on the sand.

The warrior captain led a group of warriors from the opposite bank, stepped on the soft sand, and looked closely at the blonde girl.

The blonde girl is not very beautiful, but she is dressed so coolly by the river in this remote valley, and her figure is above the passing line. She is very attractive to these lords who have been drilling in the mountains for almost two weeks. .

The soldiers all looked very excited, and some even jumped into the river excitedly, preparing to wash first.

But everyone knew the rules in the barracks, everyone was waiting for the soldier captain to come first, so the soldiers looked at the captain.

The captain stood in front of the blonde girl, examining her with haughty eyes.

In the jungle not far from the river bank, a magic signal bomb suddenly flew into the sky. The dark red light bomb dragged a long tail in the sky, and finally fell slowly into the valley.

"Who the hell dares to call the magician at this time, because I think I don't have enough audience?"

The warrior captain turned his head and looked over, just in time to see the signal flare rising into the sky, his scarred face was fierce, he put down the blonde girl furiously, and rushed into the forest with his long sword in hand, a group of soldiers rushed into the forest follow.

A warrior guards the blonde by the river.

These lord army soldiers searched around in the forest, but unfortunately found nothing.

"Captain, do you think it is the brother squad that is ruining our good deeds?" A soldier of the Lord Army asked the soldier captain.

The warrior captain cut off a branch of a big tree with a long sword, and said fiercely: "If I let me know who did it, I will kick him..."

With that said, he gave up the search work near the jungle and turned back to the river.

The soldier guarding Goldilocks stepped aside immediately.

The warrior captain came over and handed the long sword in his hand to the cronies beside him, took off the heavy helmet with the mask on his head, and untied the leather belt on the waist of the heavy armor with one hand.

Goldilocks sat on the sand, and she felt that her ribs might have been broken by the warrior's kick.

The warrior captain unbuttoned the buckle of the breastplate, but at this moment the cronies beside him leaned over and whispered in his ear:

"Captain, the Master Magician is flying over from there!"

The warrior captain suddenly threw the armor on the sand in annoyance...

"Captain, what should we say later?"

The cronies are going to lead people to stop the black magician who rushed over from the sky.

The captain of the lord's army rubbed his forehead, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and stared at the soldiers of the lord's army around him, and said to his cronies:

"Just grab a girl and send him off..."

The soldiers waiting in line suddenly asked with some reluctance: "Captain, do we really want to hand over this piece of meat?"

"Otherwise, what else can we do? Do you want people to report to the regiment leader that we sent out magic flares to play tricks on him for no reason? Now in the legion, our relationship with these black magicians is already very tense... Do you think the board is falling, Will Captain Keller hit us, or those magician nobles?" said the leader of the lord's army angrily.

He bent down to pick up the breastplate from the sand, and put the helmet back on his head. His irritability had gradually subsided, and he heard him say: "I want to find a woman, in the tavern in Banks Town, ten silver coins You can find a wine girl, isn't it better than this... He is here, so don't talk, I will deal with him!"

A group of Lord Army soldiers quickly dispersed, pretending to be vigilant around.

The warrior captain lifted the mask on his helmet, rubbed his face vigorously, and forced himself to smile.

A black mage rode a magic scorpion and circled over the river valley, but didn't find any enemy. When he saw the pair of Lord Army soldiers obediently waiting by the river, he lowered his flight altitude and approached these Lord Army soldiers.

"It was the signal flare you sent just now?" The black mage flew over the captain of the lord army soldier and asked with a displeased face.

The magic horn hovered in mid-air, and the warrior captain tried his best to raise his head, but he could only see the soles of his shoes and the floating magic circle lit up on the magic horn.

The warrior captain of the lord army nodded quickly, and said to the black magician: "Master magician, we found a rebel near here..."

"Why did you tell me when you found a rebel? Wouldn't you kill him..."

Before the black mage could finish speaking, the captain of the lord's army stepped aside, revealing the blonde girl on the beach by the river.

There was a look of surprise on the displeased face of the black magician. He looked around suspiciously again, and saw the soldiers of the Lord Army guarding around. It seemed that this river valley was still safe, so he slowly retracted his palms to transport magic.

