Lord Highlander

Chapter 1017

This time there will be a group of second-turn mages arriving at the Ganbu plane.

The magicians have already sent Groval MacDonnell back to Bena City. I heard that this son of the McDonnell family is not only a peripheral member of the Black Magic Priory, but also the founder of the hellhound army. one.

This battle on the Ganbu plane completely brought Gulitum and Samira into everyone's sight.

Their performance was too dazzling, especially the half-elf archer with the blood of the elves, who was favored by the great elf windrunner and held the sky-strike bow in his hand. Case closed.

Suldak said: "If we can successfully conquer the dry cloth plane this time, we may have to go to the big battlefield when we go back."

"Is there anything delicious over there?" Gullitum always looked at problems from the perspective of a foodie.

Suldak said uncertainly: "For you, there will be some more advanced monsters, maybe it's worth tasting..."

"For me, it is some more powerful demon warriors. I need to kill some, and maybe I can exchange for some advanced weapons, or advanced magic pattern structures."

"For Samira, the ground is full of gold..."

The two-headed ogre's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly:

"This is very good. I always participate in such battles all day long. I feel that my strength is about to weaken. My dream is to be able to slay dragons, and then the name prefix has the title of dragon slayer, and I can take a bath with dragon blood and so on. of."

"Your idea is very dangerous. Do you know how much less powerful you are than a dragon?" Suldak asked Gulitum.

"Of course, it doesn't work now, but it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future..."

Gulitum said a little unconvinced.

At this time, Suldak thought of the plane of Istanbul, and he didn't know when he had the power to go to that plane.

He turned to look at the half-elf archer again.

Samira was peeling mangoes, she looked up suspiciously, and asked, "Look what I do, or can I choose not to go?"


Suldak shrugged his shoulders and said.

Samira said indifferently:

"Then...before you go, prepare some more dog heads!"

Of course, there can never be too many sacrifices like hellhound heads...


The next day, Suldak gave a speech in the central square of Bankstown, which was packed with town residents.

There are aristocrats in decent clothes, ladies with gold and silver ornaments and hats like flower baskets, businessmen in leather vests, shopkeepers, small vendors and stall owners, ordinary workers whose clothes have been washed and faded, and farmers with muddy legs ...

Everyone gathers in the square, and everyone has their own area. For example, farmers will never stand among nobles.

Everyone knows that he is the current governor and military officer of the town, and he also represents the military department of the province of Bena. It has become a resistance army. For the entire Bena province, Lord McDonnell's army is the real rebel army.

Surrounded by a group of heavy armored infantry, Surdak boarded the podium in the center of the square.

"This used to be the richest town at the southern end of the Gambo plane. Many adventurers gathered here. They came here to find the secrets hidden on the edge of the world, and at the same time brought some wealth to the town, but now... … but it has been battered by wars and gradually declined.”

"I know that everyone here is not satisfied with the current life. Maybe some people here think that all this is caused by us. If we hadn't started the war, the town would not have declined to what it is now."

"What I want to show you here is that we don't like to fight, but when our homeland is invaded by foreigners, someone has to stand up and fight for it."

"Some people will definitely say that where there are foreigners, you are a group of rebels..."

"If you really think so, I can tell you very responsibly, if we don't stand up now, there will slowly be more hellhounds here, and those demon servants who are like walking corpses are leading them, exuding blood all over their bodies. The heinous stench, passing through your front garden."

"If you don't stop them, they will hurt more people. Maybe it's not you now, but it's hard to guarantee that you won't be the next one..."

"I believe that everyone must have a deep understanding in their recent lives."

"McDonnell didn't do anything, but they can't represent everyone, and most importantly, they have betrayed the covenant of the noble lords of Benar."

"This is our land, whoever invades us will drive them out!"

The townspeople in the square shouted:

"Get them out..."

"Get out……"

Suldak raised his hands and pressed down, calming down the agitated townspeople.

"I know that many people are very afraid of us. They are afraid that we will come here and take away what belongs to you. We are not here to suck your blood. On the contrary, we hope that the life of everyone in the town will become better and better. .”

"Our income is based on the prosperity of the town. Only when the people here are rich can we gain more."

