Lord Highlander

Chapter 1032 1018. Occupying Mukuso

A large number of heavy armored infantry soldiers rushed into Mukuso City, and the gate of the city was crowded.

The nobles discovered that it was the rebels who rushed into Mukuso City. The nobles who were planning to leave the city immediately turned the coachmen around and fled back to the manor.

They have long heard in the city of Mucuso that the rebel army has two completely different policies towards the nobles. The noble lords who are willing to actively cooperate will retain their land and private property, while those who are unwilling to cooperate will have their territories will become public property.

Now they follow Adler McDonnell to escape from Mukuso City, maybe their land will be gone...

The entry of Suldak's army into the city of Mukuso, for these nobles, seemed to have seen a ray of hope in despair.

Seeing a large number of fresh troops continuously entering Mukuso, they represent the Bena Allied Forces. If the portal can be reopened, even if Mukuso City cannot be defended, everyone can retreat to Roland Continent.

When the McDonnell family controlled Mukuso City, they did not dare to have such thoughts in their hearts. At that time, the MacDonnell family had an army of 100,000 on the Ganbu plane.

And this rebel army was still huddled in the mountains a month ago, with nothing...

Who knew that in just over a month, Mukusuo was successfully captured.

Successive defeats have seriously shrunk the MacDonnell family's huge army. The most important McDonnell family has fled Mucuso.

Of course, the nobles in the city would not stand up against the rebels at such a time. Not only would they not choose to resist, but some nimble nobles would immediately send their followers to the city wall to defend the city.

Only when everyone works together to defend Mukuso and completely escape from the shadow of the McDonnell family can we continue to live on this plane...


Suldak led the team to enter Mukuso City first, and immediately ordered Ned Mossby to lead the first, seventh, fifteenth, and sixteenth heavy armored infantry regiments to the four walls of the city, and guard the city together with the city guards. city.

He asked Mosby to avoid conflicts with the city defenders as much as possible. If these conflict with the heavy armored infantry regiment, let them fight against the cavemen alone at the top of the city.

Now Ned Mosby is the deputy commander of the heavy infantry regiment. Hearing Suldak's arrangement, he immediately called the commanders of the four infantry regiments and led the infantry soldiers to the city wall.

These heavy armored infantry climbed to the top of the city, and without saying hello, they held up their shields and began to hack and kill those crypt men who had just climbed up the city wall.

The main thing is that there is no way for everyone to say hello. The two sides are still in hostile forces, but the current pressure on the city defense is too great. Even with the support of the mage group, many sections of the city wall can no longer be defended.

After a large number of cavemen climbed the city wall, they jumped into the city from the city wall like a large group of ducks descending the river...

Knowing that the infantry soldiers who came to support him were rebels, but watching him chop down the crypt man who climbed up to the top of the city with a knife, and rescued his companions from the crypt man, these city guards couldn't stab them behind them. knife.

Seeing a lot of cave people climbing up the city wall, I can't control so many, so let's kill the cave people first.

At this time, soldiers wearing full-coverage armor can show their advantages. These cavemen only have rusty iron knives, claws and teeth to attack. They belong to the lowest cannon fodder in the demon army. His status is not even comparable to that of a Hellhound, and there is nothing he can do about the full armor.

When the heavy armored infantry soldiers were outside the city, they almost all faced hell dogs chasing the refugees. Soldiers cooperate with spear fighters to kill those hellhounds.

But on the ramparts, facing the Crypt Man is easier.

Samira rushed to the south side of the city with nearly a thousand archers. The archers lined up on the city wall and shot arrows to support the retreat of the constructed swordsmen below the city.

The great swordsman Quintus beheaded two double-headed hell dogs, and under the cover of the Constructed Swordsman Group, the last one entered Mukuso City.

At this time, the nobles in the magic caravan outside the city also ran back to the city crying, and as the great swordsman Quintus entered the city, an iron fence fell with the sound of chain friction. Come, block the cavemen pouring in from outside the city.

At this time, the Legion of Hell finally formed a siege on Mukusuo City in the south of the city.


From a distance, I could see that the city wall section in the southwest corner had been completely lost. Countless crypt men rushed up the city wall. Relying on their strength, they climbed up the city wall and followed the city wall to the south and east, expanding the occupied city wall section. Some cryptmen jumped straight into the city.

They jumped over the walls and alleys, and entered the houses.

These low-level demons from the hell world like to eat flesh and blood, and almost none of the city defense fighters in the southwest corner were spared.

Although several magicians in the sky kept throwing fireballs, trying their best to curb the spread of the cave people to other city wall areas, but these cave people were not afraid of death, and the gap in the occupied city wall became wider and wider.

The Fifteenth Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment responsible for guarding the western city wall and the First Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment responsible for guarding the southern city wall have both sent their main squadrons to support them. However, the space at the top of the city wall is limited, and the Crypters are good at climbing and are not subject to narrow conditions. The battle space is limited, and the guards on the top of the city have to resist the three-sided attack of the cavemen, and it is even more difficult to regain the lost city defense.