The energy of the floating magic circle gradually weakened, and the black mage slowly landed by the river on his magic scorpion.

He stood and squinted his eyes, staring at the blonde girl, slowly shaving the stubble on his chin with his left hand, and said intriguingly, "This is the rebel army you found? It really is very suspicious!"

He walked towards the blonde girl leeringly. The black magic robe didn't bring him much dignity, and he wanted to kill a black crow that spread its wings and jumped on the ground.

His eyes were like poisonous snakes, and he put his hand around the blond's chin, and the black magician lifted her head up.

With eyes full of hatred, the blonde girl sneered at the black magician, and said in a voice that only the black magician could hear: "Do you know how long I have been standing in the river waiting for you?"

The black magician looked at the blonde girl in surprise, not understanding why she said such a sentence out of nowhere.

An inexplicable panic rushed from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, and a strong urge to urinate welled up from the lower abdomen.

His magic handle was still floating not far away, and before he had time to run back, he reached out and took out a scroll of magic shield from his magic pouch, and with a short incantation sound, a golden translucent eggshell covered him.

At this moment, a huge eyeball floated out of the river, floating in the air little by little amidst a burst of dizzying incantations.

Before anyone else could react, a circle of black mist suddenly spread out the moment the spell stopped.

'Sleeping Cloud'

The black mage in the magic shield was the first to bear the impact of the black mist in his terrified eyes. He barely had time to take out the sobriety pendant in his pocket, and fell straight on the beach as if he was asleep. superior.

The other soldiers of the Lord Army also fell to the ground one after another.

The river water just below the huge eyeball suddenly swelled high, and Aphrodite stood up from the river, walked ashore wet all over, came to the side of the blonde girl, and woke her up from her sleep.

She patted her face lightly and whispered in her ear, "Hey, wake up!"

The blond girl opened her eyes in confusion and looked around. The memory slowly filled her mind. She sat up suddenly from the sand and looked around.

Aphrodite stuffed a dagger into her hand, and said, "Now it's your turn to realize your wish!"

The blonde girl clenched the sharp dagger tightly. She tremblingly walked to the side of the black mage, squatted beside him, and lifted his jaw with one hand so that his bulging Adam's apple was exposed, and pressed the sharp black dagger hard. go up.

She closed her eyes, and when the blade cut into the throat, it was like cutting a sausage at home. The dagger was so sharp that it touched the cervical vertebrae before she could exert any force...

"Hurry up, I plan to change the location and do it again, wait until the river will not be so cold!"

When Aphrodite said this, she was seriously studying a magic handle in front of her.

Although it is called the magic handle by all magicians, its appearance does not seem to have anything to do with the handle. The magic handle is mainly divided into three parts, the steering handle for controlling the direction, and the saddle with the magic spar , a magical levitating device as a power source.

The blond girl was tearing down her cheeks, but she bit her lip to keep herself from crying, and took the dagger to cut off the heads of other Lord Army soldiers.

Aphrodite rummaged through the belongings of the black mage again. The magic pouch was tied around her waist, and she tore off his black robe and threw it to the blonde girl, saying to her, "Put it on, this kind of robe From a quality standpoint, it’s pretty good.”

The blond girl found a good dagger from the corpses of these lord army soldiers and tied it to her thigh, and jumped on her back with a thin-bladed long sword, and then followed Aphrodite out of the river valley quickly.


A magic flare broke through the sky, drawing an exaggerated arc in the sky.

Jude rode on the magic handle and flew over in the direction guided by the magic flare.

He bought this magic stick in the year he graduated from the Bena City Magic Academy. At that time, he could get the high allowance from the magic union for magicians every month, and because he lived and boarded at the academy. , The money is basically not spent, so when I graduated, I actually saved enough money to buy a magic stick that costs as much as 80 magic spar.

He still remembers the white roses on the balcony of the Academy of Magic, the olive branches that the Bena nobles who attended their graduation ceremony handed over to young people like them, and the sexy and beautiful noble ladies at the ball.

