Lord Highlander

Chapter 1042: Battle

There are two commanders in the Flame Legion that has captured most of the Ganbu plane, and they both belong to the king of the race.

A crypt lord stronger than a two-headed ogre rules all the crypt groups on the Ganbu plane, and a three-headed hellhound leads all the hellhound groups. Possessing primary intelligence, they are well-deserved kings in their respective groups.

In the past few days, the three hellhounds and the crypt lords have been sitting outside the city of Mucuso.

In fact, this time the crypt men dug hundreds of burrows and rushed into the city of Mukuso. It was an engineering operation planned by the crypt lord Dogens, and at the same time, Basa Muller, the king of hellhounds, was also required to cooperate. .

It's a pity that this operation not only failed, but also led to a red dragon to massacre the crypt people. In addition, none of the crypt people who attacked Mukuso city survived. This time, the crypt people suffered heavy losses.

In contrast, the Hellhound group was only responsible for storming the city walls, and did not invest too many troops, so the losses were limited.

Hundreds of cryptmen gathered around a huge crypt lord, as big as a mature catfish, or a giant catfish with blind eyes and pus-covered skin, its limbs shriveled like matchsticks Same.

He was lying on a black stone slab. This huge stone slab was carried on the shoulders of more than fifty cave warriors. No matter where he went, there were hundreds of cave men surrounded.

On the opposite side of it, a three-headed hellhound with lava bubbles coming out from time to time is lying on a boulder. The three heads show three different expressions. transmitted from the head.

They went through the Devil's Gate and came to the Ganbu plane through untold hardships, and signed an agreement with the black magician.

As long as they occupy the entire plane, they can develop and grow the group as they like, which will be of great benefit to the caveman group and the hellhound group.

The head in the middle of the three hellhounds said hoarsely: "What are those black mages dawdling about? Didn't they promise that they would arrive in Mukuso in a week or so?"

Those bright red pupils were filled with blood...

The crypt lord Dogens panted heavily, and said angrily: "The main reason why you failed to capture Mukuso City this time is that you didn't send more two-headed vicious dogs to the battlefield. You have to Taking a big part of the blame, those black mages are not trustworthy, everyone knows that."

His voice was so loud that it was as if he had a mouthful of phlegm in his throat when he spoke.

Then the crypt lord complained again: "If it weren't for your hesitation, I'm afraid Mukuso has already taken down by now."

The head on the left side of the three hellhound Basa Muller opened his sleepy eyes, and said: "What responsibility are we talking about at this time, man, the two of us are an inseparable whole now, and only by attacking Mukuso together can we have a better future." Almost captured this city. Complete the important task entrusted to us by the adults, your Crypt Clan brood is so strong, there is nothing to complain about the death of a few clansmen."

The crypt lord Dogens said reluctantly:

"You hell dogs are not bad at fertility, why don't you want to die?"

The head on the right side of the three hellhounds opened the icy rock, and the surrounding temperature dropped several degrees. It asked the crypt lord coldly, "Are you blaming our brothers?"

Seeing that a quarrel was about to start, the head in the middle of the three hellhounds hurriedly shouted:

"Stop... don't argue, shouldn't we re-plan how to attack the city now? What problems can internal quarrels solve at this time..."

This head was clearly dominant, and the other two heads were immediately suppressed.

The crypt lord Dogens said angrily: "Their reinforcements are here, what else can we do now?"

The three hellhounds, Bassa Muller, responded: "Of course it was slowly consumed with them, and we are not afraid of death..."

"That's right!" The other two heads also took the opportunity to agree.


In the past few days, a large number of corpses have been transported out of Mucuso City every day. A mountain of corpses piled up by cryptmen and hellhounds was built outside the city. In order to prevent the outbreak of the plague, human soldiers dumped several barrels of fire on the corpse mountain. Oil, and then set fire to the mountain of corpses outside the city...

Immediately, thick smoke billowed, and the entire pile of corpses ignited a fire.

The flames that kept bursting out indicated that this pile of corpses would burn for a long time.

The entire city is still cleaning up the ruins, and many residents in the city are still looking for their lost relatives. Although the other party is probably dead, they are still unwilling to give up their last hope.

The most troublesome thing is the caves in the city. According to Suldak's request, these caves must be sealed up, and then a bag of dried wolf dung will be lit next to the caves in the downwind, so that these caves can be cleaned. No matter what the reaction is, you have to choose to blow up these holes.

As for the survivors in Mukuso City, Suldak has arranged for them to move to Ruyt City one after another.

For the time being, Mukuso has been completely turned into a military-administered area, and all surviving residents will undergo a large migration.

It is also Suldak's current priority to resettle these survivors.

There are about 5,000 heavy cavalry of the Bena coalition army who came to the Gambo plane this time, almost the most elite troops that can be found in the Bena province today.

In the past few days, these heavy cavalry took turns to go out to fight in the city, and each time they made a lot of gains. The heavy cavalry had completely opened up the Crypters near the south gate, and the battlefield here was also in an abandoned town full of wooden buildings.

Under the trampling of iron cavalry, this abandoned town has almost been flattened...

Recently, cavalry archers and heavy armored infantry regiments have also tried to fight outside the city. They all want to accumulate some achievements. I heard that Commander Suldak admitted that the achievements in the army can be exchanged for gold coins. The soldiers also hope that their commanders can implement this. Welfare.

The only thing that worried Suldak was that some cave men and hellhounds did not stop at Mukuso, but chased the refugees who fled south and continued to go south...

These crypt men are likely to bring disasters to the southern towns, but now Suldak has no time to take care of the south.

Suldak has already cleared a large battlefield in the north of the city. He also led the heavy cavalry regiment these two days, and gradually drove the low-level demons of the Flame Legion towards the large battlefield, which is very suitable for the cavalry to establish an advantage.

In the past two days, Suldak has summoned the commanders of the lord armies to the barracks almost every day to hold a combat meeting.

Actively preparing for the battle in a few days, these commanders did not expect that Suldak's deployment of the battle situation would be detailed to how each battalion should act in the battle.

Suldak even drew some arrows on the map, and each army has a different combat deployment.

This was the first time Suldak commanded a legion battle, and he wanted to take every detail into consideration.

In fact, this is impossible at all. There are too many uncertain factors. The only way to test whether this battle plan is reasonable is to try it on the battlefield.

This time Suldak mobilized 50,000 troops from Bena's allied forces, preparing to defeat the Flame Legion in one fell swoop outside the northern city.

At the same time, Great Swordsman Quintus and Great Swordsman Chester brought 1,500 Constructed Swordsmen and 30 mages into the north of the Ganbu plane.

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