After the Great Swordsman Quintus entered the city, he rushed to the southwest corner of Mukusuo City with the Constructed Swordsman Group without any hesitation.

The city guards on the south wall continued to be defeated. The crypt man who attacked the south wall was a burly man with a row of sharp bone spurs growing from his back, long bone knives on his elbows and knees, and his body was covered with thick hard armor. Piece of Crypt Warriors.

I don't know how many people it ate along the way, and thick blood scabs formed all over its body.

The guard captain of the city defense on the opposite side was forced to retreat steadily by this crypt man, and the crypt men who rushed up from both sides kept pulling the city defense guards to the bottom of the city.

Seeing that the lost city defense section expanded from more than a dozen meters to more than a hundred meters, countless crypt men jumped into the city, and the fighting will of the city defense guards almost completely collapsed. They saw a group of heavy armored infantry ascending the top of the city along the narrow steps. These heavy armored infantry fighters put their shields on their backs and protected the spear fighters in the center, and when they entered the battlefield, they immediately withstood the attack of the cavemen.

There is also a group of heavy armored infantry under the city besieging and killing the cavemen who broke through the city.

As balls of fire exploded from the top of the city, the heavy armored infantry soldiers were desperately injured and wanted to take back the city defense section.

The cave warrior was pierced with several blood holes by Paglio's spear, but he was still unmatched in bravery, throwing several shield warriors to the ground one after another.

The guards of the city watched the shield fighters of the rebel army fall down the city one after another, and they were still holding on to the city wall, and they were a little dumbfounded for a while.

The originally chaotic situation in the city has stabilized.

However, it was the constructed swordsmen who really repelled these crypt men. I saw the lines of magic lines lit up on their magic pattern structures. The swordsmen rushed into the crowd of crypts with their big swords. , the limbs of the people in the cave fell off one after another, but those big swords always burst into a mass of sword light.

These swordsmen rely on the strong defense of the magic pattern to construct, and many times they simply ignore the attacks of the cavemen.

A group of hell dogs climbed up this section of the city wall, and the great swordsman Quintus jumped high on the top of the city. Behind him appeared the phantom of Bena Swordsman holding a huge sword. The shadow standing on the city wall gradually solidified, and the big sword in Xuying's hand glowed with a faint golden light.

Suddenly, the phantom of Swordsman Benar moved, he raised the giant sword in his hand, and merged with the great swordsman Quintus who was jumping in mid-air, just below the great swordsman Quintus The moment he swung the sword, Xu Ying's golden sword also fell.

The fierce wind almost knocked the city guards on the top of the city down, and the shield warriors were also resisting the strong wind...

And the golden giant sword cut forward more than 20 meters along the city wall, and all the cavemen on the city wall were chopped to pieces by the giant sword.

With the full blow of the second-rank great swordsman, the constructed swordsmen accelerated rapidly and occupied more city walls forward, followed by a group of shield warriors.

The southwest corner of the city wall was finally taken back bit by bit under the desperate fight of the construction swordsmen.

The magicians in the sky immediately dispersed to support other places.

The Great Swordsman Quintas immediately rushed to the next battlefield with the constructed swordsman group, and some swordsmen stayed on the city wall here. The city guards took the time to clean up the city wall full of corpses. The corpses of the cavemen decompose very quickly, and once the stench is emitted, no one can bear it.

As more and more heavily armored infantry fighters joined the clean-up operation, the cooperation between the infantry fighters and the city guards became more and more tacit.

The Constructed Swordsmen were divided into eight combat squadrons by the Great Swordsman Quintus. They will support wherever the battle is fierce, and their division of labor is very clear. There will be absolutely no overlapping support. Su The blessing effect of the 'Divine Blessed Body' that Erdak helped them bless was reflected.

Constructed swordsmen only need to rest for a short quarter of an hour, and their physical strength can be recovered to seven or eighty-eight.

This kind of high-intensity fighting is of great benefit to the swordsmen's promotion and understanding.

Thousands of Crypters were also mixed into the city, and it was in chaos for a while, but Suerdak could only allocate a part of his troops to deal with these Crypters for the time being. He led the heavy armored infantry to quickly occupy the central square of Mukuso, There is an abandoned portal in this plaza.

There are still two infantry squadrons guarding the abandoned portal on the square, but they also heard that Adler MacDonald fled Mukuso with his family, and they saw Suldak with a team of heavy armor The infantry rushed into the square and dropped their weapons one after another to declare their surrender.

The Avid magician who was following in the team looked at a huge stone ruin in the center of the square, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while.

He climbed onto a huge rock in the ruins and looked around. Fortunately, the foundation of the stone formation was still well preserved, but everything else was gone...

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