After the young magicians graduate from the Magic Academy, some of them will choose to join an adventure group to experience all over the world. They seek to break through themselves on the road of experience, and some will choose to join professional unions, such as alchemy, inscription, Enchanting, gem processing, potions, astrologers, etc., these magicians will become richer, and some will join the law enforcement team of the magic union and become a part of defending the honor of magic.

But Jude chose a completely different path that year, he chose to join the Black Arts Priory.

Since then, Jude has never received a magic subsidy, and has been studying black magic day and night, but now, at most, he can use the summoning magic circle to summon two double-headed hellhounds.

The wind in the sky hurt his cheek.

Suddenly, an open valley appeared in front of the valley. This low-lying open land was full of small puddles and lush aquatic plants.

On both sides of the open land were cliffs tens of meters high. When Jude flew over the cliffs, he looked down on purpose. The bare cliffs were covered with messy rocks, and occasionally there were some small bushes.

Jude finally saw the squad of soldiers who sent the magic signal. They were gathered together in a low-lying swamp against a cliff. There was a two-meter-high stone platform where more than a dozen soldiers of the Lord Army crowded together. On the stone platform and below the stone platform are dozens of giant swamp crocodiles.

Jude flew across the valley, and the soldiers of the Lord Army desperately waved to Jude.

'These bloody idiots! ’ Jude cursed in his heart, but he had to fly over to deal with such trouble.

The soldiers of the Lord's Army in the swamp saw a black mage flying over on a magic scorpion, and cheered almost at the same time.


Samira was lying on the cliff, her back covered with a camouflage made of vines and thorns. In order to keep this layer of camouflaged green leaves longer, she even sprinkled some water on it to make it look more emerald green.

She lay on the rocks at the top of the mountain and waited quietly for the whole morning. The rebel fighters in the valley had to throw some fresh meat at the crocodiles in the waterhole every quarter of an hour to keep them willing to gather around the rocks.

The weather was extremely hot, and the soldiers were all crowded together, and they were all wearing the heavy armor of the Lord's Army, like tin cans, like pies in a fryer.

The fourth magic flare flew into the sky. Samira felt that if this magic flare could not attract the black magician, then the hunt would come here first.

Just when the last bit of her patience was about to run out, a black magician finally flew towards the wind.

The black magic robe fluttered violently in the wind, and Samira couldn't control her hand to grab the Skystrike Bow. After waiting for so long...it's still here!

She licked her dry lips and stuffed a green apple into her mouth. Just as the black mage flew over the cliff on a magic scorpion, turned around and dived to the bottom of the valley, the black mage Hold a big fireball in your hand...


a little closer, a little closer...

Samira also stood up from the boulder on the top of the mountain, and detonated a magic spar on the bow arm on the boulder. Surrounded by countless arcs and wind blades, a phantom of a great elf Windrunner appeared on the top of the mountain, and two rays of light Yaichi flew out from the top of the mountain one after the other, and flew towards the black mage who swooped down holding the big fireball.

Jude looked at the flying arrow with a look of horror, never thinking that it would be a trap.

He desperately raised the tiller of the magic horn, and was about to fly into the sky again. A light arrow full of electric arcs shot into Jude's chest, and the electric arcs spread all over his body in an instant, making him feel numb all over.

The next moment, a beam of lightning fell from the sky and struck Jude precisely.

With a loud bang, a huge fireball appeared in midair.

The whole person became burnt in mid-air, and the magic scorpion handle was instantly smashed into pieces, and fell into the swamp one after another.

This huge earthquake also frightened the group of crocodiles in the swamp to flee in all directions.

It was hard to find so many giant swamp crocodiles. In the past, they didn't have such sophisticated weapons, so it was difficult to deal with them. Now that the rebels were wearing the sophisticated heavy armor captured from the lord's army, they naturally no longer feared these crocodiles.

Naturally, they wanted to take this opportunity to kill two more. They also heard that they could exchange some unexpected good things with the two-headed ogre with the crocodile meat, such as a few silver coins...

Samira stood on the cliff, looking at the vast forest in front of her, eating the green apple slowly.

The light red eyes looked towards the distant sky.

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