Lord Highlander

Chapter 1047: 1033. Divide the Cake

When Suldak led the heavy armored infantry regiment to reach Ganmonapia Mountain, the vanguard had already built a large temporary camp at the foot of the mountain. This mountain range almost traverses the northerly east of the Ganbu plane. area.

If you want to get to Mucuso City from the north, unless you choose to climb over the densely forested mountains, you have to detour from the west side of Ganmonapia Mountain.

And detouring from here, the towns of Avaru and Tongalo are considered to be the only places leading to the town of Mukuso.

A tall marching tent was built in the barracks. When Suldak walked into the big tent, he discovered that there were actually eight magic chandeliers hanging inside. The tent was crowded with commanders of thirteen lord legions. The moment Dark opened the curtain, he rushed into Suldak's head with a 'buzz'.

It felt like the fat cook at the market who saved a penny for a cabbage and the stingy vendor abusing each other over an argument.

When Suldak opened the curtain and walked in, everyone's eyes were focused on Suldak, and there was a sudden silence in the marching tent for three seconds, and then the commanders were like a group of stinky flies, 'Hula' Get around.

Suldak, Samira, and Siya were almost squeezed out of the marching tent.

Suldak quickly stretched out his hand to stop the commanders who rushed up, and asked with a look of surprise: "Commanders, who can tell what happened?"

At this time, the commander of the Collins Legion closest to Suldak said to Suldak first:

"Commander Suldak, the Collins Legion is willing to recover the town of Avaru..."

Suldak knew the commanders of the Collins Legion very well, mainly because they all knew the Grand Knight of Trollope.

A tall commander behind him immediately put his hand on the shoulder of Commander Collins, and shouted loudly: "The heavy cavalry and light cavalry of the Collins family took advantage of it last time. One chance for the German Legion!"

The sound almost pierced through the roof of the marching tent.

The commander of the Collins Legion looked contemptuously at the commander of the Mende Legion:

"Avaru Town is a big town, and there must not be too few hell demons stationed in it. I don't mean to discriminate against the Mende Legion at all. I just want to remind everyone that it is not an easy bone to gnaw."

The commander of the Mende Legion obviously lacked confidence, he was at a loss for words for a while, and didn't know what to say.

Later, the commander of the Collins Corps said: "Compared to the town of Avaru, I think the town of Tongaro, 50 kilometers to the north, is relatively easier."

The young commander of Owen's Legion came up behind him, put his arm around the shoulders of the Mende Legion commander, and said to Suldak:

"This time the Mende Legion will join forces with the Owen Legion in Constantinople. I think with the strength of our two legions, we should have a chance to eat the town of Avaru."

It was only at this time that Suldak realized that these legion commanders wanted to grab meat and bones from the plate from now on.

He pushed away the commanders who stood in front of him, walked to the wall where the map was hung in the marching tent, calmed down with these few steps, and then turned around and said to the commanders in the marching tent:

"Tomorrow morning at the latest, the light cavalry who went there to investigate will come back, and then we will know what is going on in Avaru Town and how many demon troops there are. I hope you all want to attack Avaru Town The commanders must have a specific combat plan."

Surdak looked around and paused.

After the commanders who were whispering shut up, he said again:

"It will not be decided tonight which legion will capture Avaru Town. Which legion wants to go to Avaru Town, you might as well say it. Of course, you can also think about it for another night."

Hearing what Suldak said, the commanders of the various lord armies began to whisper again.

Suldak stopped again, and waited for the surrounding voices to subside before saying:

"Look at the specific situation over there tomorrow morning. Although I am the commander of the Ganbu Plane War, I am willing to listen to your opinions. If everyone has the same idea and wants to attack Avaru Town, then it will be up to you." Lady Luck will decide who goes to Avaru Town."

The commanders of the lord armies did not expect Suldak to make such a decision, but they managed to calm down the chaos temporarily.

Then the commanders of the lord army left the marching tent in twos and threes, and began to prepare to unite some powerful allies to fight for the main attack right in Avaru Town.

Master Harper sat in the corner, and waited for the commanders to leave before laughing at Suldak:

"Your method is quite simple. Aren't you afraid that the legion attacking the town of Avaru will be eaten up by the hell demons over there?"

Suldak shook his head and said:

"After all, they are some low-level demons. No matter how badly they fight, I believe they are capable of retreating without any problems."

Surdak faced the map, pointed to several intersections on the map, and explained to Archmage Harper:

"In addition, when they attack the town of Avaru, I will ask the other legions of the coalition to intercept around the town of Avaru. Some troops can be deployed here...here."

Master Harper regained his spirit and said:

"If you make a wedding dress for someone like this, will other legion commanders be willing?"

Suldak ended with a smile:

"Of course, when the legion participating in the Battle of Avaru Town encounters other small towns next time, they will not have the priority to choose. When they meet other small towns, they will do the same thing to help other lord legions recover these towns. small town."

Suldak scratched his forehead and said to Archmage Harper:

"I hope this time the land in the north can be drawn fairly and justly. Of course, it is impossible to divide this cake equally among all the participants in the battle. Those who are capable, courageous, and lucky will of course share a little more. On the contrary, those who are unwilling to contribute and only willing to wave the flag can only drink some soup."

Master Harper laughed and praised:

"Splitting the cake like this... seems to be very interesting."


The next morning, according to the information brought back by the light cavalry scouts who came back overnight from Avaru Town, there were at least 100,000 low-level demons entrenched in Avaru Town, and the commanders of the lord army stood in the camp and looked at each other , had to reconsider the plan he made to attack Avaru last night.

In the marching tent, Suldak introduced the plan of the coalition forces to attack various small towns, which was unanimously approved by the commanders of the various lord armies.

Subsequently, the Collins Army won the main attack right in Avaru Town.

In addition, there are seven lord armies responsible for blocking other intersections in the town to prevent these low-level demons from fleeing to other places.

And Suldak led the remaining Bena coalition forces to continue towards the town of Tongaro, 50 kilometers away to the north...

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