Lord Highlander

Chapter 1036

On the surrounding walls, the sound of fighting could still be faintly heard.

On the streets in the early morning, there were tense-looking residents everywhere, and everyone was whispering about the battle last night.

The news about Lord MacDonnell's overnight escape seems to have spread throughout the streets and alleys of the city. Many people became desperate and resentful. The noble lords cursed all over.

Some people also mentioned that a group of idiots actually ran into the city last night. Instead of going south at this time, they actually ran into the city...

Keane refused the temporary accommodation that the captain gave him, walked down the city wall to the well, took two buckets of water to wash off the blood on his body, and then dragged his exhausted body to his home. His family lived in Newman No. 97 Main Street, not too far from the city wall.

He was still wearing the armor of the city defense army, but it was stained with blood and looked a little invisible. The small round shield on his arm was full of cracks, and the craftsman's epee was hanging on his waist.

Thanks to my outstanding arm strength, I was able to have such an epee when I was training, but now the effect is highlighted when defending the city.

Against these cavemen, the craftsman's epee is far better than the knight's longsword.

The citizens still respect Kean, a city guard who is willing to fight bloody battles on the city wall.

On the way home, Keane felt a lot of admiring gazes, but he was a little exhausted, and at this moment he just wanted to lie on the wooden bed at home and have a good sleep.

When passing by a cold drink shop, the owner of the cold drink shop who complained to his neighbors about the McDonnell family, Mr. Adler, saw Keen passing by, and brought out a glass of red bean smoothie from the shop without saying a word, and handed it to him. Keane looked tired.

"Hurry up and eat, it won't taste good if the ice melts! Today I'm treating you..." The owner of the cold drink shop followed Keane and said enthusiastically.

Keane took the glass of red bean smoothie indifferently, brought it to his mouth and smelled it, the sweet smell made him unable to resist licking his lips.

"That's great, thank you for your generosity!" Keane responded.

It doesn't cost money to say good things, so he won't be stingy to say a few words.

But he was not willing to eat it, and he was going home soon, so he brought this cup of red bean smoothie to his son.

A few days ago, he was clamoring for food, but Keane never agreed to buy it for him. It’s not that Sean didn’t have that spare cash in his hand, he was just used to saving money, and he planned to send his son to War College when he was older. That would require a large tuition fee.

Holding a cup full of red bean smoothie, Sean felt that he should walk faster.

The street was very quiet, and no one came out to talk about the McDonnell family on this street. Keane was a little puzzled.

Then he thought of his family, so he quickened his pace and walked home.

Seeing a trace of blood on the street, he felt a little bad, and his footsteps were getting faster and faster. Just as he was about to rush home, a woman screamed from the neighbor's house, and his heart trembled suddenly, and he wanted to go home. run.

But just two steps away, he cursed angrily: "These dogs raise D devils, I..."

He put the half-melted red bean ice at the door, stretched out his foot and kicked the neighbor's courtyard door, and the door flew out with a bang. Keane rushed in with the craftsman's long sword, and saw the Neighbor Tommy was lying in a pool of blood. Tommy's wife Dora held a hoe in both hands to block the bites of the burrowers. three children.

There was Tommy's older daughter and younger son, and his own son...

Keane suddenly felt that feeling was hard to express. He didn't even know how he rushed from the courtyard gate to the courtyard. The craftsman's epee pierced through the hole on the right side of the ear without hindrance.

He couldn't remember how many cavemen he had killed like this all night last night. The gurgling blood flowed out from the blood groove of the craftsman's epee, pouring Dora all over her body.

Keane kicked the crypt man against the wall and ran over to check on Tommy's injuries.

There was nothing to see, the internal organs were pulled out from the stomach by the crypt man, and the blood flowed all over the floor.

Keane looked at Dora again, who almost frightened her into a fool, and patted her face hard.

Keane's wife and children gathered around, and as the wife began to describe the ordeal, Sean gave him a hug to calm her down.

"Are there any other cryptmen around?" Keene whispered to his wife.

The wife hurriedly turned her head away and said, "We didn't dare to go out, and we don't know what's going on outside..."

The son looked at Kean with admiration, and he suddenly felt full of strength, and he didn't feel tired at all at this time.

"I'll go check it out..." He stood up, dragged the crypt man who was emitting a foul smell, walked to the door, and dumped the crypt man's body on the street.

Turning around, I didn’t forget to bring the red bean smoothie at the door into the yard.

Keane walked to the next yard.

The owner of this yard is a tailor, and his wife is an opera singer. They earn a good income, but they look down on people...

At this time, Keane didn't care too much, he directly pushed open the fence gate of the yard, and strode in with his epee in hand.

The door of the room in the courtyard was open, and the glass windows beside it had been smashed. There were the sound of ping-pong-pong fighting and screaming women, and the people in the crypt were panting like a bellows...

Keane hurried into the room, and saw the tailor covered in blood being pressed under a crypt man, who was tearing his arm with his bloody jaws.

The severe pain caused by the wound made the tailor faint for several times...

Keane almost lunged forward, stretched out the long sword in his hand, and penetrated the caveman's body from the back of his heart.

He killed the crypt man neatly, carried the crypt man out of the house without looking back...

At this time, a knight from the guard battalion had already rushed over from the street. Seeing Keen dragging the corpse of the caveman, he rode up to him and asked Keen, "In which department do you belong?"

"City Defense Brigade Keane, go home and rest on duty..." Keane paused to answer.

The two guard battalion knights nodded, took out an iron hook from the side of the saddle, and dragged the two cave men to the street.

Battles like this are happening all over the city.

Keane's luck was not bad, and he came back in time to rescue his family from distress.

But there were also many citizens who were swallowed by the cavemen who sneaked into the city, causing many tragedies.

Keen returned home, washed off his exhaustion, and fell asleep on the wooden bed amidst the faint cries of the woman in the yard next door. He would continue to climb the city wall to take turns at night, and he needed a full rest at this time.

At dusk, Keane walked out of the house after dinner, and saw many people carrying weapons on the long street.

Converging into a long stream of people on the street, walking towards the city wall...

Add more updates to the battle song of the leader's glory (9/10)

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