Lord Highlander

Chapter 1011 997. Target: Blue Lined Horse

The forest was filled with damp water vapor, and some hellhounds were walking through the forest with black smoke all over their bodies.

Thousands of hellhounds emerged from Black Crow Ridge in just one night, and the small animals in the entire mountain were almost wiped out. No animal could escape the slaughter of hellhounds.

Every hellhound is accompanied by a demon servant. They actually eat raw meat and drink animal blood with the hellhound.

They gasped very heavily, like beasts, staring at their blood-red eyes, which were full of hatred.

Except for some birds and insects in the mountains, almost all other living things were eaten by the hell dogs within two or three days.

And their stomachs seem to never be full, no matter how much they eat, their appetites are still very strong.

As soon as the Hellhound came out of the mountains, Suldak, under the guidance of local resistance fighters, led the army to a mountain depression on the north slope, which was relatively remote.

Constructed swordsmen guarded the entrances at both ends of the col, and it was considered safe for the time being.

A hellhound had already touched this side, but before it could retreat, it was beheaded by a swordsman hidden in the dark with a sword, and the demon servant died with it.

According to the instructions of the great swordsman Quintus, the construction swordsman chopped off the head of the hellhound, tore off a leaf like a fan, and threw the bloody head on it.

There was a rustling sound from the woods inside the mountain depression, and a group of constructed swordsmen came out of it.

"Thanks for your hard work, my friends, now our team will switch defenses, you can go to rest, oh, remember to bring back the heads of these hellhounds, the commander of the heavy armored infantry regiment seems to be particularly interested in this thing. "The Captain of Constructed Swordsman stood up and said.

The Constructed Swordsman team who had already begun to wipe the blood on the sword cheered immediately. The captain here asked the Swordsman Captain who had just come over to change defense: "Jesse, do you know what we will arrange tomorrow?"

The captain of the swordsman had already climbed up the horizontal branch of the big tree. At this time, he turned his head and said: "Our whole group will fully cooperate with the hell dogs in the mountains of the magicians of the law enforcement group."

The captain of the swordsman who hastily packed up the loot and cleaned the battlefield said, "To be honest, there are really a lot of these demon servants..."

Then he asked again: "Has the magician sent to the north to inquire about the news not come back yet?"

"It's definitely impossible to come back so soon," said the swordsman on the tree.

The battlefield in the glade is in a mess, filled with the breath of demon blood,

A constructed swordsman beheaded the last hellhound. He cut off the heads of all hellhounds with the long sword in his hand, and put the heads of these hellhounds into linen bags. The thick purple blood flowed The bottom of the bag dripped onto the ground.

The other constructed swordsmen dragged the corpses of the demon servants and hellhounds into the pit under the big tree and covered them with a thin layer of sand.

The strength of this kind of hell dog is close to that of a second-level monster. It takes several ordinary infantry soldiers to defeat one. Only these constructed swordsmen can single-handedly fight the hell dog.

I don't know how many were killed...

Those demon servants with magic patterns on their faces have already left a shadow in the hearts of the swordsmen who constructed them. When they are about to die, their ugly faces will always reveal pain, hatred, cunning, relief, etc. And other complex expressions.

Occasionally, a group of magicians flew over in the sky, but in the last few battles, the black magicians suffered a lot, and they didn't dare to fly to this forest.

I heard that the half-elf female archer was also injured. She was blown away by a ball of fire and shot in the shoulder by a shadow arrow...

At that time, the swordsmen who formed the swordsman regiment also participated in the battle. When they hurried to the rescue, they realized how charming the opponent's face was under the black veil. The aura of the human girl, especially those eyes are still light red, just looking at this face, no matter what, she would not think that she is a second-turn eagle eye.

The number of black mages who died at her hands could not be counted on one hand.

Constructing the swordsman squad into the col.


Samira was sitting next to a big tree, leaning against the trunk. A piece of skin was scratched on her forehead. Siya was using hydrotherapy to treat her. The hair that had already grown a little was cut short by her. Broken hair, and a burn on the back of her neck.

The shoulders of the 'Magic Snake's Fang' magic pattern structure on his body were also burned a lot.

The magic pattern on it has become extremely dim, and the attribute increase of the shoulder structure has become very weak.

"Hey, how did you make yourself like this this time?" Xi Ya asked Samira.

Her shoulders were wrapped in bandages just inside the leather armor, and it looked like she was not seriously injured.