"I just came here, and there are many decisions that have not been announced. Of course, I am also worried about explaining these things. Someone will misinterpret my meaning, so I want to announce it here first..."

"The tax plan of Bansko Town for this year, one sentence is: all transactions are tax-free!"

When these words were spoken, there was an uproar in the square.

Everyone can't understand, without taxation, how can the town hall survive, or is there no need for the town hall at all?

Suldak waited for the scene to be a little quieter, and then said: "In addition, all farmers engaged in farming in the small town will receive corresponding financial subsidies according to the area of ​​​​the cultivated land."

"The town supports the opening of shops and workshops. The free market is not only tax-free, but also booth fees and sanitation fees."

"In addition, people in the town without any income will receive a monthly minimum living allowance, and this money will be directly allocated to the welfare homes and shelters in the town."

Unexpectedly, further financial subsidies will be implemented, which has never happened in Bansko Town.

Surdak looked at the doubtful crowd around him, and slowly explained:

"Many people will have doubts. If this is implemented, what will the town's financial income be used to maintain, and the civil servants in the town will not have enough to eat. Will this place become a chaotic place where management is abandoned... "

"My answer is simple: no."

"First of all, the town will publicly sell a large part of the unowned land. The arrears obtained from the sale of these lands will maintain the normal operation of the town. I believe that such days will not last long. This kind of cheap land, It can only be bought now... Of course, according to the laws of the empire, land transactions are limited to nobles!"

After saying this, Suldak hurried to the military camp outside the town with Samira and Siya.


A large amount of materials were seized from the Third Army, and the cleanup has been completed. In the next few days, there will be merit statistics. Recently, fighters from the Resistance Army have joined the Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment one after another.

There are more and more people in the legion, and there are some troubles in management.

Suldak rushed back to deal with several incidents of barracks theft. These resistance fighters did not have enough knowledge of military discipline.

At this time, it is always necessary to hold the big stick in the left hand and the sweet dates in the right hand.

Regarding the problem of theft in the army, Samira dealt with it more severely.

No matter what the resistance army usually says or does in the barracks, she doesn't care too much. Even if they are lazy in training, it doesn't matter. Everyone on the battlefield has only one life, and she doesn't cherish it, so she counts on others?

But if someone moved something in the barracks, it was of a different nature.

The supplies in the barracks now belong to Viscount Suldak.

Even if it's a grain of wheat that fell out of the grain bag, that's it!

Samira, who has been accustomed to living a hard life since she was a child, has an excessive attachment to money, and no one can touch the property that belongs to... Lord Viscount Suldak.

Those who stretched out their hands chopped their hands, and those who dared to take their belongings out of the barracks... nailed them to the wooden shelves outside the barracks.

Not far from the barracks is a mass grave.

It was originally a pine forest, and the townspeople often used the wood there to make wooden coffins. Over time, the hill became bare. In order to replant some pine trees, the town hall encouraged the townspeople to bury their dead relatives there. And a pine tree was planted in front of the tomb, which was not part of the family cemetery, and there was no cemetery to manage it, so it gradually became a mass grave.

Some condemned prisoners in the town will also be buried there, and some heinous ones simply hung on wooden crosses to die, instead of burying them, they just hang them on wooden shelves and let them rot. Crows and vultures are frequent visitors to mass graves.

Now these red-eyed crows and bald-headed eagles landed on the wooden shelf outside the barracks from time to time...

They don't eat fresh meat either, just squatting on the wooden frame, staring at the blood-red eyes and waiting for the tortured soldiers on the wooden frame to die.

The expectation of death in their eyes will drive the soldiers who are nailed to the wooden frame to go crazy. The soldiers can even think of their miserable appearance of being gutted and being eaten by a group of crows.

Originally, before the theft, there was still a merit value in the barracks account.

But now, just stealing a shield and selling it to the weapon shop in the town, what he has to suffer...not only the confiscation of merit points, but also the loss of half his life.

In such a hot summer, sweat and tears flowed down the face, gathered at the chin, and fell drop by drop into the soil.

All the soldiers in the barracks will pass by the cross when they leave the camp.

Some acquaintances looked embarrassed, and they didn't even know whether to say a word of comfort, or someone simply came up and said: 'You...you are so confused! '

There are crows laughing and laughing, that feeling is simply life is worse than death...

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