Lord Highlander

Chapter 1015: 1001. Bansko Town

When Suldak assembled his army in Bansko Town, the rebels hiding in the surrounding mountains also emerged one after another and joined Suldak's heavy armored infantry regiment.

In just three days, Suldak assembled 10,000 heavy armored infantry outside the town of Bansko.

If the rebel army attacked towns in the past, the scale of 10,000 people is not too much, but the weapons and equipment of the heavy armored infantry regiment of Suldak are already quite luxurious. Everyone can't wait to wrap their teeth in armor...

At the moment, in Bansko Town, there are only less than 3,000 people from the Third Army, and there are nearly 1,000 city guards.

There is a very simple city wall on the outskirts of Bansko Town. The height of the city wall is only four meters, and there is no way to stand on the city wall. There are only arrow towers every ten meters to house the guards. There is no moat outside the city wall.

The construction of the city wall here was only to prevent the wild beasts in the mountains from invading, and did not even consider such things as war chaos.

The entire Ganbu plane is not that big. This is the territory of the McDonnell family, and the people have also moved from other territories of the MacDonnell family.

At the beginning, Duke Newman agreed to set up the portal of the Ganbu plane in Ruyt City, because the plane really didn't have too many resources, and it can only be said that the climate is pleasant and suitable for living...

So no one thought that Lord MacDonnell would actually want to move his family to the Ganbu plane and break away from the control of the province of Bena.

Suldak waited outside Bansko Town for three days until the Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment set up an offensive posture outside the city, and the Constructed Swordsman Corps also appeared on the battlefield of the siege. Flying up and down.

The defenders of Bansko finally decided to leave the city and surrender. Suldak took over the town of Bansko smoothly without losing a single soldier, and also received 4,000 surrendered troops.

Among the 4,000 troops, there are 1,000 guards from the city defense brigade, and the other 3,000 are soldiers from the Third Army, including 2,000 light cavalry and 1,000 infantry. The rest of the cavalry heard the news of the defeat of Commander Grova, The town of Bansko was evacuated early.

When Suldak's heavy armored infantry took over Bansko Town and entered the city with a team of cavalry, the residents of the town also ran out to welcome them.

It can be seen that the rebels in the team are very familiar with the people in the town.

Especially Ned Mosby, Suldak saw more than one girl holding flowers and waving to him...

Siya and Samira rode side by side behind Suldak on a blue-scaled horse. Gulitum and Naohuaer walked forward while chatting. The cavalry who entered the city came directly to the town hall in the center of the town. .


Compared with the excited civilians, the nobles in Bansko Town couldn't laugh anymore.

But it was these people who really made the decision to surrender... without them agitating and lobbying the city defense army and the remnants of the Third Army, it is estimated that Suldak would inevitably have to carry out a brutal siege battle.

Although Suldak won the battle of Kempera, this does not mean how weak the third army's combat effectiveness is.

In fact, Suldak still fully recognized the combat effectiveness of the elite troops of the Third Army.

The town hall of Bansko Town is far more magnificent than the town hall of Dodan Town, and there is also a special memory hall. In the center of the semicircular hall is a tall podium surrounded by steps The shaped auditorium, wooden tables and chairs are some old furniture, full of quaint atmosphere.

Parts of the Code of Nobility and the Code of Territory are engraved on the surrounding walls, and the emblem of the Green Empire and the emblem of the MacDonnell family hang high above the hall.

Suldak called all the nobles in the town together, and everyone sat in the auditorium with some anxiety.

Suldak walked into the conference hall with Samira and Siya, and boarded the podium alone.

Standing in the center of the podium, Suldak stood upright. He wore a noble badge on his chest and a delicate magic pattern on his body, looking very heroic.

"Let me introduce myself to everyone, Suldak, the Independent Cavalry Battalion of the Luthor Legion."

Suldak spoke the first sentence.

All the noble lords were both surprised and stunned. It turned out that Lord Beina's army had entered the Ganbu plane!

For a while, the scene was a little commotion...

Suldak waved his hand, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Then, Suldak went on to say:

"Now in the House of Representatives, the Bena Army has appointed me to the Ganbu plane, mainly to eliminate the McDonnell family. This plane has been recognized by the House of Representatives as an openable territory."

"Everyone here, on behalf of the military department of Bena Province, I accept your surrender application."

"Later, I will ask the clerks to re-register based on your territory certificates. For the nobles who did not participate in this meeting, the territory under their name will be regarded as the territory opened up by war. I don't care what their reasons are. "

Just after saying this, the conference hall suddenly exploded.

All the nobles and lords are secretly thankful. Fortunately, this meeting has the courage to attend, otherwise the family property that I have worked so hard to build on the Ganbu plane will be confiscated...

Suldak paused, his eyes scanned all the nobles in the entire conference hall, and said:

"In fact, I don't even want you to surrender!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed instantly.

Suldak still kept a faint smile on his face, and said bluntly:

"War is the harvest for me. If you don't surrender, I will attack here. According to the land distribution law of the Grimm Empire, this is my territory. The residents of the small town will become the residents of my territory. You Either die in battle, or surrender, and of course you can leave early, I hope you choose the third option."

"But now, you have saved me a lot of unnecessary trouble. According to the laws of the Lords of the Green Empire, I should ensure that your territory will not be affected in the next war."

Hearing what Suldak said, the nobles breathed a sigh of relief. Those nobles in the conference hall who had no territory were secretly anxious. It would be great if they could have a piece of land for such a good opportunity...

Suldak continued:

"Also, I'm here to reiterate that, according to the decree issued by the House of Representatives, the lands of the Resistance Army before this will be recognized."

"Next, I will continue to recover large areas of land in the north of the Ganbu plane..."

Suldak convened all the nobles in the town, mainly to read the decision of the Bena military department, and to show the local nobles that he came from the Bena province, and to recognize the situation at hand...

During this period, the nobles were terrified, but fortunately, Suldak did not act excessively.

Many noble lords secretly rejoiced that they actually ran over to participate in this noble lord meeting...


The magic union in Bansko Town has become a temporary stronghold for black magicians.

The Great Swordsman Quintus and the Archmage Harper walked into the magic tower of the town together. The black magic had already evacuated Bansko Town in advance. They evacuated ahead of time, and the entire magic tower was in a mess, with scraps of paper everywhere.

Some of the glass windows were open, a gust of wind blew in, the curtains fluttered with the wind, and the pieces of paper on the ground were rolled up like fallen leaves and fell down again.

There was no one in the magic tower, only a few mad hellhounds were imprisoned in the dungeon, and there were also a few dying demon servants.

These demon servants saw a group of magicians walking in from the outside, with endless pain in their desperate eyes, they all stabbed their hearts with black magical daggers, and died on the spot, and those hell dogs in the dungeon also fell to the ground and died .

The magicians of the Magic Union have disappeared without a trace, and they have not left any clues.

Archmage Harper did not expect the situation in Bansko Town to be so bad.

For the magic union, more than a dozen magicians disappeared for no reason, which is a huge loss, not to mention there are so many books, materials, and utensil scrolls. These are the wealth of the magic union, but anything related to magic is not expensive. of.

In addition, Quintas Great Swordsman also received a report from his constructing swordsman that the prison at the guard camp was also empty, and there were no prisoners in the entire town.

The great swordsman Quintus suspected that it was the black magician who took away all the prisoners in the prison, which may have something to do with the demon servants...

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