During the casting of hydrotherapy, the subject will feel special pain, Samira frowned, and then said to Siya: "I saw their captain, that must be their head, only he can fly The fastest, and the magic is released quickly, but unfortunately the arrow didn't kill him, and he ran away."

"I mean... what magic did you not dodge?" Xi Ya knew how fast Samira was in the jungle, just like a cheetah.

"I don't know, I just feel a green skull popping out of his chest, and some black thorns suddenly grow under my feet, entangled me to death, I can't even run, fortunately, this set of magic patterns is not bad, If I didn't wear this, I think the upper body would be burnt." Samira rolled her eyes, this little injury is really nothing to her, her arm was about to be shot when she shot an arrow, so she just wrapped it with cloth strips Just keep fighting.

Suldak walked out of the tent with the heads of two stinking hellhounds in his hand, and said to Samira: "Master Harper said that was 'death entanglement', if you can survive this time, tell me Your strength has nothing to do, you are lucky!"

It is rare for him to be so angry, with such a stinking face that Samira and Siya are afraid to speak.

"Remember to be more careful next time." Suerdak said again before leaving in a hurry.

Seeing that Suldak was walking away, Xi Ya patted her chest and exhaled lightly.


Samira wrinkled her straight nose and made a face towards Suldak's back...


Surdak has been busy lately.

The lord army has been expanding the camps on the front line, and has not sent infantry soldiers to search the mountains.

Recently, there are hellhounds all over the mountains and plains, and black magicians are constantly flying around in the air. The great swordsman Quintus led the constructed swordsmen and divided them into several combat teams to hunt and kill hellhounds all over the mountains and plains. Take to the sky and start chasing each other in the air with the black mages.

Generally speaking, the magicians of the law enforcement team have a certain advantage, especially there is a second-turn eagle eye hidden in the mountains here.

As long as the black mage flies within Samira's range, it's hard to get out unscathed.

The black magicians on the opposite side will also set up various traps. Some magicians and construction swordsmen are accidentally injured, and Suldak has to take care of them.

Following this, Lord McDonnell's army built a camp with log walls in the rainforest below the mountain, and opened up a straight forest road in just one week, and the other end of the road was connected to the town of Bansko.

On the day the forest road was opened, the heavy cavalry regiment of the Third Army entered the camp...


Suldak and others also stood on the high Black Crow Ridge opposite the camp, and saw with their own eyes nearly a thousand cavalry trotting along the forest road, followed by a large convoy of supplies.

According to preliminary estimates, there are nearly 10,000 infantry regiments in this camp, and now nearly a thousand cavalry have moved in, and the entire camp seems overcrowded.

Seeing the slightly familiar forest road, Suldak remembered that when he was in the forest camp in Handanal County, the fifty-seventh heavy armored infantry regiment was also tasked with opening up a forest road, in order to allow the Benar heavy cavalry regiment and Reloaded catapults can enter Moyun Ridge.

But in the end, these troops fell in pieces under the fierce counterattack of the evil spirits, which eventually led to the failure of the Battle of Moyunling.

It's been so long, those tragic scenes are still lingering in Suldak's mind.

yes! How could it be forgotten.

"Growa's stupid approach really makes me feel a little familiar..." Suldak whispered in his mouth.

"What?" The great swordsman Quintus stood beside him, unable to hear what he said.

Archmage Harper looked at the young man in front of him, and really wanted to know what kind of unique charm he relied on to gather so many second-rank powerhouses.

Even an earl lord may not be able to make the second-rank powerhouse follow willingly...

Suldak wiped his face vigorously with his hands, and then said: "It's nothing, starting tomorrow, our small army will be retreating steadily, only to lose, not to win, we are going to lead their cavalry all the way to the Black Crow At the end of the ridge, there happens to be three rivers converging here, and their war horses will be just for display."

The great swordsman Quintus looked surprised. He didn't expect Suldak to have such a big appetite that he wanted to eat the heavy cavalry on the opposite side.

"Are you taking a fancy to someone else's horse?" Quintas the Great Swordsman couldn't help asking.

"The blue-scaled horse, of course! I've wanted this kind of horse for a long time!" Suldak said bluntly.

"Although I have never been in contact with the heavy cavalry of the Third Legion, I am very familiar with the heavy cavalry of Lord MacDonnell's First Legion. On the battlefield of Tarapagan, none of us constructed swordsmen could face it head-on. fighting..."

Quintas Great Swordsman made an extremely positive evaluation of these heavy cavalry.

Suldak was a little speechless, of course he knew that foot combat is what swordsmen are good at...

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