Lord Highlander

Chapter 1045 1031. Seeing His Skin

As the huge body of Dognes Crypt Lord Roshan fell on the broken boulder slab, an unknown number of Crypt Warriors were crushed underneath.

It was not only the huge stone slab that collapsed, but also the confidence of hundreds of thousands of cavemen. Although the eyes of the cavemen cannot see, they are very sensitive to their surroundings. The moment the crypt lord fell to the ground, the news spread loudly. out.

You don't even need to see it, all the Crypters start running north.

After shooting a round of arrows, the archers put away their longbows and didn't shoot another arrow.

The soldiers of the heavy armored infantry regiment only surrounded the cavemen who had not had time to run, constantly tightened the shield wall, and used their spears to collect the lives of the cavemen.

The heavy cavalry regiment even returned directly from the battlefield to the back of the city gate, because after more than half a day of fighting, even these blue-scaled horses with excellent physical strength had reached their physical limits, and they had to take off their heavy armor when they came to the rear , and then scrape off the sweat of these sweaty war horses, take a short rest before drinking and feeding.

The army rushing out to hunt these crypt men is five thousand light cavalry in the legion. Each of them has an alloy bow and also wears light armor, sword and shield, but the weight of armor and weapons is strictly limited. The figure is also very well-proportioned, so that Gu Bolai can run.

Light cavalry is also called cavalry archers by the legion, but they also have certain melee capabilities.

It is most suitable for these light cavalry to chase these cavemen. Although their horses are not good at charging, they run fast and have good endurance.

The important thing is that these light cavalry have been conserving their strength behind the army formation, just to wait for the complete victory and send them to pursue them.

Tens of thousands of caveman corpses fell on the entire battlefield, and the battlefield was also turned into a piece of scorched earth, and a large area was stained with purple blood.

Start to clean up the battlefield. The hellhound’s battlefield is full of dog corpses without heads. The battlefield of the cavemen is much simpler. These cavemen have no valuables on them, including the heads of those cave warriors. For fear that some of these caveman corpses might have suspended animation, the soldiers didn't have time to examine them one by one.

Just pile up all the corpses and burn them, and only after they are burned can they be considered a complete solution.

Carloads of heads of Hellhounds were transported back to Mukuso City, and these were naturally sent to the field hospital in the inner courtyard of the city hall.

As for the crypt lord, it became the spoils of the double-headed ogre Gullitum. Dogens, who was as big as a mountain of meat, was carried to the carriage. Although Samira pierced his skull with an arrow and was struck by lightning, His whole body was scorched, and the two-headed ogre almost smashed Dognes' joints with a stick, but the crypt lord was still dying.

He didn't die immediately, not only didn't he die, but he used his own strong resilience to repair his body bit by bit.

He was lying on the carriage like a pool of rotten meat, but the blood in his body was always running on its own.

Suldak rushed back from the battlefield to the city hall's field hospital, ready to do his best to rescue the seriously injured in this battle. The heads of hellhounds had already been piled up outside the marching tent.

But before that, Suldak still felt that he should deal with the spoils of Gulitum. After all, a crypt lord is at least equivalent to a fourth-level monster, and the materials on his body must be very valuable, especially the high-grade leather. , although the color pattern resembles disgusting crocodile skin, the leather armor produced will definitely be very good.

Suldak is a skilled skinner, and he can also see the magic lines of life contained on the magic skin.

After Gulitham took Dogens, who was like a pile of rotten meat, off the carriage and fell heavily in the inner courtyard of the city hall, Suldak also blessed himself with the 'Eye of Reality', and looked at his body After some inspection, he said to the two-headed ogre with a look of astonishment, "Is he still alive?"

Gulitum was also a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Samira shot an arrow and was smashed into a lump of rotten meat by himself. The crypt lord was still tenaciously alive...

"How about I give him another stick and let him die completely before we skin him?" Gulitham said in a low voice.

He didn't want to eat Doggerns like an ooze monster, he wanted to exchange this trophy for a salamander head, which is the most delicious meat ogre has ever eaten, it tastes a bit like chicken, better than chicken be tender.

The ogre is definitely a man of action, he does what he says, grabs Dognes who has completely collapsed with one hand, and is about to hit him on the head again with the big stick in his hand.

Dogens, who was pretending to be a pile of rotten meat, immediately opened his eyes and spoke a series of demonic language to Gulitum.

Everyone can't understand, Aphrodite rarely speaks the language of demons...

Suldak signaled Gulitum to wait, turned around and walked into the marching tent, and after a while, he asked Gulitum to drag the rotten meat-like crypt lord into the tent, and Aphrodite was sitting on Sulda On the hospital bed where Ke usually treated patients, he stared at the crypt lord with disdain.

"Just because of this guy, you interrupted my nap?" Aphrodite questioned Suldak, yawning.

"He seems to have something to say..." Suldak looked at Dogens and said to Aphrodite.

Dogens looked at Aphrodite in shock, and quickly spoke a series of demonic words to her.

Aphrodite didn't even look at him, and responded a few words casually.

The crypt lord collapsed into a pile of rotten flesh again.

"What did he say?" Suldak hurriedly approached Aphrodite and asked.

"He said his name was Dogens, the lord of the Crypters, and he wanted to redeem his life." Aphrodite replied lazily.

"That's great, but you responded without asking me, so how did you tell him?" Suldak asked curiously.

Aphrodite glanced at Suldak speechlessly, and responded, "Of course I'm telling the truth, I said you've taken a fancy to his skin."


Suldak suddenly found himself completely speechless.

It is true that this crypt lord has a very good earth-type life magic pattern, with a very powerful breath, far better than other life magic patterns that Suldak has seen.

And he revealed that there is a very large magic core, which is very likely to produce high-level magic spar...

So Suldak was not going to treat him as a prisoner.

When Gulitum heard what Aphrodite said, he didn't hesitate any longer, and hit the crypt lord on the head again.

Suldak saw that the inner courtyard was already lined up with wounded soldiers waiting for treatment. Xi Ya and the water magician had already prepared the seriously wounded ones waiting to be treated, and they were just waiting to be carried into the tent for treatment.

He quickly used the "Eye of Reality" to peel off a whole piece of leather from the crypt lord Dogens, and put it in a magic sealing box. Sure enough, he found a coconut-sized magic core in his skull.

And Gullitum got his wish as he got a piece of fresh salamander ribs, and happily prepared to light a fire in the square opposite the city hall, grill the steak and eat it.

Before leaving, he did not forget to drag away the pile of rotten meat left by Doggerns.

Suldak began to treat the wounded soldiers a series of times. Since he harvested a lot of hellhound heads this time, his methods became simple and crude, and the blessing of God from the "Divine Blessed Body" was blessed on the wounded soldiers. , as long as the injury is not too serious, and the wound is properly stitched, basically you will not die...

The water magician who treated the wounded with Siya quietly said to Siya: "I have seen a high-ranking priest in the temple treat the believers of the Statue of Liberty before, and it seems that there is no Lord Suldak. So efficient..."

Xi Ya pursed her lips and whispered, "Maybe he is also a battle priest of a certain temple. You probably haven't seen him in battle... There is an angel behind him protecting him."

The water magician widened his eyes and said in an exaggerated tone: "I heard that he also met a red dragon..."

When Xi Ya heard this, she pouted her mouth and suddenly thought sullenly:

‘Is it because of this...that you don’t like Naga? '

Adding a new meow to the sea 1 silver lord (1/90)

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